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Driving innovation and growth in Southeast Asia with Employment Hero

Employment Hero

In today’s dynamic business landscape, adaptability and innovation are paramount for success and growth. Employment Hero is at the forefront of this evolution, providing comprehensive HR and payroll solutions tailored to the unique needs of Southeast Asian businesses. As the Head of Sales & Partnerships for Southeast Asia at Employment Hero, I am thrilled to share our initiatives that are set to revolutionise the HR and payroll landscape in the region.

Empowering SMEs with the PSG Grant

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of our economy. Their success is critical to the overall economic health and growth of Southeast Asia. Recognising this, various governments across the region have introduced initiatives to support SMEs. One such initiative is the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) in Singapore, designed to help businesses enhance their productivity through technology adoption.

The PSG grant not only provides financial support but also encourages SMEs to embrace digital transformation. This transformation is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment, where staying competitive requires leveraging technology to its fullest potential.

Employment Hero is proud to be a PSG-approved vendor. This endorsement signifies our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that streamline HR processes, enhance efficiency, and drive productivity. With our platform, SMEs can manage their HR tasks more efficiently, from recruitment and onboarding to payroll and compliance. By automating routine tasks, we enable business owners and HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth.

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As a PSG-approved vendor, companies are eligible for up to 50% through the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) that supports the digital adoption of Employment Hero’s platform which has been demonstrated to be the all-in-one employment solution for businesses with big ambitions.

By leveraging the PSG grant, SMEs can save up to 50% on their HR and payroll solutions today. This substantial cost saving translates to more value for everyday operations, allowing business owners to reinvest in their growth without worrying about budget constraints. 

Moreover, our customers have consistently demonstrated at least a 15% increase in productivity in the last 6 months after adopting Employment Hero’s solutions. This boost translates to 1.2 hours saved each day and significant cost savings. These efficiencies mean more resources can be allocated to other critical areas of the business.

The future of work

The future of work is flexible. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), highlighting the importance of adaptability in the workplace. At Employment Hero, we believe that flexibility is not just a benefit but a necessity for attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive market.

Singapore’s recent initiative to implement new FWA guidelines, which includes options such as flexi-time and flexi-place, aligns perfectly with our vision. These guidelines, effective from December 1, 2024 onward, require employers to fairly process formal FWA requests from employees, promoting a more flexible and supportive work environment.

Employment Hero’s approach to flexible work is built on three key pillars: Location Flexibility, Time Flexibility, and Role Flexibility.

  1. Flexi Place: Empowering employees to work from wherever they are most productive. This could be from home, a co-working space, or even a different city. By offering location flexibility, businesses can access a broader talent pool and improve employee satisfaction. In fact, 82% of our Singapore Heroes have reported that reduced commuting time and the associated stress significantly impact their personal lives and well-being.
  2. Flexi Time: Allowing employees to choose their working hours to better align with their personal lives and peak productivity times. Flexible hours can reduce stress and burnout, leading to higher overall productivity and job satisfaction. With flexible and remote working arrangements, 68% of our Singapore team has experienced enhanced mental well-being, and improved productivity and focus.
  3. Flexi Load: Encouraging a fluid approach to job roles and responsibilities. This can include job sharing, part-time roles, or the ability to switch between different projects and tasks based on skills and interests. Role flexibility can enhance employee engagement and career development.

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Flexible Work Arrangements offer numerous benefits for both employers and employees. For employees, FWAs provide a better work-life balance, reduce commute times, and increase job satisfaction. For employers, FWAs can lead to higher productivity, lower absenteeism, and greater employee retention resulting in the incubation of local Singaporean talent.

Employment Hero strongly advocates for FWA and provides the tools and support needed to implement them effectively. Our platform enables businesses to manage remote work, flexible hours, and other FWA options seamlessly. By promoting a flexible work culture, we help businesses create a more adaptable and resilient workforce fit for the future of work.

A comprehensive suite of HR and payroll solutions

Managing HR and payroll can be complex, especially for businesses operating in multiple countries with diverse regulations. Employment Hero’s all-in-one HR and payroll platform is designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses in Southeast Asia. Our solutions cover every aspect of HR management, from recruitment and onboarding to payroll and compliance.

One of the key benefits of our platform is its ability to automate routine HR tasks. Automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that HR processes run smoothly and efficiently. This allows HR teams to focus on more strategic activities, such as employee engagement, talent development, and organisational planning.

Compliance is another critical area where Employment Hero excels. Our platform is designed to ensure compliance with local labour laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and fines. We stay up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes, so our clients don’t have to. This peace of mind allows businesses to focus on growth and innovation without worrying about compliance issues.

SmartMatch: The future of recruitment

We are excited to share a sneak preview of Employment Hero’s SmartMatch, our innovative recruitment solution designed to tackle the challenges of today’s competitive job market. SmartMatch leverages advanced algorithms and AI to match the right candidates with the right roles, eliminating traditional recruitment stages and ending the ‘Pay and Pray’ model.

Built into Employment Hero’s HRIS platform and powered by Swag, SmartMatch facilitates proactive and predictive hiring, providing a seamless experience for both employers and job seekers.

The beta release is set for the end of June, with continuous optimisation and testing leading to a full launch in the second half of the year. The more you use it and the more feedback you provide, the better we can make it for you.

Supporting the future of work in Southeast Asia

At Employment Hero, we are committed to driving innovation and supporting businesses in Southeast Asia. Our comprehensive HR and payroll solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses in the region, helping them navigate the complexities of HR management and stay ahead of the competition.

We believe that the key to success lies in embracing change and leveraging technology to drive growth. Through initiatives like the PSG grant, we are helping SMEs embark on their digital transformation journeys. By advocating for Flexible Work Arrangements, we are promoting a more adaptable and resilient workforce. And with the launch of SmartMatch, we are revolutionising the recruitment process, making it easier for businesses to find and hire the right talent.

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This is the ethos that ultimately drives Employment Hero, coupled with our dedication to empowering businesses in Southeast Asia with the tools and support they need to succeed. Whether through our PSG-approved HR and payroll solutions, our advocacy for Flexible Work Arrangements, or our innovative SmartMatch recruitment solution, we are committed to driving growth and innovation in the region.

As the Head of Sales & Partnerships for Southeast Asia, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. We look forward to continuing our journey with our clients, partners, and the wider business community, working together to shape the future of work in Southeast Asia.

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to innovate, support, and empower businesses across the region. Together, we can achieve great things and create a brighter future for all.

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This article is produced by Employment Hero, published by e27

We can share your story at e27, too. Engage the Southeast Asian tech ecosystem by bringing your story to the world. Visit us at to get started.

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BayaniPay boosts Series A round to US$9.6M with fresh US$3M capital from Wavemaker Partners, others

BayaniPay, a payments process automation company based in the US and the Philippines, has secured US$3 million in fresh capital led by Wavemaker Partners, PTGB, and Talino Venture Studios.

This brings the fintech firm’s total Series A funding to US$9.6 million, which includes a US$6.6 million previously secured from Talino Venture Studios.

With the fresh investments, BayaniPay will start expanding its services worldwide, with the goal of capping 2024 with US$200 million in payments processed.

Also Read: BayaniPay nets US$4.5M to provide cross-border financial services to Filipinos in US

BayaniPay is a collaboration between Talino Venture Studios, The Asian Journal, East West Bank, and Wavemaker Partners. Its mobile-first service empowers global professionals working abroad to financially support their families and communities back home.

This month, BayaniPay will launch Bayani GlobalPay, an embedded banking service designed to enable businesses and major billing entities to reach their customers efficiently worldwide.

Bayani GlobalPay features two embedded banking solutions: GlobalPay, a white-label service that provides non-financial institutions with a custom payment platform, and GlobalPay Express, an all-in-one payment portal for payment management.

Bayani GlobalPay utilises payment gateways and payment automation technologies to reduce manual processes and provide “seamless” management and tracking of domestic and international payments. The payment methods include debit and credit cards, e-wallet, direct debit, and QRPH, which eliminates the need for a bank account to be able to pay or send money.

According to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, personal remittances totalling US$37.2 billion accounted for 8.5 per cent of the Philippine GDP in 2023. BayaniPay aims to augment the economic impact of cross-border direct payments by making them frictionless and cost-effective. This helps Filipinos overseas save on fees and add more pesos to every dollar they send.

Also Read: Talino Venture Studios lands US$5M to bridge financial inclusion in emerging markets

“For years, we have been providing cross-border financial services to Filipino American communities in the US. Now is the perfect time for BayaniPay to unlock the infinite potential of international payments and provide accessible and affordable global financial services to Filipinos in every continent,” said BayaniPay CEO Winston Damarillo.

“Any local enterprise that provides products or services to Filipinos, such as property builders, insurance companies, hospitals, retailers, and schools can do business globally because they have a platform to get paid at the lowest possible cost. But more importantly, their customers enjoy the benefits of choosing the most cost-effective and convenient way to pay for such products or services,” said BayaniPay Chief Commercial Officer Dindo Marzan.

In 2022, bagged US$4.5 million in seed funding from East West Bank, Wavemaker Partners, and Talino Venture Labs.

Image Credit: BayaniPay.

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OceanBase INFINITY 2024: Pioneering Indonesia’s digital economy


The digital economy, characterised by the integration of digital technologies into all facets of economic life, faces several significant challenges. One of the primary obstacles is the digital divide, which manifests as unequal access to technology and internet connectivity among different regions and demographics. This divide hinders the participation of marginalised communities in the digital economy, limiting their access to economic growth and exacerbating existing inequalities.

Moreover, digital skills gaps among the workforce can impede the effective utilisation of digital tools and platforms, necessitating significant investment in several key areas including education and training. Addressing these challenges requires coordinated efforts from governments, businesses, and civil society to create an inclusive and secure digital ecosystem.

In Indonesia, pioneering and bolstering the digital economy is crucial to harnessing the potential of its burgeoning market. With a large and youthful population, high mobile penetration, and growing internet usage, Indonesia is well-positioned to become a significant player in the global digital economy. Investing in digital infrastructure, fostering innovation through supportive policies, and enhancing digital literacy are essential steps to leverage this potential. By addressing the challenges and embracing the opportunities of the digital economy, Indonesia can drive economic growth, create new job opportunities, and improve the quality of life for its citizens.

How knowledge sharing empowers the digital economy

To bridge gaps in the digital economy, robust knowledge sharing among key stakeholders—governments, corporates, startups, and industry leaders—is essential. Collaboration drives effective policies, innovative solutions, and best practices, addressing issues like the digital divide, cybersecurity threats, and regulatory challenges.

Governments can create supportive regulations, corporates can invest in infrastructure and security, startups can drive innovation, and industry leaders can provide expertise. This multi-stakeholder approach ensures diverse perspectives, efficient resource use, and collective action, fostering an inclusive, secure, and dynamic digital economy. Together, these efforts build a resilient ecosystem that supports sustainable growth and expands digital access.

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Seeking to fulfil this need and address gaps in the digital economy space is the OceanBase INFINITY 2024: “Pioneering Indonesia’s Digital Economy.” Happening on 26 June at the St. Regis Ballroom in Jakarta, this project serves as a platform to foster essential knowledge sharing among ecosystem stakeholders. This event offers an unparalleled opportunity for tech & fintech enthusiasts, CIO / CTO, Heads and Experts of Database Management, Engineering, Applications, Solution Architecture, and Infrastructure to gain insights and foster collaboration to drive technological advancement in Indonesia.

Moreover, the event is designed to explore the infinite possibilities of database modernisation, cloud migration strategies, and AI integration, which are critical components for advancing Indonesia’s digital infrastructure and capabilities. By bringing together top tech leaders, the event will provide invaluable insights through fireside chats and panel discussions, highlighting real-world use cases and innovative solutions that can be replicated and scaled across different sectors.

The interactive technical showcases will also allow participants to engage directly with cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, facilitating a deeper understanding of how to implement these solutions effectively. Networking opportunities over dinner will further encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences among diverse attendees, fostering collaborations that can drive collective growth.

Explore opportunities for learning

OceanBase INFINITY promises an immersive experience into the most pressing and innovative topics shaping the digital economy. At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of insightful discussions and technical showcases designed to explore the frontiers of Indonesia’s digital economy.

Event highlights

Technology Showcase – OceanBase Pioneering Next-Gen Database Technologies: Featuring OceanBase’s product roadmap, with CTO Charlie Yang unveiling upcoming releases and updates. This session will focus on innovations in database management, optimisation, and analytics, offering technical insights into the scalability, performance, efficiency, and security enhancements of modern database technology. The showcase will set new standards for efficiency, reliability, and innovation in the digital age.

“Our commitment to innovation is reflected in OceanBase’s cutting-edge database management optimization techniques. By leveraging AI-driven analytics and other advanced database technologies, we provide enterprises with scalable and reliable solutions that meet the rigorous demands of the digital economy,” shared Charlie Yang, CTO of OceanBase.

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Interactive Demo: A first-hand look at how OceanBase enables organisations to handle volatile workloads with ease. By demonstrating advanced database partitioning, dynamic load balancing, fault-tolerant design principles, and automatic failover mechanisms, this session will highlight OceanBase’s ability to maintain continuous operations and set new benchmarks for reliability and performance in database management. Participants will witness how these technologies ensure mission-critical applications remain uninterrupted, even during workload spikes.

Sessions of interest


Fireside Chat – Charting a Path for Innovation & Impact: This session will spotlight DANA’s impressive journey in transforming Indonesia’s digital payments landscape. With over 170 million users and the digitalisation of 550,000 MSMEs, DANA has become a benchmark for security and convenience in financial services. This session will delve into their innovative customer acquisition and retention strategies, plans for scaling partnerships, and their vision for financial inclusion. By examining the role of database management and cloud deployment in their success, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how DANA is driving interconnectivity within the ASEAN digital payments ecosystem.


Industry Panel – Indonesia’s Digital Landscape – Navigating Trends & Trade-offs in 2024: This session will provide a critical look at the tech investment climate and key trends shaping the upcoming year. The discussion will focus on the implications of generative AI and the necessity for AI oversight and strategic database management. Panelists will share their perspectives on the evolving tech ecosystem, reflecting on significant shifts observed over the past year. This session aims to debunk prevalent myths and offer actionable insights into the future of technology in Indonesia.


Big Data & Cloud Panel – Navigating Indonesia’s Cloud Journey – Building a Resilient Digital Infrastructure: Participants will explore the transformative potential of AI-driven insights and advanced Big Data analytics within a cloud infrastructure. This session will highlight how organisations can leverage this integrated ecosystem to enhance digital resilience, drive operational efficiency, and unlock new growth opportunities. By understanding the seamless migration to cloud infrastructure, attendees will gain valuable knowledge on building a robust and adaptable digital framework in Indonesia’s dynamic market.

Get to know top industry leaders at OceanBase INFINITY

Joining the event’s esteemed roster of industry leaders is Evan Yang, CEO of OceanBase. Evan Yang joined Alipay in 2009. He has been leading the middleware team of Ant Group. He has led the R&D and evolution of financial-grade distributed middleware platforms such as microservices, messaging, application containers, and development frameworks. Evan is now leading the OceanBase team in technology-driven innovation, to provide global enterprise customers with enterprise-level database services that feature high availability, high performance, high scalability, and low costs.

“Our mission at OceanBase is to drive innovation through our world-class database engineered for mission-critical workloads at scale. As we engage with Indonesia’s vibrant digital ecosystem, we are excited to showcase how our technologies can contribute to developing a resilient and inclusive digital economy,” explained Evan Yang, CEO of OceanBase.

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Other notable names include Lillian So, ASEAN Fintech & Unicorn Leader representing AWS. Lillian So has been at Amazon Web Services (AWS) for 9 years, building out the Fintech ecosystem in Singapore for 6 years and working with key startups like Stashaway, Singlife, and Endowus. She expanded her coverage to Defi, Web3, and Crypto in 2021. Her work in 2024 now focuses on value creation for the region’s fastest-growing and top-funded startups across Southeast Asia, helping startups to accelerate expansion into new markets, and innovate with emerging technology.

They will also be joined by Eggy Tanuwijaya, Head of Solution Architect at Alibaba Cloud Indonesia. Eggy is an IT expert with over 20 years of experience as a tech expert in various industries. Eggy has a diverse skill set ranging from Software Development, Data Warehouse, Business Productivity, and IT infrastructure with cloud-based solutions. Eggy is not only adaptable but also eager to embrace new technologies and solutions. As one of the most senior local experts in Alibaba Cloud Indonesia, Eggy is well-equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by the ever-evolving landscape of information technology.

Other top leaders from across the digital ecosystem who will be at OceanBase INFINITY are Norman Sasono, CTO of DANA Indonesia, Aditya Chintawar, Chief Product & Technology Officer of Koinworks, Martijn Wieriks, Chief Data Officer of JULO, and Mohamad Triana Walujadjati, Chief of Enterprise for Infrastructure & Security at DOKU, among many others.

Learn the ropes around boosting Indonesia’s digital economy at OceanBase INFINITY happening on June 26 at the St. Regis Ballroom in Jakarta by signing up today.

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This article is produced by the e27 team, sponsored by OceanBase

We can share your story at e27, too. Engage the Southeast Asian tech ecosystem by bringing your story to the world. Visit us at to get started.

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Vertex Ventures invests in Japanese firm StayX that converts single-use rooms into multiple-use rooms

matsuri technologies, the Japanese company behind StayX, a software solution that converts single-use rooms into multiple-use rooms, has closed its US$8.65 Series D round from new and existing investors, including Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia and India.

The company plans to use the new capital to enhance its software offerings, increase the number of facilities, and invest in talent, accelerating StayX’s business growth and enhancing the development of a tourism-oriented country.

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In the near future, matsuri plans overseas expansion.

masturi was established in August 2016 in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, by CEO Keita Yoshida.

StayX maximises the value of unused space. A single space can be flexibly transformed to accommodate a variety of uses.

For example, a rental property that could only be rented out for two years can be transformed into a facility that can be operated on a one-night or one-month short-term rental basis.

Its software covers various business aspects, such as attracting customers via the Internet, real-time inventory management, price adjustments, and AI-based janitorial management, enabling unmanned facility operations.

StayX creates a new form of social infrastructure by using the power of software to solve labour shortages caused by a declining population and deliver necessary space to those who need it.

Nikhil Marwaha, Senior Executive Director, Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia & India shared: “matsuri technologies is an innovative company with a unique business model that meets B2B and B2C consumer needs, establishes longstanding relationships with supply chain partners, and is underpinned by a robust technology platform. By leveraging Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia and India’s deep network in SEA, we look forward to partnering with matsuri technologies to accelerate growth within Japan and the wider region.”

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Tourism in Japan is on track to recover to almost pre-pandemic levels as the number of inbound visitors increases significantly, reaching a total of 25 million in 2023. The tourism sector isn’t the only industry witnessing strong revival; the private accommodations space has been flourishing, too. Given these strong tailwinds, matsuri will utilise the newly acquired funds to enhance their software, increase the number of facilities, and strengthen recruitment to accelerate business growth and enhance the development of a tourism-oriented country.

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Arches scores US$3M financing to democratise expert knowledge sharing

Arches, an expert knowledge-sharing platform based in Japan and Southeast Asia, has secured US$3 million in a funding round led by Tokyo-based VC firm KUSABI.

Visional Inc., SMBC Venture Capital, and several angel investors also participated, bringing Arches’s total funding to date to US$5 million.

This new funding will accelerate the development of its flagship Expert Knowledge Bank platform that transforms expert interviews into a searchable database of actionable insights.

Also Read: Vertex Ventures invests in Japanese firm StayX that converts single-use rooms into multiple-use rooms

“The Expert Knowledge Bank is more than a database; it’s the future of knowledge sharing,” said Hiroki Kato, CEO and co-founder of Arches. “We’re building a platform where anyone, anywhere, can tap into the collective wisdom of Asia’s brightest minds.”

Additionally, the startup will invest in new marketing strategies to reach a broader audience, including corporations and financial institutions seeking a competitive edge in an increasingly complex world.

Arches is a one-stop platform offering expert interviews, research, consulting, and talent placement. The platform connects decision-makers with vetted experts across Asia and beyond.

Clients gain discounted access to experts in exchange for contributing to the knowledge repository, democratising access to specialised information that was once the exclusive domain of a select few.

Also Read: Moving to Japan is a big step – but one that is getting smaller

According to Arches, its ‘Expert Matching’ service has connected over 300 clients in over 20 countries with a network of over 100,000 vetted experts.

It operates in five locations worldwide, including Singapore and Vietnam. Arches plans to expand its expert network to include Europe and the US.

Image Credit: Arches.

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