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Investing for her future: Why women should take control of their finances

Change is often said to be the only constant – and change is necessary to thrive.

Yet, despite the evolving landscape of opportunities for wealth accumulation, many women are hesitant to engage in investing. The reasons are multifaceted, but one prevalent factor is the tendency to prioritise short-term financial obligations over long-term wealth-building strategies.

For most women, investing does not even top one’s mind. Studies by popular financial brands like Fidelity have shown that women often prioritise other financial responsibilities over investing, such as saving for a luxurious wedding, children’s education or managing household expenses.

This begs the question: Shouldn’t women reconsider their financial priorities, especially when it comes to extravagant weddings, which might be categorised as Giffen goods?

In economic terms, a Giffen good defies the conventional law of demand by exhibiting increased demand as its price rises. In the context of weddings, the societal pressure and cultural expectations surrounding such events often lead individuals to overspend, sometimes at the expense of more prudent financial decisions. This phenomenon is particularly pertinent for women, who are often saddled with the bulk of wedding planning and associated expenses.

Also Read: Invest in women, accelerate progress: Why gender equality matters now more than ever

However, it is crucial to challenge this status quo and shift the narrative towards empowering women through investment. Instead of channelling excessive funds into a single-day wedding celebration, women can redirect those resources towards building lasting wealth through investment vehicles like Exchange-Traded Funds.

ETFs offer a straightforward entry point into investing, requiring minimal initial capital and offering diversified exposure to various asset classes. By starting with an ETF, women can overcome the psychological barriers associated with investing and gradually develop confidence in navigating more complex investment strategies.

Moreover, investing in ETFs aligns with financial independence and long-term security principles. Rather than viewing investment as a daunting task reserved for financial experts, women should perceive it as a means of securing their financial future and achieving greater autonomy over their resources.

Furthermore, embracing investment opportunities enables women to transcend traditional gender roles and assert their financial prowess. In a society where women still face systemic barriers to economic empowerment, taking control of one’s financial destiny is an act of defiance and liberation.

In conclusion, the reluctance of women to invest stems from a combination of societal norms, cultural expectations, and perceived financial priorities. However, by challenging these norms and embracing investment opportunities, women can unlock a path towards greater economic freedom and empowerment.

Let’s redefine our priorities, shifting from extravagant wedding parties to prudent wealth-building strategies. After all, true empowerment comes from financial independence and the ability to shape our destiny.

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Image credit: Canva

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