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Jejakin raises US$2.7M to help organisations achieve net zero targets

The Jejakin founding team

Jejakin, an Indonesian-based carbon management platform, has secured US$2.7 million in a funding round from Bhinneka Power, Indogen Capital, SMDV, and East Ventures.

The capital will be mainly invested in R&D, technological improvement, and market growth.

Jejakin was founded in 2018 by Arfan Arlanda, Sudono Salim (CGO), Andreas Djingga (COO), and Haris Iskandar (Chief of Sustainability and Climate Change) with a mission to make a positive impact on the environment.

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The startup offers AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (internet of things)-based solutions that help companies achieve zero emissions targets. The integrated Jejakin platform allows companies to carry out emission calculations from operational activities. It makes it easier to determine, execute, and report their sustainability plans, including nature-based and carbon-related projects, thus helping companies reduce their emissions.

The climate tech venture provides three main products: CarbonIQ, CarbonAtlas, and CarbonSpace.

CarbonIQ, the carbon accounting platform, assists businesses in calculating their operational emission footprint of all scopes (Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3).

At the same time, CarbonAtlas is the monitoring platform that utilizes a remote sensing technology stack of satellites, IoT sensors, and mobile apps to verify the credibility of climate programs engaged by businesses through on-ground checks. It monitors more than 1 million trees that have been planted together with Jejakin’s clients and partners across Indonesia, allowing users to get visibility on the positive impacts the project has brought to the area, such as carbon sequestration, soil & air quality, and biodiversity index.

CarbonSpace, on the other hand, is Jejakin’s integration app connected to CarbonIQ and CarbonAtlas, allowing businesses and their stakeholders to contribute directly to climate actions.

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Currently, Jejakin has over 30 clients across diverse sectors, such as Gojek, BCA, Telkomsel, and Indosat OoredoHutchison.

Climate change is one of the most critical challenges facing our planet today, impacting all nations, including Indonesia. Asian Development Bank (ADB) ‘s report identifies Indonesia as one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, experiencing rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and disruptions to agricultural production.

X marks Echelon. Join us at Singapore EXPO on May 15-16 for the 10th edition of Asia’s leading tech and startup conference. Enjoy 2 days of building connections with potential investors, partners, and customers, exploring innovation, and sharing insights with 8,000+ key decision-makers of Asia’s tech ecosystem. Get your tickets here.

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Malaysia signs 25 LOIs with sovereign wealth funds, global VCs at inaugural KL20 summit

The Malaysian government signed 25 Letters of Intent (LOIs) with sovereign wealth funds, international venture capital firms (VCs) and various global ecosystem players at the inaugural edition of KL20 Summit 2024 to propel Kuala Lumpur into the ranks of the top 20 global startup hubs by 2030.

The 25 entities participating in the LOIs have a combined Assets Under Management (AUM) valuation exceeding US$1 billion.

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The first category of LOIs signed was for Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Malaysia Semiconductor Fund under the ASEAN Investment Initiative, worth up to US$1 billion. The signatories were Malaysia’s Khazanah Nasional Berhad and Retirement Fund (KWAP) and Blue Chip Venture Capital.

The second category of LOIs was with VCs, including those setting up new offices in Malaysia, such as K3 Ventures, Nordstar, GP Bullhound, HOPU Investments, and Lever VC. Representatives of new VC funds established in Malaysia were also present, including CGS Malaysia and The Hive Climate AI.

Launched by Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, KL20 Summit was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from April 22 to 23. The conference brought together a mix of sovereign wealth funds, international VCs and unicorn founders to explore the challenges and opportunities in Malaysia’s tech sector. A thousand international investors, startups, and over 3,000 global and local participants attended KL20 Summit 2024.

“The summit, organised by the government and spearheaded by the Ministry of Economy, aims to move Kuala Lumpur into the ranks of the top 20 global startup hubs by 2030. We want to nurture Malaysia’s startup ecosystem by rolling out supportive government policies, attracting funding and growing the talent pool. The ultimate goal is to transform Malaysia’s economy into a high-income, high value one,” said Rafizi Ramli, Minister of Economy.

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Some renowned global names who spoke at the summit included Jenny Lee, Senior Managing Partner of Granite Asia; Dr Qi Bin, Deputy Chief Investment Officer of China Investment Corporation; CK Tseng, President for ASEAN and Taiwan at Arm; Ben Prade, Partner at GP Bullhound; and Datuk Pua Khein-Seng, Founder and CEO of Phison and inventor of the USB flash drive.

They shared ideas on enhancing the startup ecosystem, such as attracting venture capital in Asia, opportunities in the trillion-dollar semiconductor industry and why it is Malaysia’s time to shine in innovation.

KL20 Summit also included dedicated activities such as investor speed dating, networking lunches and soirées to facilitate meaningful connections and catalyse potential collaborations.

X marks Echelon. Join us at Singapore EXPO on May 15-16 for the 10th edition of Asia’s leading tech and startup conference. Enjoy 2 days of building connections with potential investors, partners, and customers, exploring innovation, and sharing insights with 8,000+ key decision-makers of Asia’s tech ecosystem. Get your tickets here.

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History’s first: Check out the e27 Pavilion at Echelon X!

Echelon X

We are 1 day away from Echelon X! Visit Echelon X to learn more about the program. Get your tickets here!

e27 has spent over a decade designing and recalibrating its product offerings to cater to the fast-changing demands of the APAC tech startup ecosystem. Over the years, these offerings have evolved from their early, infant versions to what is ultimately the backbone of many tech startups from across the region.

Today, e27 is proud to serve as a conduit that spotlights emerging innovations and connects today’s most exciting brands and thinkers with corporates, investors, and other relevant ecosystem stakeholders — all with the hope of harnessing their best potential and carving a path towards endless growth opportunities. With this, in history’s first, Echelon X will be featuring the e27 Pavilion where conference attendees can immerse themselves in a journey through time as we unveil our past projects.

From our humble beginnings to our most groundbreaking initiatives, Echelon X attendees can witness the evolution of Echelon and the pivotal role we’ve played in shaping Asia’s tech and startup ecosystem.

History’s first: e27 Pavilion, only at Echelon X!

The e27 Pavilion stands as a testament to our unwavering dedication to fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. It serves as a dynamic hub where visitors can explore the myriad ways in which we engage with the ecosystem, from forging strategic partnerships to offering investment opportunities. Beyond reminiscing about past achievements, the Pavilion pulsates with the energy of future possibilities, offering an exclusive preview of upcoming projects and initiatives poised to redefine the tech landscape in Asia and beyond.

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What sets the e27 Pavilion apart is its interactive nature. Visitors aren’t merely spectators; they’re active participants in a dialogue that engages not only with e27’s past and present but also with the possibilities it has in store for the future. The presence of the e27 team adds an extra level of personalisation, inviting startup founders, investors, and ecosystem players to engage directly with us. The e27 pavilion offers an invaluable opportunity to exchange insights, share visions, and explore collaborative ventures that align with the business objectives of any innovator aspiring for growth and scale.

However, the significance of the e27 Pavilion extends far beyond its physical presence. It symbolises a pivotal moment in the evolution of Asia’s tech ecosystem, where collective efforts converge to propel innovation forward. By bridging the past, present, and future, we’re not just commemorating achievements; we’re laying the groundwork for what lies ahead.

At the e27 Pavilion, there’s something for everyone

For startup founders, the e27 Pavilion is a source of inspiration and empowerment, offering a glimpse into the possibilities for growth that they can explore with the partnership of e27. For investors, it is a strategic nexus where promising opportunities intersect with visionary initiatives. And for ecosystem players, it is a rallying point where diverse voices converge to shed light and shape the trajectory of technological progress.

At its essence, the e27 Pavilion embodies a promise—a promise of boundless opportunity and uncharted potential. It transcends its physical confines to become a beacon of possibility, where dreams take flight and aspirations find form. It is a testament to the transformative power of collaboration, where ideas are not just exchanged but incubated, nurtured, and brought to fruition.

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In stepping into the e27 Pavilion, one steps into a realm where the boundaries of imagination dissolve, and the horizon of possibility stretches endlessly before them. It is a place where innovation thrives, partnerships flourish, and dreams are transformed into reality. Together, let us embrace this historic moment and propel Asia’s tech and startup ecosystem toward a future defined by innovation, collaboration, and boundless potential.

Explore the e27 Pavilion and more at Echelon X

Joining the e27 team are other key leaders, visionary entrepreneurs, and groundbreaking startups from all corners of the region who will be gathering together for two packed days. Echelon X will feature dedicated content stages, exhibitions, panel discussions, and more — all to support and empower the tech startup ecosystem with actionable insights through a series of knowledge-sharing activities.

Also read: Road to Echelon X: Exciting things we have in store

Whether you’re eager to expand your knowledge, network with key players from the tech startup scene, or showcase your innovative ideas, Echelon X offers an unparalleled experience. Join us as a participant or an official partner by securing your spot now on our official page. Together, let’s embark on a journey to shape the future and create a lasting impact.

Join us at Echelon 2024, where innovation knows no limits, and the possibilities are endless!

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The art of AI integration: Growing your business with chatbots and human expertise

Singapore is working towards becoming a leader in artificial intelligence (AI), ranking among the top ten countries for AI startups and investments according to sources like Visual Capitalist and Techopedia. The rise of AI, particularly through AI chatbots, is making a big impact in Singapore and the world at large. These technologies are not just making businesses run smoother but are also helping to create jobs and teach new skills to Singaporeans.

As AI chatbots become more common in business, the demand for workers to learn new tech skills will increase as well. Just like the shift from paper to computers 50 years ago, today’s employees and businesses need to be tech-savvy to stay relevant, or should I say AI-savvy. Organisations at the forefront of the AI revolution use AI to enhance customer engagement and train their employees in effective AI tool usage.

Despite worries that AI might cause job losses, I believe the situation will be the opposite. AI, especially chatbots, will help to create new jobs. We’re seeing new roles like AI specialists and prompt engineers. And these jobs are paying 6 figures per year for some of the bigger companies. These jobs are changing the jobs landscape. Old jobs are evolving, and new ones are being created because of AI.

At my marketing firm, Amplified Marketing AI chatbots help with tasks like managing leads and scheduling appointments, which frees up employees and business owners(who run solo) to work on more important things. This not only makes the company more efficient but also improves efficiency.

AI is also changing how we educate young people. Just as today’s children have grown up with social media and smartphones, the next generation will grow up with AI as a big part of their lives. This means that there will be a time when schools will teach about how AI works and how to use it. Singapore’s schools and universities are already adding AI to their courses, and there are also programs for adults to keep learning new skills throughout their careers. AI is becoming the new social media and will be woven into the social fabric. 

As Singapore continues to advance in AI, focusing on job creation and skill development is important. Using AI-like chatbots in businesses not only helps the economy grow and become more innovative but also shows how technology can improve job prospects and career development for everyone. This ensures that Singapore and businesses remain competitive in the business landscape. 

Balancing automation and human touch

In today’s business world, using artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service has changed how companies talk with their customers. AI, especially chatbots, makes customer service faster and more efficient. But as more businesses use these automated systems, it’s important to keep the right mix of technology and personal human service.

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AI chatbots handle the front-end of appointment setting by educating leads about what we do, which frees up a lot of our time. This kind of setup can make a business run smoother and make customers happier just as it did for us. I was actually surprised at how our AI bot was efficient in handling objections and I must say that it’s better than 90 per cent of “untrained” humans. 

For AI and human services to work well together, companies need to train their staff well and integrate AI into how they already work. Employees should also know how to use AI tools and how these tools can make customer interactions better, but not completely depend on them, as some AI models have limitations. Amplified Marketing not only uses AI to schedule appointments but also trains its team to use AI to better understand what customers want and need. Additionally, we encourage our staff to use AI in our processes so we can be more efficient. This helps the company make their service more personal and improve efficiency.

Also, AI should be integrated into customer service in a way that feels natural and easy to use. Customers should feel the same level of service whether they’re talking to a chatbot or a human. This means having a good user interface and a backend system that lets customers move smoothly from talking to AI to talking to a human without feeling disconnected. This is the biggest difference between traditional chatbots and AI. AI is able to respond to whatever you throw at it, instead of traditional chatbots. 

As AI keeps improving, it will play a bigger role in how companies engage with customers. Finding the right balance between automation and human contact is important to keeping services efficient and improving customer experiences. The future of customer service will depend on using AI for handling the many interactions quickly, while still keeping the personal touch that builds loyalty and satisfaction.

This approach will not only change how customer service works but also help businesses meet the changing needs of customers in a digital age. Customers are becoming less patient, and AI will be able to bridge the gap. Companies can use AI to improve service while making sure they keep offering the empathy, understanding, and personal attention that customers value.

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Future directions: Impact on market dynamics and business strategies

The relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and human interaction in customer service is changing not just individual companies like Amplified Marketing but also bigger companies like Facebook, they just released their AI model a while back to be available on their platforms. As AI gets better and integrates into everyday business activities, I believe that there will be more opportunities for big businesses and small businesses alike. It sort of levels the playing field, just like social media. 

Companies are starting to see how AI can be an important part of their growth strategies. AI chatbots help solve some big problems like quickly following up with leads. This allows the leads to be educated by the AI, so they will be more likely to do business with the particular business using the AI bot.

By automating regular tasks, companies can put more effort into bigger tasks like planning and innovation, giving them an edge in our competitive market. Plus, the data collected from AI interactions allows businesses to tailor their services and messages more effectively, in turn improving their overall customer service. This is important for creating marketing that connects well with people and for adjusting what businesses offer based on what customers want.

In today’s digital world, where personal touch and customer experience are important, keeping a human element in automated processes is a huge competitive edge. Companies that can combine AI with human touch can build stronger customer loyalty and trust, which are important for keeping customers and maintaining a good brand image.

As AI technology keeps advancing, it’s important that companies stay up to date not just by adopting AI but also by asking themselves how they can use AI in different parts of their business. This means keeping training programs fresh and improving AI features based on user feedback. The future means using AI not just as a tool for doing things more efficiently but becoming a leader in innovation and customer interaction. 

AI’s influence on the market will be too great to ignore, as it presents challenges and opportunities. However, by learning how to balance AI integration and human touch, companies will be able to handle complexities and be more customer-focused. This balance is important as business will only become more competitive in the future, and businesses must learn how to use technology and human insight to work together seamlessly to convert strangers to raving fans of their business.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva

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heymax, Visa team up to simplify the credit card rewards experience

heymax, a Singapore-based fintech startup, announced the launch of its latest innovation, Card Maximiser, in partnership with Visa.

This feature, powered by the Visa Offers Platform (VOP), aims to revolutionise how individuals earn credit card rewards by ensuring consumers maximise every dollar spent. The VOP grants clients access to Visa transaction data of enrolled cardholders with their consent, allowing for enhanced loyalty and rewards programmes. By integrating with VOP, heymax can provide users with real-time rewards earning experiences, streamlining the process of managing and optimising credit card rewards.

In a press statement, Joe Lu, CEO and Co-Founder of heymax, highlighted the transformative potential of Card Maximiser: “Simplicity should not be at odds with high rewards. With security and privacy fully in our users’ control, the Card Maximiser is already helping our users build a healthier and more enjoyable relationship with their cards by automatically clarifying which transactions are eligible for bonus points and proactively tracking their monthly S$1,000 bonus spending cap, all with just a one-time step.”

Adeline Kim, Visa Country Manager for Singapore & Brunei, praised the partnership. Card Maximiser provides a seamless solution for cardholders to track and optimise their rewards across multiple Visa cards and bank portfolios. This collaboration enhances the financial management experience, ensuring cardholders can efficiently manage and maximise their rewards.

The heymax Card Maximiser is designed to assist consumers in seamlessly tracking their spending and optimising credit card rewards. This innovative feature gives cardholders comprehensive and real-time insights into their transactions and rewards accrual. Using the Card Maximiser, consumers can accelerate their reward accumulation, transforming everyday spending into significant benefits ranging from daily rebates to free dream vacations. The tool empowers users to maximise their rewards effortlessly, ensuring they get the most out of every transaction.

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The Card Maximiser prioritises security and ease of use. Utilising Visa’s secure network, consumers can link their Visa credit cards without compromising their card numbers, guaranteeing privacy and security. The tool offers real-time transaction tracking, providing an instant view of credit card transactions and eliminating the need for manual entry or synchronisation. With a clear understanding of how much is earned from each transaction, consumers can effortlessly monitor their progress towards reward goals, ensuring they never miss out on potential rewards.

Helping users achieve their dream holidays

Founded by a group of former engineers from Meta, heymax is a dynamic Singapore-based fintech startup focused on transforming how consumers manage and maximise their credit card rewards. The company’s innovative products, such as the Max Card, integrate all user cards and intelligently route transactions to ensure optimal rewards. This seamless approach simplifies credit card usage and enables users to accrue maximum benefits from their spending. heymax’s platform also features intelligent spend tracking and tailored recommendations, allowing users to earn “Max Miles” from over 400 brands, which can be redeemed on numerous airline and hotel rewards programmes, ultimately facilitating a free trip each year.

heymax has gained significant recognition in the startup community, being named in the TOP100 Growth Programme by e27. This programme, held with Echelon X at the Singapore Expo on May 15-16, provides Southeast Asian startups with regional visibility, funding opportunities, mentorship, and business matching programmes.

Selected from a competitive pool of applicants, these startups are well-positioned to innovate and significantly impact the Southeast Asian market. heymax’s inclusion in this prestigious list underscores its potential to reshape the fintech landscape and highlights its commitment to helping consumers optimise their credit card rewards.

“This partnership came from a shared vision between heymax and Visa to create greater ecosystem value for consumers, financial institutions, and businesses through innovative solutions. With the synergy between Visa’s extensive network and expertise in payments and heymax’s proprietary rewards algorithm, we saw the opportunity to empower consumers with unparalleled insights into their credit card rewards. Through heymax Card Maximiser, consumers have greater transparency and control over their financial choices,” explained heymax Product Manager Long Yin Luk in an email to e27.

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When asked about the prospect of similar partnerships in the future, he said the company planned to continue pursuing partnerships to create more rewarding experiences for consumers.

“One area of focus is collaborating with card issuers. By leveraging the infrastructure of heymax Card Maximiser, card issuers can effortlessly deploy targeted rewards for specific card transactions, incentivising increased card usage. Through such partnerships, we aim to unlock new avenues for consumer engagement and deliver even greater value to our users in a win-win situation,” he closed.

Image Credit: heymax

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