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Investing for her future: Why women should take control of their finances

Change is often said to be the only constant – and change is necessary to thrive.

Yet, despite the evolving landscape of opportunities for wealth accumulation, many women are hesitant to engage in investing. The reasons are multifaceted, but one prevalent factor is the tendency to prioritise short-term financial obligations over long-term wealth-building strategies.

For most women, investing does not even top one’s mind. Studies by popular financial brands like Fidelity have shown that women often prioritise other financial responsibilities over investing, such as saving for a luxurious wedding, children’s education or managing household expenses.

This begs the question: Shouldn’t women reconsider their financial priorities, especially when it comes to extravagant weddings, which might be categorised as Giffen goods?

In economic terms, a Giffen good defies the conventional law of demand by exhibiting increased demand as its price rises. In the context of weddings, the societal pressure and cultural expectations surrounding such events often lead individuals to overspend, sometimes at the expense of more prudent financial decisions. This phenomenon is particularly pertinent for women, who are often saddled with the bulk of wedding planning and associated expenses.

Also Read: Invest in women, accelerate progress: Why gender equality matters now more than ever

However, it is crucial to challenge this status quo and shift the narrative towards empowering women through investment. Instead of channelling excessive funds into a single-day wedding celebration, women can redirect those resources towards building lasting wealth through investment vehicles like Exchange-Traded Funds.

ETFs offer a straightforward entry point into investing, requiring minimal initial capital and offering diversified exposure to various asset classes. By starting with an ETF, women can overcome the psychological barriers associated with investing and gradually develop confidence in navigating more complex investment strategies.

Moreover, investing in ETFs aligns with financial independence and long-term security principles. Rather than viewing investment as a daunting task reserved for financial experts, women should perceive it as a means of securing their financial future and achieving greater autonomy over their resources.

Furthermore, embracing investment opportunities enables women to transcend traditional gender roles and assert their financial prowess. In a society where women still face systemic barriers to economic empowerment, taking control of one’s financial destiny is an act of defiance and liberation.

In conclusion, the reluctance of women to invest stems from a combination of societal norms, cultural expectations, and perceived financial priorities. However, by challenging these norms and embracing investment opportunities, women can unlock a path towards greater economic freedom and empowerment.

Let’s redefine our priorities, shifting from extravagant wedding parties to prudent wealth-building strategies. After all, true empowerment comes from financial independence and the ability to shape our destiny.

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Why the right framework creates impactful apps

What makes a mobile application impactful? In our opinion, any digital product makes the most impact on someone’s life when it responds to their real-life needs. Yet, as the demands of our worlds are constantly changing, so too do people’s expectations of what a mobile application should do for them.

Often, apps tethered to legacy frameworks and outdated UI development approaches can find it difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving consumer market. Therefore, mobile app providers might need to adapt to mobile development toolkits that have greater capabilities.

While this leap to a new framework might seem daunting at first, this article explores why it can be worth making that change.

Why migrate to a new framework

Creating a modern, user-friendly UI can be difficult with an outdated framework. Seemingly simple tasks become complex processes, and it can be very time-consuming to implement complex UI or add modern features like fancy animations, shade or glance effects, QR code scanners, or any other functionality.

Furthermore, once you start attempting to update features, you start to discover conflicts. Elements of your app start to crash, and you end up having to rewrite the code and restructure the architecture.

On the other hand, with a modern toolkit like Jetpack Compose, you are able to create one component for a screen that becomes much more reusable for future features. You can have several parameters adapted to several screens, eliminating the need to repeat the same code.

Swapping over to a new framework makes scaling and adapting your product much easier, as your developers can avoid wasting time rewriting each component added over time. With old frameworks like XML views, you may have to create each individual XML file.

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Overall, this saves valuable time and resources when adding new features and updating your app. Most importantly, your user gets a more beautiful, user-friendly interface.

Case studies

Grab and Disney+ are among many world-leading brands that use Jetpack Compose to reduce code and produce smooth, beautiful apps, while requiring even less people to work on developing and maintaining them. This enables engineers to do excellent work, and can increase development speed by up to three times.

Several other household names use this framework to develop their apps, including Zepeto, Dropbox, Airbnb, Lyft, Clue, and X.

Why are some companies reluctant to upgrade their frameworks?

Moving on from your old framework can take significant rewriting of the mobile app’s code, which can be time consuming at first. Moreover, migrating from familiar XML views to Jetpack Compose can be intimidating for developers without experience using a new Android toolkit. It can feel safer to stick with what you know.

However, making the migration will – in the long run – make the entire app development process simpler, as features will take less time to implement and won’t each require an individual rewrite.

Best practices to start with Jetpack Compose

Cross-team communication is key for ensuring that your app development starts off on the right path and remains so. This is especially important for mobile apps with multiple features. Having proper alignment at the beginning is crucial to a successful migration. This means everyone involved in creating this digital product, from your business analysts to UX designers to developers, must be on the same page.

Spending more time in the beginning to organise architecture and components will save you a lot of time and headaches later on.

A design style guide is a vital tool for alignment. Define typefaces and organise colours, fonts, and other basic components you plan to use for your mobile app. Set standardised names for each component in your style guide.

These key steps ensure clear communication between everyone working on your mobile app, including your internal software team and outsourced developers, for the entire lifespan of your app. Once you set up standardised definitions, your developers and designers won’t have to cross-check.

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This may sound like common sense, but you would be surprised how many projects don’t have things organised from the beginning, with the expectation that things can always be aligned later on. However, the faster your app grows new features, the harder it will be to ensure consistency across development.

The next step to migrate to Jetpack Compose is to create generic, reusable components based on your style guide. This step requires some commitment of resources but saves a huge amount of time later on. Always be sure to follow official Google guidelines on building scalable components, and ensure your team is following the same naming conventions. Having a single source of typefaces, colours, fonts, and components is crucial, as your entire team must re-use it for all future work.

Choose continuous maintenance over rushing migration

As the user base for your digital product grows, you may want to add new features to your mobile application. However, due to the exponential evolution of technology, your framework might not always be up-to-date with the demands of adding these features.

If you only upgrade your framework when you urgently need a new function or app feature, you will inevitably cause unnecessary delays, with seemingly small changes eating up weeks of valuable time. To make matters worse, rushing to migrate will increase your team’s stress levels. Plus, it is always more expensive to perform a framework rehaul than it is to consistently maintain your application’s framework.

Just like how successful business analysts keep an eye on market trends, you should iteratively update and improve your framework with new versions. You can devote as little as one hour to checking if your application framework is still compiling.

This is the best way for your mobile app to release a feature while its functionality is still relevant to your users, ensuring that you make the maximum impact on the market.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Mobile cafe startup Jago raises US$6M to deliver affordable coffee across Jakarta

Jago, an Indonesia-based mobile cafe startup, has secured a US$6 million Series A round of funding led by Intudo Ventures and BEENEXT Accelerate.

ORZON Ventures and D Global Ventures also participated.

With new funding, Jago aims to expand its service, establish additional depots, and launch more carts while enhancing its technology stack.

Currently covering seven per cent of Jakarta, the firm plans to extend its reach to 50 per cent of the city by 2024, using geospatial machine learning models for strategic expansion. The company intends to increase depots from three to 15 and carts from 300 to 1,500, investing in cart hardware upgrades, innovate around demand forecasting and supply routing, and improve depot hardware to streamline operations for greater cost efficiency

Launched in June 2020, Jago is a hyperlocal mobile café company utilising technology to bring fresh beverages to Indonesian consumers. With a fleet of fully-electric mobile cafés and professionally-trained baristas called Jagoans, Jago serves neighbourhoods to quickly prepare and deliver fresh beverages within minutes.

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Jago utilises a tech setup to streamline operations, empower baristas, and foster customer loyalty. Employing centralised depots, they produce and package coffee, manage inventory, and forecast supply and demand. Baristas access the Jagoan App for sales optimisation, mobile checkout, and training modules. Customers use the Jago App to locate nearby baristas, place orders, and access loyalty perks.

Existing coffee chains often exceed many consumers’ budgets, creating a gap in Indonesia’s market for affordable quality coffee. Jago targets low-to-middle-income consumers, particularly in blue-collar and Gen Z categories, with beverages starting at IDR 8,000 (US$0.50) per cup, addressing the needs of underserved consumers.

By meeting mass consumer demand and leveraging its technology stack, Jago claims to have achieved steady profitability across consecutive quarters and experienced a growth of over 13 times in 2023.

“This funding is not just a financial boost — it’s a vote of confidence in our vision and team. It empowers us to bring Jago’s unique coffee experience to more communities and to innovate further, ensuring that every cup we serve reinforces the connection between quality and accessibility,” said Yoshua Tanu, Co-Founder and CEO of Jago.

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Image credit: Jago Coffee

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Supporting grieving colleagues: Navigating compassionately in the workplace

Every human experiences grief in their context—yet, workplace culture is often unwelcoming of it. Being inhospitable to people suffering from complex, profound loss.

Regardless of the cause for bereavement, societal pressure and stigma cause more problems for those in grief, according to a study by the University of Oxford.

The death taboo, as they call it, is still widely talked about in society. The amount of literature on it is vast; many studies have discussed how it has changed over the years but it still stays as a phenomenon, plaguing society, diffusing into the workplace.

At Google, Laszlo Bock decided to make a change in 2011. “If the unthinkable happened, the surviving partner should immediately receive the value of all the Googler’s unvested stock,” said Bock in his book, Work Rules!.

For the next ten years, the survivor will receive 50 per cent of the Googler’s salary. “There’s no benefit to Google,” added Bock, “But it’s important to the company to help our families through this horrific if inevitable life event.”

A plethora of tactics can be applied in the workplace to manage grief. Time-off policies, sensitive leaders and open conversations will make a significant impact on employees when they are mourning.

Reality is, they are either rare or non-existent in the workplace.

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In the same vein, it is often seldom mentioned in management workshops, with the focus usually on employee engagement, retention, driving performance during positive periods.

Managers are often prepared to celebrate birthdays, give gifts when there are promotions and visit when people are ill, but when it comes to death, it is often silent and avoided. By default, bereaved employees are left alone for a few days, sparing the office from grief.

After that short period, they return to work, often accompanied by the expectations of others that they are ‘fit’ and ready to work. That damaging silence is what deprives people of support, often eroding relationships, draining working lives and removing workplaces of meaning.

While a difficult topic to broach upon, companies still need a better approach to grief. Regardless of the business results of continuing engagement and driving productivity up after mourning, there are many more obligations that manager need to fulfil.

Work-life balance is phasing out in favour of work-life blend. For many, the workplace has emerged as a primary domain where people seek to fulfil self-actualisation and self-esteem needs, apart from the socio-economic benefits.

In this new era—with many names, such as the Purpose Economy and The Fourth Industrial Evolution—the primary narrative has been shifted to fulfilment, meaning and purpose at work.

A high standard for employee engagement, it is small wonder that companies fall short at dealing with negative periods when the game of catch-up is still going on.

People often make work a pillar of their identity, but when their other support crumbles, a workplace that causes disenfranchises, them will only create more friction.

Here’s the problem: grief is stigmatised.

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When disenfranchised grief sets in, which is defined as “a loss that is not or cannot be openly acknowledged, publicly mourned, or socially supported”, the additional layer brings the employee down.

Isolation sets in, giving the illusion that they are alone when in reality, people are simply incapable of dealing with grief. It is especially salient for people in leadership roles, renowned organisations and highly competitive workplaces; they are expected to “keep it together”.

In the short term, disenfranchised grief erodes performance. When looking at the long term, it diminishes commitment and creates disloyalty—why would someone work for a company that does not support them at their lowest?

Like mentioned, most people are incapable of dealing with the grief of others. It is something that cannot be fixed. It has no expiry date. Studies have shown that grief can go reappear after intense periods of mourning, obeying its own timetable.

In Sigmund Freud’s seminal paper Mourning and Melancholia, Freud stated that grief is work for us even though it is uncontrollable. The only choice we have is to work through it without crumbling under all the distress.

How do leaders support grieving workers?

The popular interpretations of grief state that it starts and ends within five stages, according to David Kessler and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Painted as a steady march forward, studies have proven that it is a fallacy.

Psychologists argued that, in a chaotic and messy world, humans often seek to recognise patterns, in an attempt to make sense of what is occurring around them. Grief does not unfold in a neat, linear manner: it ebbs and flows, and it can reoccur even when we get momentum and return to the rhythm of life.

Kübler-Ross’s study has some merit: it is what we expect to occur during grief, and it is what we expect of ourselves. Mourning employees will experience both progressions and regressions after a loss.

Be present

When grief flares up acutely or occurs after bereavement, the best a leader can do is acknowledge the loss without making demands or requests. It is their grief to bear, and it is their life to lead.

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The critical point here is for managers to avoid impulses to “fix” things. Managerial actions will only serve to decelerate their recovery, often causing them to return to work with a more detached self. As mentioned, death is unfixable. It is a problem without a solution. Rather than doing problem-solving, managers should be present and providing support.

While close colleagues typically reach out to grieving coworkers, it is more significant for a manager to do so; they are a representation of the organisation. Demonstrating their support is a signal that the workplace cares, thereby building culture.

Kessler describes grief as “one of the most crucial experiences”—employees will, therefore, remember how managers handled the situation. A manager’s presence will go a long way toward reassuring employees that they are valued and supported, while also humanising the organisation, which workplaces often lack.

Checking in on the employee through a phone call and if welcome, a personal visit, are simple things that will touch the employee. Even inquiring about whether they would appreciate your presence at the memorial service, regardless of their answer, is already creating significant impact.

While it may be challenging to broach on the topic during their time of grief, what is important is that managers be open about the policy for bereavement.

You recognise the loss they experienced: but what do they want you to tell others at work? When do they have to return to work? What is the policy for that? Undeniably an awkward topic to discuss in the immediate aftermath of a death, grieving employees will appreciate the clarity.

In the tsunami of grief, work can form a lifeboat for them to sit on and wade through the storm.

While they yearn for clarity, there is no clear way or recommendation for when to return to work. According to a Canadian study on labour laws regarding grief, it is commonly three days of unpaid leave. Although it is changing that to five in September 2019. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, employees are, on average, given paid bereavement leave. The question is: is it enough?

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In the same Canadian study, it is noted that employee policies are often inadequate in their support. That they “do not acknowledge the long-term suffering caused by grief or the variable intensity of different kinds of loss”.

The policy on bereavement leave understands grief as a “time-limited state with instrumental tasks and ceremonial obligations” when it is significantly more complicated than that. Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant also made the same argument as well in their book, Option B.

In recent years, organisations have been setting high standards for bereavement leave. Facebook employees will receive up to 20 days, and Mastercard did the same.

There also organisations that allow leave-donating, where employees donate their paid leave to another employee when there’s an emergency.

Companies like KPMG, Infosys and Accenture have long embraced the policy.

Another option would be an employee assistance fund, where coworkers donate to help cover funeral and other expenses. Coworkers who make contributions will be matched by the company with a higher ratio, often twice or thrice the amount.

Dependent on the loss they experience, the context can also affect the way the company treats the bereaving employee; unexpected deaths, violent deaths and suicides are likely to be more traumatising, with a stronger stigma and a higher propensity for disenfranchisement.

Leaders need to take these factors into account when agreeing on time off, especially in organisations without a formal policy.

When employees return to work, the managers are significantly instrumental in their smooth return. Leaders need to understand what the bereaved employees want and need: how do they want their colleagues to respond?

Do they want to come in for a few hours so that their return is not too overwhelming?

Do they want to work halftime for a few weeks?

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Are they ready for a normal day?

With empowerment by giving a choice, leaders provide real, deep support that they will very much appreciate.

Be patient when they are absent

Most of the time, employees resume work after a few days or weeks. While they are surmounting the piles of work that they missed out, they are simultaneously grappling with bereavement, grief and reality.

Although the emotions typically remain intense for months, it can flare up anytime, even if significant time has passed. Leaders need to know that even if the return to work is managed sensitively, they should not assume that everything will go back to business as usual.

Often a time of ambivalence, we will go back and forth between feeling hurt and wanting to move on. “I’m losing my mind,” said psychologist Molly Millwood.

Often, the people that come to Millwood’s therapy struggling with their ambivalence utter the four words that perfectly describe the whirlpool in their mind.

Fundamentally, we are poorly equipped to handle doubt. Our mind rejects the uncertainty. In that vein, it is where we become inconsistent.

One moment we are trying to close a million-dollar deal, next we are struggling to answer a single email. Through ambivalence, the bereaved employee will eventually notice his detachment.

Although leaders are not expected to ‘fix’ the ambivalence, they must understand what this oscillation is all about. Grief destabilises focus, consistency and drives—all very much needed at work.

Physical effects such as lack of appetite or gaining weight are also added to mix.

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However, even so, the employee’s talent and interest in work remain the same as before.

It is often a relief to people who are grieving when they realise that their managers have different expectations of them but yet holding them to the same regard. They may not return to their “former selves”, but their talent and dedication are still the same. The key here is to offer flexibility, fitting to their agency and attending to the need for support. For instance, managers can:

1.Assign people to tasks that they are suitable to do for the time being

2. Assign people to projects that allow them to tend to other parts of their lives in the immediate aftermath.

3. Allow remote working or flexible working hours for a period

4. Constantly check-in to see if further accommodation is needed

While it can help benefit the employee from being overwhelmed, managers must also note where the plans are failing. If an employee struggles several months after a loss, the manager can suggest a professional consultation. It might be a case of “complicated grief”, which is distinct from the usual grief, which requires clinical attention.

Be open when they restart

Confronting mortality over time with patient and steady support has strong generative effects and leaders need to take advantage of that. Also referred to as “post-traumatic growth,” literature has shown that it is where we gain new perspectives and adopt new mindsets that ultimately leads to positivity, including newfound appreciation of life, strengthening good relationships with others, increased emotional resilience and increased confidence (e.g. “If I can live through this, I can live through anything”).

While it cannot replace the devastating feelings of loss or the need to grieve, it involves living fully with the loss and that is where we understand the fragility of life and its worth—it is a step to moving on.

The emergency of hope and resolve after a loss has no timeline; we don’t know when we begin to experience post-traumatic growth.

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However, leaders need to be able to identify the first signs of them as soon as they appear, then doubling down on nurturing them through affirmation and gentle interest.

Rather than captivate the employee with an optimistic, hopeful vision of the future, leaders should listen and support the employee as they figure their way out of the fog, forging a space for meaning in the present.

Leaders need to have open conversations with them: whether it be gently asking about the facts of the situation or listening to them rant. It is an important time for leaders to make deep, personal connections with them as two singular human beings.

For instance, some leaders would speak up about their own loss as well. In the same vein as leadership by example, leaders who want to create an environment of openness need to model that by doing it themselves.

Even if the manager was not touched by bereavement, every manager would have had a significant experience of loss to turn into an expression of compassion.

Discussing personal experiences of grief, like battling cancer or surviving an accident, are great ways to allow the employee to see that the manager is a relatable character, which therefore creates a connection point between both.

The one fundamental takeaway is that work life and home life are no longer separate entities, as many employers would think. The topic of a work-life blend has been discussed to death, be it 2012 or in 2018. Many people today are often blending the two together, which means grief can easily cause many pillars to crumble.

Reality is, there are clear positive and regenerative effects of having compassion at work, but many employers seem to oblivious to that fact.

Many thought leaders and organisational psychologists have written about the topic at length and how it can have a cascade effect in organisations.

Simon Sinek wrote about the “Circle of Safety” in Leaders Eat Last.

In a Harvard University study, high levels of “psychological safety” allowed people to collaborate better and admit to error easily. Organisation psychologists Monica Worline and Jane Dutton proved that attending to suffering at work helps an organisation.

It is more than just a trend in employee engagement—having compassion at the workplace is normalised.

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When managers help mourning employees, they complement the vision, planning, mentorship and guidance that we traditionally expect from managers.

In times of darkness, it is also the best way to help create an anchor for employees to hold on to. It serves to build culture and strengthen the company’s values.

The challenge is no longer to find a good reason to have compassion, but to designing leadership, management and the way we work to start embracing problems and truly supporting one another.

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

Join our e27 Telegram group here, or our e27 contributor Facebook page here.

Image Credit: 123RF

Originally published in The Human Leader

This article was first published on August 26, 2019.

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Crafting an impactful business website: 7 key steps for success

Design of a website plays a crucial role. It determines whether your website visitors will be intrigued enough to keep reading or not.

Dull designs can be off-putting, making the viewer lose interest and bounce. Selecting the right content management system to build your website is also critical.

Here are 7 steps you should not miss out on:

Step 1: Create a project plan 

Creating a plan before starting work on your project is the first and foremost step.

Ask yourself these questions: 

1. What kind of a brand do I want to build? Jot down your objectives on a piece of paper. 

2. What is my niche? Do I want to promote a product or provide services? 

3. What kind of features would my website require? Surveys, pop-ups, social media buttons, etc. 

4. Who am I making this website for? My target audience? 

Once you’ve written down answers to all these questions, the way forward will be clearer to you. You would know which direction to take your website to. 

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The site you build should reflect the answers to these questions. 

Step 2: Pick a platform 

Website building platforms have made life easier. If you’re not the most technical person and don’t want to take care of the backend maintenance of running a website, then the website builder option is suitable for you.

There are also other platforms like Wix and Squarespace that allows you to choose from thousands of professional templates.

However, if you have decent coding skills and want access to the code to build an advanced website, you can code it yourself.

Assuming that you also don’t mind looking after the technical maintenance of your site, like hosting and security.

Web development is offered by companies, that can make a website for you. 

Step 3: Design homepage

Keeping your homepage’s layout clean and clutter-free is really important. Site viewers tend to feel overwhelmed when they are presented with an excessive number of images and text.

You will come off more organised and professional if your site’s content is well thought-organised and well-crafted.

Good websites are more than just a pretty face. They need to function.

A good website must-have style, as well as substance.

Visitors can navigate freely through your homepage if you have designed it effectively. It should be clear how you want the visitor to interact with your page. 

Not every homepage will contain buttons, but if you’re going to use them, you should use them right.

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Your buttons, also known as call to actions (CTAs), are gateways to other pages, websites, promotional items and product galleries.

If the goal is to make people interact and click, you would have to place button right in front, with large text.

Step 4: Select a template 

Choosing a website template is an essential decision for every business owner.

There are many things to consider; from the type of website you want to build, and different features and customisation options, down to the budget and your level of experience with editing templates.

Most templates will come with a pre-designed header. They can contain images, galleries and even videos. Don’t jump for the flashiest option.

It is essential to select a header that you can work with. A good header communicates your site’s core message to the visitors.

There are lots of different types of header. Each is good for different types of site. 

Step 5: Choose a colour scheme 

The colour scheme should reflect your business idea. If you’re keeping it professional, colours used should be black and grey.

If you’re making a fun, interactive website, then go for more vibrant colours. 

This step is all about helping you come up with a winning colour strategy for your site. A good colour strategy involves three things:

1.A dominant colour combined with a complimentary one 

2.A background-colour

3.A consistent colour scheme across the site

The next step is adding content to the site. 

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Step 6: Add content 

Again, three things are involved: 


2.Written content 


Make your prose edgy and eye-catching. Large blocks of text look incredibly unappealing to the viewers. Enclosing the text with white spaces all around makes the text more visible and easier to read. 

Good content isn’t tons and tons of text. It is informative and to-the-point text which helps you convey your message. 

Step 7: Publish!

Finally, after layout and content have all been set up, the last step is to publish the website. Make sure you have thoroughly checked the details on all the site pages before publishing.

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

Join our e27 Telegram group here, or our e27 contributor Facebook page here.

Image Credit: 123RF

This article was first published on August 27, 2019.


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