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AVPN, launch US$15M fund to equip workers in APAC with AI skills

AVPN’s CEO Naina Subberwal Batra

AVPN, a network of social investors in Asia, has launched a US$15 million fund with the support of Google’s philanthropic arm and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to equip Asia’s workforce with essential artificial intelligence (AI) knowledge.

Named ‘AI Opportunity Fund: Asia-Pacific,’ the three-year programme aims to provide tools required for the evolving work landscape in the region. It thereby ensures that jobs and roles presented by AI are accessible to more people in the region, specifically those from underserved communities.

Also Read: Amazon to train 15K individuals in AI skills in Singapore

The fund will be available through an open call to identify and select the non-profit organisations, social enterprises, and workforce associations in Asia Pacific that reach the workers impacted by the workforce transitions caused by AI.

Selected organisations will receive guidance, financial support and tailored AI training based on foundational AI courses designed by Google and its external partners.

“AI presents tremendous opportunities for the Asia-Pacific region, but it’s crucial to equip people with the skills to thrive. This new AI Opportunity Fund in Asia Pacific will help empower underserved communities and ensure everyone benefits from the transformative power of AI,” said Scott Beaumont, President of Google Asia-Pacific.

Employers in Asia-Pacific are confident in AI’s potential to boost productivity. Over the next five years, 93 per cent expect to use generative AI tools, with some even offering salary bumps of up to 44 per cent for workers with AI skills.

While AI is perceived positively by employees, 16 per cent of those surveyed by PwC believed AI could replace their jobs. The work uncertainty compounds for those already disadvantaged, where a third of the population does not use the internet and where high job informality persists.

Also Read: Microsoft to empower 2.5M Southeast Asians with AI skills by 2025

Applications for the AI Opportunity Fund: Asia-Pacific will open soon. Interested organisations can register their interest and be notified when applications open here.

AVPN’s CEO Naina Subberwal Batra said: “Building an AI-ready workforce is an essential social mandate for businesses and governments, and one that can unlock Asia’s full workforce potential, considering this region will have 165 million working-age people by 2030. There is urgency for such an enablement initiative, as the new world work realities unfold, and we start to see the socioeconomic impact of AI work transition on workers who have limited support to adapt and catch up. AVPN is optimistic about leveraging the knowledge and reach of impact organisations that are already actively working on the ground to bridge the gaps for an AI Workplace Just Transition, and to ensure that the benefits of AI work opportunities reach more of our workers.”

AVPN is a network of social investors comprising over 600 funders and resource providers across 33 markets. Its mission is to increase the flow and effectiveness of financial, human, and intellectual capital in Asia by enabling members to channel resources towards impact.

Recently, tech giant Microsoft committed to equipping 2.5 million Southeast Asian people with AI skills by 2025. The skilling initiatives will be implemented in partnership with governments, nonprofit and corporate organisations and communities across Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

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Pixlr can transform classrooms into creative studios: CEO Warren Leow

Warren Leow

Pixlr, an AI-powered digital photo editing and content creation tool, was recently recognised as one of the 18 web apps supporting Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) at the Google developer conference Google I/O 2024 for its newly launched “Add to Chromebook” badge. The badge enables users to install the tool from various platforms, including marketing pages and app listings, significantly boosting its discovery ability.

Pixlr Group CEO Warren Leow spoke with e27 about the new feature and its implications for the developer community and Pixlr users.

Edited excerpts:

What specific features make Pixlr stand out as the ultimate AI editing tool for Chromebook users?

Pixlr offers several key features to Chromebook users:

AI-powered tools: Pixlr offers a suite of AI-driven tools to automate complex editing tasks, making the process quicker and more intuitive.

Progressive web app (PWA) support: Its PWA capabilities ensure a smooth, fast, and reliable experience on Chromebooks. Users can install Pixlr directly from their web browser, enjoy offline access, and benefit from performance similar to native apps. This is particularly advantageous for Chromebook users who rely on web-based applications.

Also Read: Inmagine CEO Warren Leow discusses AI’s impact on content creation and ethical considerations

User-friendly interface: Its interface is designed to be intuitive and accessible, catering to both beginners and professionals. The platform includes features like drag-and-drop editing, a vast collection of templates, and easy-to-use AI tools that simplify editing.

Cross-device compatibility: The tool is fully compatible with Chromebooks and other devices, allowing users to seamlessly switch between their desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. This ensures that Chromebook users can access their projects anytime, anywhere.

Comprehensive editing features: Beyond AI tools, Pixlr provides a wide range of editing options, including background removal, object removal, noise reduction, and batch editing. These features offer Chromebook users the flexibility to perform advanced edits without needing multiple software applications.

What benefits do PWAs offer to Pixlr users, and how does it enhance their editing experience?

PWAs offer Pixlr’s 10 million monthly active users several benefits that enhance their editing experience:

Offline access: Users can edit photos without an internet connection, making it convenient for on-the-go editing.

Fast performance: PWAs provide a smooth and efficient user experience similar to native apps.
Cross-device compatibility: Users can seamlessly switch between devices while maintaining their work progress.

Automatic updates: Pixlr automatically updates to the latest version, ensuring users always have the newest features.

Native app-like features: PWAs offer features such as push notifications and easy installation from the browser, enhancing user convenience and engagement.

What are the key advantages of Pixlr’s integration with Google Play for Chromebook users?

Pixlr’s integration with Google Play for the 60 million Chromebook users offers several key advantages: seamless installation and updates through the Google Play Store, optimised performance tailored for ChromeOS, and enhanced accessibility with offline functionality. This integration ensures that users experience fast, reliable photo editing with easy access to the latest features and improvements.

Also Read: ‘Sell things with repeat purchases and uses’: Warren Leow speaks about Amazing Fables shutdown

Chromebook users also have access to a free and price-friendly alternative to Adobe’s design products, namely Adobe Photoshop, which costs 80 per cent less.

A statement says Pixlr’s new tabbed mode for PWAs enhances productivity. How does the new tabbed mode for PWAs on Chrome OS enhance productivity for Pixlr users?

The new tabbed mode for PWAs on Chrome OS enhances productivity for Pixlr users by allowing them to manage multiple editing projects simultaneously within separate tabs. This feature streamlines the workflow, making it easier to switch between tasks, organise workspaces, and access various tools without needing to open multiple instances of the app.

Pixlr also claims it can transform classrooms into creative studios. How does Pixlr transform classrooms into creative studios, particularly in educational settings?

Pixlr’s accessibility and ease of use transform classrooms into creative studios by enabling students to undertake complex visual projects without requiring advanced technical skills. The platform’s suite of AI-driven tools allows creative exploration and experimentation, fostering an engaging learning environment. This capability encourages students to express their ideas visually, enhancing their creativity and collaboration skills in educational settings.

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Vietnam’s proptech startup WeSale bags seed capital from Hitseries Capital

WeSale, a real estate trade platform in Vietnam, has raised an undisclosed seed investment from Singapore-headquartered Hitseries Capital.

The startup will use the money to develop and upgrade the platform, expand markets and develop new products and services.

WeSale is a proptech platform connecting partners, individuals and organisations to project owners and developers. By applying WeCRM technology, real estate transaction tools, and generative AI, WeSale aims to improve the quality of consulting and transparent and effective real estate transactions for members, brokers, business partners and project development units.

Also Read: The D&I advantage: How inclusion fuels growth in Vietnamese real estate

Mai Lam Toi, CEO of WeSale, said: “WeSale completes a superior technology platform to build a strong sales force supported by versatile sales tools, supported by a team of knowledgeable sales experts.  experience supports transactions to become fast and transparent.”

Hitseries Capital provides growth-as-a-service (GaaS) to its portfolio. The firm invests in AI/ML, vertical SaaS applications, connected IoT, healthcare, mobility, fintech, and marketplace across Asia Pacific.

The VC firm earlier invested in Tanaakk and icuco.

According to the Vietnam Real Estate Association, the country’s real estate sector will be worth over US$1.23 trillion by 2030. This large market will facilitate the development of technology-enriched platforms as the demands for buying, selling, and managing property become increasingly sophisticated.


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Riding into its first profitable year, CARSOME looks forward to strengthen its presence in the Philippines

In June 2023, Malaysia-based car e-commerce platform CARSOME announced a funding round that raised its total capital to US$200 million.

Last week, at the sideline of BEYOND 2024 at The Venetian Cotai Expo, Macau, e27 caught up with CARSOME Co-Founder, Chairman & Group CEO Eric Cheng to find out the latest updates from the company since the announcement.

According to him, last year, the company had been focusing more on readjusting its business.

“Much effort has been focused on how we looked at the business in the current market climate, especially since it is not just about growing. It is also about making sense of every single cost line … and that everything translates into your EBITDA profitability. We achieved that in the last quarter of last year. We now have our first profitable quarter in Q1 this year,” he said.

“Because, especially within the used car industry in Southeast Asia (SEA), there used to be a lot of different platforms and competitions in the market. But many of those companies have gone quiet, or do not even exist anymore in the last 12 to 18 months. So, it is safe to say that we have done a really great job in making that achievement, that milestone. Leveraging from last year, we are focusing on building our first profitable year.”

Also Read: Carsome acquires WapCar, AutoFun to strengthen automotive content strategy

During our conversation, Cheng discussed the notable changes in the region’s used car market. While the COVID-19 pandemic led to a pause in car trading for many customers, the situation improved “really quickly” right after that. Pent-up demand accelerated especially in 2021-2022.

“The market for used cars itself has always been growing. For the last two years, what we have seen is that the growth continued to be there. But, of course, it has normalised to the level before the pandemic. It also helps us continue growing as a business because we are not building a business where the market stays stagnant. We are building a business that continues to be growing,” Cheng says.

“Building up on top of our core business transaction is important. We are also rolling out more services to capture the opportunity.”

For CARSOME, this includes including new car offerings in their platform, which used to focus solely on used cars. “This is something that we started immediately post-pandemic because we saw an opportunity to.”

When asked if there has been any change in how they acquire new users with all of these changes, Cheng says the company continues to focus heavily on digital marketing.

“What we see in the last 12 months is that the platform of CARSOME has already built a strong brand equity. That helped us to really establish a good top of mind,” Cheng says.

Also Read: Carsome acquires majority stake in Singapore’s CarTimes Automobile

Shifting gear into the future

When asked about the most valuable lessons the company has learned in its journey, Cheng says that focusing on profitability requires CARSOME to undergo a “big mindset shift.” This can be challenging for a startup, especially as it has been around for a long time as a venture-backed business.

“In the beginning, we have been very focused on expansion and growth. Switching into that mode of thinking of going after profitability requires a big cultural shift. So, I think the biggest achievement so far is successfully adapting to that new environment,” he says.

When asked about what the company wished to achieve in the future, Cheng said that it wants to continue to double the number of car sales, from 150,000 cars per month in 2023 to 500,000 in 2024. It also wants to continue growing its financing solutions services.

“We think there is more room for us to offer financing solutions and insurance as after-sales to our customers, which is still at a very nascent stage of us rolling it out to border markets. These are some of the focuses we are doing now to stay in line with our vision of becoming a full-fledged car ecosystem in Southeast Asia,” Cheng says.

“The Philippines is also a new market that we just went into; we also hope to see scaling opportunity over there.”

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How can Malaysia leverage AI for growth and not see it as a threat?

With rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), Malaysia stands at the threshold of a transformative era. As AI technologies permeate various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, the Malaysian workforce is poised for significant changes.

According to a report by Precedence Research, the global AI market is projected to reach approximately US$2,575.16 billion by the year 2032, showing significant growth from the current value of US$454.12 billion in 2022. This translates to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19 per cent from 2023 to 2032. 

AI-powered technologies have garnered widespread recognition for their ability to revolutionise various industries. From enhancing operational efficiency to driving innovation and improving customer experiences, AI holds the promise of reshaping how businesses operate and compete in the modern landscape. Its applications span across diverse domains, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, and beyond.

However, despite these staggering numbers, only 13 per cent of organisations in Malaysia are fully prepared to deploy and leverage AI-powered technologies. This statistic underscores a significant gap between the potential benefits of AI and the readiness of businesses to embrace them. 

Several factors contribute to this gap, including a limited understanding of AI’s applications and benefits, concerns about implementation costs and complexity, a shortage of skilled talent proficient in AI, and organisational inertia or resistance to change.

Addressing concerns of professionals: AI as a threat

As Malaysia delves deeper into the AI landscape, it’s clear that despite its growing accessibility, there remain substantial concerns impeding its widespread adoption in workplaces. These include technological limitations, risks to privacy and security, resistance stemming from cultural factors, and a shortage of AI-skilled professionals. In light of these concerns, it’s reasonable that many businesses approach AI cautiously, thus limiting the realisation of its full potential.

Also Read: Embracing AI’s promise: Navigating the future of marketing

A study showed that 62 per cent of respondents in Malaysia are worried that AI will replace their jobs, but 84 per cent would delegate as much work as possible to AI to lessen their workloads. This indicates a complex mix of fear and acceptance towards AI in the workforce.

It suggests that while there is concern about job security, there is also recognition of the potential benefits of AI in increasing efficiency and productivity. This underscores the evolving landscape where individuals grapple with the prospect of automation reshaping traditional employment structures, even as they recognize its potential to enhance operational effectiveness. 

Assessing the level of awareness among Malaysians regarding AI technologies is crucial. Understanding the perceived benefits and concerns surrounding AI adoption helps shape public discourse. The role of public discourse, education, and media in shaping perceptions cannot be overstated. Increased understanding and adoption of AI can propel Malaysia towards its goal of becoming a high-income nation.

Enhancing productivity, innovation, and competitiveness through AI integration is key. Leveraging AI for inclusive growth and addressing socioeconomic disparities is imperative. Aspirations for AI education and skills development in Malaysia include promoting AI literacy and fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

AI technologies and how they’re shaping Malaysia’s AI landscape

The adoption of AI technologies has the potential to significantly contribute to Malaysia’s economic growth by unlocking new sources of productivity, efficiency, and innovation across various sectors. AI-powered solutions can automate repetitive tasks, optimise processes, and enable data-driven decision-making, thereby enhancing overall productivity and competitiveness. As businesses leverage AI to streamline operations and create value, they can drive economic expansion, attract investment, and stimulate job creation.

AI technologies have the potential to revolutionise productivity across a wide range of sectors in Malaysia, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance, agriculture, transportation, and services. By leveraging AI-driven automation, predictive analytics, and intelligent decision support systems, businesses can optimise processes, improve resource allocation, and deliver more personalised and efficient services to customers. This increased productivity not only drives economic growth but also enhances the quality of goods and services available to consumers.

Also Read: Human-AI collaboration: The key to unlocking Gen AI’s potential

Collaboration with educational institutions, government agencies, and industry partners is crucial for progress. For us at Ever AI Technologies, this collaborative spirit, aiming to break down traditional barriers to AI access and knowledge, is what drives our mission to democratise AI in Malaysia and beyond. By fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity, we believe that Malaysia can truly harness the power of AI for sustainable growth and development. 

Towards a bright future with AI and innovation

As Malaysia embraces the AI revolution, it faces both challenges and opportunities to reshape its workforce and economy. By fostering awareness, addressing concerns, and promoting education and innovation, Malaysia can harness the transformative power of AI to drive sustainable growth and prosperity. Many companies stand at the forefront of this journey, committed to empowering Malaysians with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the AI-driven future.

In conclusion, Malaysia’s journey into the AI landscape is characterised by potential, challenges, and opportunities. With the right strategies and collaborations, Malaysia can navigate this revolution successfully, transforming its workforce, economy, and society for the better. As the nation moves forward, embracing AI with awareness and foresight will be key to unlocking its full potential.

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Image credit: Canva

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