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Gapai nets US$1M to empower Indonesian workers to pursue global careers

[L-R] Gapai’s CBO Adji Pramono, CPO Faizal Ramanda, CEO Radityo Susilo, COO Arsyanda Marsa, and Rizky co-founder Primanda

Gapai, which provides international job placement services for overseas Indonesian workers, has raised US$1 million in seed funding.

Wavemaker Partners led the round with participation from returning investor Antler.

Also Read: The future is skills, not jobs

Gapai will utilise the fresh funds to strengthen the operational process for overseas placements with comprehensive technological infrastructure. With new licenses and processes, Gapai aims to create business growth of up to 10x from last year. This year, Gapai aims to onboard 70,000 Indonesian workers, matching 2,200 with global job opportunities.

Based on national data covering the years 2020-2023, there has been a 7x increase in illegal trafficking cases against Indonesian migrant workers. Around 1,800 people have become victims of unlawful job placement in various countries. Gapai aims to mitigate this issue.

The platform connects prospective employees with suitable employers for fast and safe cross-border job placements. The company operates by screening candidates, conducting interviews, and providing upskilling opportunities for Indonesian workers to build a network of ready-to-work talents that can meet international labour demands.

Since being funded by Antler at inception, Gapai has developed a network of 12,000 qualified workers. “With Indonesia’s vast and growing population, we plan to dramatically scale our operations, aiming to assist ten times more migrant workers annually,” said Radityo Susilo, CEO of Gapai.

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“Our business development priority this year is to expand Gapai’s market reach to 15 countries across Europe including Hungary, Romania, Germany, and the UK, as well as nations in the Asia-Pacific region like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, and Qatar,” he added.

By 2045, Indonesia will boast a workforce demographic advantage, with 70 per cent of its population projected to be of working age. This contrasts starkly with regions like Japan, South Korea, and Europe, which face the challenges of ageing populations and slower population growth.

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Wavemaker Impact backs Australian climate-tech startup MetroElectro

MetroElectro founder Lloyd Heinrich

MetroElectro, a climate tech startup in Australia, has received a pre-seed investment of AU$1.03 million (US$690,000) from Singapore-based climate tech venture builder Wavemaker Impact.

The capital will allow the company to develop several pilot projects in a premium industrial park in the outer suburbs of Melbourne and unlock further funding opportunities to drive the decarbonisation of the Australian electricity grid.

Also Read: Beyond buzzwords: How climate tech startups can create an impact in green recovery

Founded by veteran digital business entrepreneur Lloyd Heinrich, MetroElectro is a renewable energy company focused on unlocking the potential of commercial and industrial (C&I) rooftops. The startup, built from a venture-studio model, has developed its solution by collaborating with industry experts, investors, and businesses in the C&I sector.

MetroElectro’s solution aims to transform overlooked swathes of rooftops in industrial parks, turning these difficult-to-address assets into efficient energy generation resources. The approach simplifies the complexities, eliminates onerous capital requirements on owners and their tenants, and mitigates risks associated with distributed solar power on commercial rooftops.

Through strategic coordination with key stakeholders, including building owners, operators, the electricity grid, off-takers, and financiers, MetroElectro aggregates supply to facilitate meaningful trading in both wholesale markets and ancillary services.

MetroElectro is targeting the AU$672 billion market for C/I renewable energy in Australia and beyond, with a vision to reach AU$100 million in revenue and decrease 100 million tons of CO2 shortly.

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“Our mission to build a portfolio of companies that can decarbonise 10 per cent of global carbon emissions compelled us to look at Australia and see it as one of the most advanced markets in innovation and commitment to reaching climate goals,” said Marie Cheong, Wavemaker Impact Founding Partner. “MetroElectro embodies how we see our vision come to life in this market and its role in decarbonising our future.”

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PepsiCo names 10 finalists for APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program 2024, aims to drive innovation in sustainability

Finalists of the APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program 2024

On Wednesday, F&B giant PepsiCo unveiled the 10 finalists for its APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program 2024. Launched at the beginning of the year, this initiative called for applications from startups across the Asia Pacific region, aiming to discover innovative solutions in sustainable agriculture, circular economy, and climate action. A committee of PepsiCo leaders selected these finalists based on their potential to deliver groundbreaking approaches to sustainability challenges.

A notable highlight of the finalist selection is the significant representation from Southeast Asia (SEA), with half of the chosen startups originating from this region.

Those SEA companies are:

CIRAC (Thailand)

CIRAC aims to provide a breakthrough technology for recycling aluminium-laminated plastic packaging, one of the most challenging packaging wastes to recycle. CIRAC’s technology recycles aluminium-laminated plastic into sustainable aluminium and heavy oil.

AIIEV (Thailand)

AIIEV aims to revolutionise transportation in the country. They empower businesses to achieve sustainability and cost savings through a game-changing subscription model for electric conversions, extending the life of existing commercial vehicles.

Also Read: Application to PepsiCo’s Greenhouse Accelerator 2024 is extended!

Alternō (Vietnam)

Alternō is dedicated to pioneering sustainable solutions that significantly reduce carbon emissions in agriculture, industry, and residential heating. The company was founded with a vision to create Asia’s first low-cost thermal energy storage solution for renewable energy, to be deployed widely across the region by 2050.

Grac (Vietnam)

Grac provides affordable waste and recycling solutions for local governments and businesses seeking a smarter, sustainable alternative. Grac was born to design the most suitable waste management model in Vietnam and developing countries. Grac contributes to reducing waste, separating waste at source, reducing GHG emissions and building a circular economy.

Takachar (The Philippines)

Takachar enables communities to turn their crop and forest residues into higher-value, carbon-negative bioproducts such as fertilizers, chemicals, and biofuels in a small-scale, decentralised, self-sufficient manner, thereby uniquely advancing climate justice. They develop small-scale, low-cost, portable systems that latch onto the back of tractors and pick-up trucks and deploy to rural, hard-to-access regions, enabling self-sufficient rural bioeconomies, and preventing air pollution and carbon footprint associated with open-air biomass burning.

Other companies on the list are Mi Terro (China), ELIoT Energy, Wildfire Energy, X-Centric (Australia), and Captivate Technology (New Zealand).

Each finalist has been chosen for its distinctive strategy in tackling environmental and sustainability issues, with a particular emphasis on criteria that resonate with PepsiCo’s transformative pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) initiative. This program signifies PepsiCo’s dedication to fostering a future-oriented food system where both humanity and the planet can flourish.

In a notable expansion for 2024, PepsiCo has broadened the focus of the APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program to include sustainable agriculture as a critical area of attention. Recognising the pivotal role of agriculture in the food ecosystem, PepsiCo has identified two pioneering startups in this field as finalists, each contributing innovative solutions to promote sustainable farming practices.

Also Read: Application to PepsiCo’s Greenhouse Accelerator 2024 is extended!

Furthermore, PepsiCo has forged new partnerships with its bottlers, Suntory PepsiCo Beverage in Thailand and Vietnam, both deeply committed to environmental impact and sustainability. These collaborations aim to deepen sustainability efforts in the region by engaging stakeholders and amplifying the reach of impactful initiatives through collective action.

To provide comprehensive support to the finalists, the APAC Greenhouse Accelerator Program offers a robust ecosystem connecting them with PepsiCo’s extensive network of mentors, industry experts, and resources. This framework is designed to nurture development, expedite market readiness, and enhance the scalability of the finalists’ solutions.

Image Credit: PepsiCo

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Unbiased guidance, enhanced governance: The power of independent directors for startups

Building a startup is a complex process that requires careful consideration and decision-making. Typically, the company’s founders serve as its directors following incorporation. As the startup progresses through various equity funding cycles, it is natural for the board membership to expand. Lead investors in these rounds often request a board seat to oversee matters at the board level.

However, the inclusion of independent directors on the board is a topic that has not been widely discussed. Some assume that independent directors are only necessary for public-listed companies or those with a large shareholder base, where regulations require stronger corporate governance. Since startups are private and require less governance, the need for independent directors at an early stage is often questioned.

As an independent director for a tech startup during its Series A fundraising round, I was able to contribute my VC expertise and governance experience gained from serving on various boards.

This experience has been beneficial for both the startup and myself, and I believe that the advantages of having independent directors for startups should be shared.

What constitutes an independent director

According to the Singapore Institute of Directors (SID), “An independent director is one who is independent in conduct, character and judgement, and has no relationship with the company, its related corporations, its substantial shareholders or its officers that could interfere, or be reasonably perceived to interfere, with the exercise of the director’s independent business judgement in the best interests of the company.”

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It sounds very complex, but in essence, it is a person who does not have any conflicts of interest with the company. The SID continues further with guidelines like tenure not exceeding three years will be defined as an independent director.

The case for independent directors

Having independent directors can bring several benefits to an early-stage startup. Here are some key advantages:

Objective decision-making

Free from any ownership in the company, these directors offer an unbiased perspective on company matters. This can be particularly valuable for startups, where founders may be driven by enthusiasm and a willingness to take risks in order to grow the company.

For example, a founder might be eager to use company resources to develop a new product, but this decision could be based more on euphoria than sound business assessment. By having an independent voice weigh in on the situation and ask probing questions, the company can make more informed decisions. In some cases, this might even mean deciding not to pursue a particular course of action in order to protect the company’s interests. With an independent director on board, the decision to do so carries greater weight and authority.

Expertise and experience

Independent directors bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise to the table. Their insights, guidance, and mentorship can prove valuable to the management team. In the case of investment deals, particularly for deep tech companies, it is not uncommon to see a tech or science expert serving as an independent director on the board. This is important because it immediately instils a credible belief that the technology IP being created is viable while also providing the founder with a technical and scientific resource to draw from during the technology’s development.

Also Read: If there is one thing investors are afraid of, it is lack of commitment from founders

In addition, successful operators and entrepreneurs are often seen serving on the board as independent directors. They lend their reputation and networks to the company, which can be valuable in attracting stakeholders and building strong relationships to secure good partners and potential first clients. This is particularly important for very young startups that are in the angel-to-seed stages.

According to a report from, some top reasons why startups fail are due to product market fit, poor marketing, being outcompeted, and other relevant business issues. The presence of former entrepreneurs and operators as independent directors on the board is vital to advising the management team in their business operations and strategy.

Corporate governance and compliance

Corporate governance and compliance are essential aspects of any startup’s success. Independent directors play a critical role in ensuring that the company follows good corporate governance practices. They provide oversight and accountability, helping the startup establish and maintain robust governance frameworks, internal controls, and ethical standards. This, in turn, can enhance the startup’s reputation, mitigate risks, and foster long-term sustainability.

While it may not be necessary for startups to have an independent director until they reach Series A, it is still an excellent foundation for developing a culture of accountability to the board. Having an independent director on board can help the startup establish good governance practices early on, which can be crucial for its long-term success.

Conflict resolution

As someone who has advised and mentored startups over the past decade, I have observed that conflicts between startup founders are quite common. This is especially true among male co-founders, who tend to suppress their emotions until a breaking point is reached, leading to highly contentious discussions. According to a report by, 13 per cent of startups fail due to disharmony among team members and shareholders.

To address this issue, independent directors can serve as mediators to resolve conflicts within the startup. Their impartial perspective and neutrality can be beneficial in resolving conflicts effectively and preventing them from escalating, thereby safeguarding the interests of the startup.

When to include an independent director

Selecting the right independent director for a startup board is a complex process that requires careful consideration. It is essential to note that the benefits of appointing an independent director may vary depending on various factors such as the industry, startup’s needs, stage of development, and the expertise of the director.

Some potential candidates may be more suitable as technical advisors or mentors if they lack experience in governance or an understanding of their limitations.

Above all, this article hopes to encourage startup founders to adopt the mindset of selecting the most appropriate independent directors to facilitate their startup’s growth to the next level.

This article first appeared on TRIVE’s blog.

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Image courtesy of the author.

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Explore hyper-personalised customer experience with CleverTap

Echelon X

Marc-Antoine Hager, Regional Head of Southeast Asia at CleverTap

We are 4 days away from Echelon X! Visit Echelon X to learn more about the program. Get your tickets here!

Customer engagement is vital to fully understand  how brands can maximise their reach and convert customers into avid supporters of their product or service offerings. To create truly lasting impressions, especially within an increasingly competitive landscape, brands need to hone and optimise their physical and digital customer experience strategy to meet their customers’ evolving needs.

To adapt to the constantly changing customer behaviour and ensure healthy growth and ROI, the savviest brands are working to build a connection and ensure high retention with their most valuable customer segments. To do this, businesses need to understand their customers through insights that span all touchpoints. All key activities aim to focus on two critical imperatives: reducing friction and fostering customer loyalty.

Supporting brand journey of building customer relationships that last a lifetime

Apart from reducing acquisition costs, customers who stay with a business for a longer period of time tend to generate 50% higher revenue than other customers due to their increased willingness to spend and pay a premium.

To make a lasting impact, brands should craft curated, personalised, and memorable experiences that reshape customer perspectives. Using technology, companies can also reshape strategy and capture data that would bolster confidence in their future decisions and pivots, if necessary.

With this ethos in mind, CleverTap developed an all-in-one customer engagement platform that helps brands personalise and optimise all consumer touch points to improve user engagement, retention, and lifetime value. At its core, CleverTap’s solution is built to address the needs of retention and growth teams, with audience analytics, deep segmentation, multi-channel engagement, product recommendations, and automation in one unified product.

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Unifying interactions between people, processes, and technology, CleverTap is built to convert everyday customers into customers for life with in-moment experiences designed and optimised for scale in real-time. It enables brands to create truly cross-channel experiences, transcending boundaries between channels, journeys, and outcomes.

The platform is powered by TesseractDB™, the world’s first purpose-built database for customer engagement, offering speed and economies of scale. Their mission is to be the ultimate growth partner, providing businesses with the insights they need to truly understand their customers and deliver.

CleverTap is trusted by 2000 customers, including Air Asia, Carousell, Globe Telecom, MAYA, Blue Bird Group, Burger King, M1, GCash, TouchnGo, Boost, and PLDT, among others.

Backed by leading investors such as Peak XV Partners, Tiger Global, Accel, and CDPQ, the company is headquartered in San Francisco, California, and has a presence in, New York, São Paulo, Bogota, London, Amsterdam, Sofia, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh, and Jakarta.

Endless possibilities await you with CleverTap as your growth partner

CleverTap sees potential growth within the Asian market, specifically in the Southeast Asian region. Currently, its biggest markets are Indonesia and the Philippines, and it is seeking opportunities to further expand in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Brands interested in creating synergies with CleverTap have numerous opportunities to do so this May in Singapore for Echelon X, where sessions such as keynote speeches, workshops, and exhibition booths are available to explore.

Marc-Antoine Hager, Regional Head of Southeast Asia, will deliver a keynote speech on Day 1 of Echelon X, titled “Unlocking Customer Lifetime Value”. This keynote will delve into the strategies and technologies that businesses can employ to maximise the value of each customer over their entire relationship with the brand. Insights will be shared on how to identify, nurture, and retain high-value customers, as well as strategies for increasing customer engagement and loyalty.

Also read: SanchiConnect: Fostering sustainability in innovation programs

A more in-depth workshop on “Unraveling the Value of Customer Engagement” will also be facilitated by CleverTap. This session will cover:

  1. The role of personalisation and segmentation in driving effective customer engagement strategies.
  2. The significance of engaging customers across multiple channels and touchpoints for a seamless experience.
  3. How data analytics and insights drive more targeted and effective customer engagement initiatives.

Any customer-facing businesses with mobile applications are also welcome to visit their booth and inquire about growth, product marketing, data analytics, and best practices for cultivating customer experience through the use of CleverTap’s platform.

Get to know CleverTap at Echelon X!

CleverTap is one of the many exciting industry leaders from across the Southeast Asian region who will be joining us for Echelon X. Joining them are other key leaders, visionary entrepreneurs, and groundbreaking startups from all corners of the region who will be gathering together for two packed days. Echelon X will feature dedicated content stages, exhibitions, panel discussions, and more — all to support and empower the tech startup ecosystem with actionable insights through a series of knowledge-sharing activities.

Also read: Echelon X: 10 Pavilion exhibitors shaping the future of innovation

Whether you’re eager to expand your knowledge, network with key players from the tech startup scene, or showcase your innovative ideas, Echelon X offers an unparalleled experience. Join us as a participant or an official partner by securing your spot now on our official page. Together, let’s embark on a journey to shape the future and create a lasting impact.

Join us at Echelon 2024, where innovation knows no limits, and the possibilities are endless!

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