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The future of fintech innovation will be a constant dance between progress and security: AND Global

Nemekhbayar Luuzan, Lead Information Security Officer at AND Global

Despite technological advancements, incidents of cyber crimes are on the rise globally, including in Singapore. Cybercriminals use sophisticated tactics to steal confidential information, resulting in billions of dollars in annual financial losses. According to the Singapore Police Force, the number of scam and cybercrime cases in Singapore rose 49.6 per cent to 50,376 in 2023 from 33,669 in 2022.

Identifying potential threats early on is an effective way to address this challenge. But how can organisations identify threats and act upon them?

In this interview, Nemekhbayar Luuzan, Lead Information Security Officer of Singapore-based AND Global, discusses how organisations can maintain privacy and data security in an era of digital innovation and AI and how to identify and protect themselves from attempted scams.

Edited excerpts:

How alarming is the rise of cybercrimes globally, such as phishing and smishing scams?

The rise of cybercrimes, particularly phishing and smishing scams, is extremely alarming. I have witnessed firsthand the increasing prevalence of these scams targeting individuals and businesses alike. Their sophisticated tactics aim to steal confidential information, resulting in billions of dollars in annual financial losses. This highlights the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures.

With the rise of phishing and smishing scams targeting businesses and individuals, how can companies educate their clients to recognise and thwart such attempts? What role does AI play in enhancing security measures, particularly detecting and preventing fraudulent activities?

To combat these threats effectively, organisations must adopt a proactive approach. This includes robust security protocols like data encryption and multi-factor authentication. Minimising data collection, patch management, and regular system updates are also crucial. Building user awareness is essential.

Also Read: What if cybersecurity included everyone it protects?

We at AND Global utilise various channels to educate our clients on recognising and thwarting phishing and smishing attempts. We also conduct phishing simulations to test and improve client awareness.

AI technologies enhance security by enabling real-time analysis and automated responses to potential fraud. AI’s ability to adapt and learn from new fraud patterns continuously strengthens our security frameworks.

As an expert in fintech and banking, how do you foresee the future of digital innovation intersecting with the imperative of safeguarding personal and financial data?

The future of digital innovation in fintech will be a constant dance between progress and security. Here are some key trends I foresee:

Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs): Techniques like homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation will enable advanced financial services without compromising data privacy. Users will retain control over their data while institutions can perform necessary analytics.

Biometric authentication: Advancements in biometrics like facial recognition and iris scans will offer stronger authentication methods, reducing reliance on passwords vulnerable to phishing. However, robust regulations will be needed to ensure user consent and prevent misuse.

Decentralised Finance (DeFi): DeFi promises a more democratised financial system, but security risks are high. Collaboration between regulators and innovators will be crucial to developing secure DeFi protocols that balance innovation with consumer protection.

How does AND Global adapt its security protocols to meet each market’s specific challenges and regulatory environments?

We operate globally, so our security protocols flex to fit each market’s unique needs.

Regulation-savvy: We map local data privacy laws (like GDPR and CCPA) and adjust protocols accordingly.

Local experts: Regional security teams and consultant partnerships keep us informed of regional threats.

Data on lockdown: Data localisation, minimisation, and privacy-enhancing technologies (like homomorphic encryption) bolster security in regions with stricter regulations.

Clear communication: Localised policies and multilingual support ensure clients understand their rights and how we protect their data.

Scalable security: Our adaptable architecture allows us to integrate additional security measures required in specific regions.

This ensures our security stays strong and compliant no matter where you are in the world.

Can you elaborate on AND Global’s approach to maintaining a balance between efficiency and security in its financial solutions, especially amid rapid technological advancements?

We understand the need for both robust security and efficient financial solutions, especially as technology advances rapidly. Here’s how we achieve this balance:

Security by design: We integrate strong security features from the very beginning of product development. This includes secure coding practices to minimise vulnerabilities, encryption of data at rest and in transit, multi-factor authentication (MFA) for user access, and automated security testing to identify and address potential issues early on.

Also Read: The perils of oversharing: How social media feeds cyberattacks

Leveraging automation for efficiency: We utilise automation tools for tasks like user onboarding and verification, transaction processing and fraud screening, security incident response, and security patch management. This streamlines processes without compromising security.

AI-powered security solutions: We implement AI-powered security solutions for real-time anomaly detection to identify suspicious activity, behavioural analytics to assess transaction risk profiles, and machine learning-based fraud detection to deter fraudulent transactions. AI helps us work smarter, not harder, in identifying and preventing threats.

Risk-based authentication: We implement risk-based authentication, where the level of authentication (e.g., single vs. multi-factor) is based on the perceived risk of the transaction. This allows for a balance between security and user experience.

Security as a shared responsibility: We foster a culture of security awareness among employees and educate clients on best practices for protecting their accounts. We encourage clients to report suspicious activity promptly.

Continuous improvement: We regularly review and update security protocols to stay ahead of evolving threats. This includes conducting security audits and penetration testing and staying up-to-date on the latest security trends and technologies.

Adapting to technological advancements: We constantly monitor emerging security threats associated with new technologies. We also stay updated on advancements in security solutions, explore their integration with existing security frameworks and invest in ongoing training for the security team to ensure they have the expertise to manage new threats and technologies.

Given the significant increase in scam and cybercrime cases, how does AND Global collaborate with law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies to effectively combat such threats?

Reporting suspicious activity: We have robust procedures for identifying and reporting suspicious activity to relevant law enforcement agencies. This allows for swift investigation and potential apprehension of criminals.

Also Read: Digital scams are on the rise – Is Asia ready for the fight?

Information sharing: We actively participate in information-sharing initiatives with regulatory bodies and industry peers. Sharing knowledge about new scams and attack vectors helps build collective defences.

Regulatory compliance: We adhere strictly to evolving financial regulations, including anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines. This helps deter illegal activities and fosters trust in the financial system.

X marks Echelon. Join us at Singapore EXPO on May 15-16 for the 10th edition of Asia’s leading tech and startup conference. Enjoy 2 days of building connections with potential investors, partners, and customers, exploring innovation, and sharing insights with 8,000+ key decision-makers of Asia’s tech ecosystem. Get your tickets here.

Want more from your Echelon experience? Be an Echelon X sponsor or exhibitor. Send enquiry here.

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BEYOND Expo and Asian Family Legacy Foundation to co-host exclusive Wealth Summit

BEYOND Expo, Asia’s premier technology event, and the esteemed Asian Family Legacy Foundation are pleased to announce the co-hosting of the BEYOND Wealth Summit 2024, under the theme “Navigating the Complexities of Modern Wealth”. This invite-only summit, tailored exclusively for allocators such as family offices and institutional investors is a pivotal component of BEYOND Expo 2024 (May 22-25). Taking place on May 24, 2024, at The Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Centre, Macao, the BEYOND Wealth Summit will explore global investment trends, family legacy preservation, philanthropy, purpose-driven wealth, etc.

Navigating the complexities of modern wealth is not just a matter of financial acumen, it is a journey through shifting landscapes, evolving technologies, and dynamic global economies. The BEYOND Wealth Summit is designed to serve as a compass, guiding attendees through this intricate terrain with precision and insight.

BEYOND Wealth Summit promises elite discussions led by global leading allocators and industry experts intended to shape lasting impact in the ever-evolving landscape of global wealth management. It aims to foster stronger connections with these decision-makers through the summit.

The BEYOND Wealth Summit proudly anticipates a gathering of more than 200 distinguished global allocators, highlighting the event’s significant global footprint. Among these allocators, we expect to welcome over 150 esteemed family offices from 30 different countries and an impressive collective of more than 50 institutional investors, including endowments, pensions, corporate venture capitals, and sovereign wealth funds. This convergence of financial acumen and global perspective underscores the summit’s prominence as a nexus for investment expertise. Participants will harness this platform to share insights and cultivate relationships with esteemed global allocators. The rich diversity of the gathering spotlights the BEYOND Wealth Summit’s role as a leading summit in wealth management, marking its global relevance.

“We are excited to partner with the Asian Family Legacy Foundation to co-host the BEYOND Wealth Summit 2024. Through this transformative event, our commitment lies in delivering impactful sessions customized for global family offices and LPs. Together, we unite esteemed global families and top investors to tackle the complexities of modern wealth management, and our mission is to equip attendees with the necessary knowledge and resources to navigate this multifaceted landscape with confidence and achieve success.” – Jason Ho, Co-founder of BEYOND Expo.

Also Read: ‘We want to treat our customers like educated LPs of a fund’: Michael Do of wealthtech startup 1Long

“We are thrilled to co-host the BEYOND Wealth Summit alongside Beyond Expo, an alliance that resonates deeply with the mission of the Asian Family Legacy Foundation. Together, we are dedicated to fostering a trusted circle for the world’s distinguished families. Through the summit, we aim to facilitate meaningful dialogues that navigate the complexities of wealth and legacy, while fostering impactful global connections. It is our collective vision to help craft lasting family legacies that not only stand the test of time but also contribute to a rich cultural and societal tapestry for future generations.” — Michael Zhu, Chair of Board of Directors at the Asian Family Legacy Foundation

Discussion topics at the BEYOND Wealth Summit will span investment strategies in the AI era, navigating cross-border asset allocation strategies, exploring opportunities and challenges in emerging markets, and delving into the evolving landscape of impact investing and ESG considerations.

LPs and family offices can expect:

1. Closed-door discussions focusing on global investment strategies.
2. Insightful sessions covering legacy preservation, next-gen wealth management, and more.
3. Exploration of various topics including impact investing, art, philanthropy, and beyond.
4. Invite-only networking opportunities in a private, laid-back environment tailored for global allocators, including family offices, institutional investors and other LPs.

In addition, BEYOND Expo 2024 offers exclusive summit and events tailored for investors and GPs alike throughout the expo period, from May 23-25, including Global Investment Summit, Investor Lounge, Gala Dinner, and the invite-only Charity Poker Night for investors. These opportunities allow GPs and investors to engage with industry experts and network with peers while exploring investment prospects. Moreover, the broader expo provides a platform for LPs, GPs, and the wider community to convene and exchange insights, fostering collaboration and growth in the wealth management landscape.

To register for the BEYOND Wealth Summit – LPs and Family Offices only:
View the full schedule of BEYOND Wealth Summit speakers and events, and to request an invitation, please visit here.

To register for the Investor Pass at BEYOND Expo 2024 – GPs and investors:
Secure your Investor Pass now to take advantage of the early-bird offer. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and network with peers, LPs, and the broader tech and innovation community. Book your pass here.

Also Read: Monk’s Hill, Iterative back Vietnamese wealth management startup 1Long

About BEYOND Expo

The BEYOND International Technology Innovation Expo (BEYOND Expo) is Asia’s leading annual technology event. Serving as a dynamic platform since 2021, BEYOND Expo not only showcases global technological innovations but also provides a unique opportunity to foster innovation upgrades across diverse industries and regions. BEYOND Expo has attracted participation from Asia’s Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, unicorn companies, and emerging startups. Through a multifaceted approach involving expos, summits, and various activities, BEYOND Expo has successfully cultivated an innovative ecosystem, propelling collective development in the Asia-Pacific region and the global technology innovation industry.

About Asian Family Legacy Foundation

Established in Hong Kong, the Asian Family Legacy Foundation is focused on fostering a circle of trust for world’s distinguished families. We facilitate meaningful dialogues to navigate the complexities of wealth and legacy, fostering impactful connections.
Our mission is to deepen family bonds and instill a sense of shared legacy through giving back, with a commitment to integrity, responsibility, and innovation. We aim to blend tradition with modernity, creating a lasting family legacy that contributes to a rich cultural and societal future.

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JDI hosts Vietnam Pavilion: Spotlighting innovation at Echelon X


Visit Echelon X to learn more about the program. Get your tickets here!

Vietnam has emerged as a thriving hub of innovation, drawing attention from investors and strategic partners worldwide. According to the Asian Development Bank, investments in Vietnamese tech startups skyrocketed to a record high of $1.4 billion post-pandemic. This surge underscores Vietnam’s commitment to nurturing dynamic, fast-growing enterprises that leverage technology, intellectual property, and innovative business models.

At the upcoming Echelon X, the Vietnam pavilion, hosted by JDI, will take centre stage. The pavilion Q7 will showcase a diverse array of startups representing the country’s burgeoning tech scene. These startups are poised to disrupt various industries with their groundbreaking solutions and fresh perspectives and will be sharing on Pitch Stage on Day 15 of May, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Also read: AI4Health Asia Accelerator showcases innovative solutions in healthcare at the culmination event

Connect with the most promising startups from Vietnam

JDI introduces to Echelon X 7 of the most promising startups from the 3 biggest cities of Vietnam, spanning diverse technology solutions such as CRM, AI, Martech, Customer Experience (CX), and more!

  • CRM Messaging Platform stands as a comprehensive CRM Messaging platform, streamlining customer interactions across various channels. Through this unified platform, business owners can engage in live chat sessions and efficiently manage customer inquiries by sending omnichannel messages via Facebook, Zalo, SMS, calls, and emails. As a part of the iDO company, Biglead extends internet marketing services tailored for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The platform empowers business owners with essential features such as live chat capabilities, customer labelling, audience segmentation, and marketing automation across all online channels. Biglead’s reach spans both online and offline domains, including popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Line, Zalo, and WhatsApp, as well as innovative offline avenues such as AI-powered store cameras and WiFi marketing. With a focus on markets in Vietnam, Asia Pacific (including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia), Japan, Korea, and the USA, offers a versatile solution for businesses seeking efficient customer engagement and marketing automation.

Learn more:  

  • BowNow: Cloud CIRCUS’s latest offering, is a game-changer for B2B medium-sized enterprises seeking affordable and user-friendly marketing automation solutions. 

As part of Startia Holdings, listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Cloud CIRCUS brings a wealth of expertise to the table, serving over 35,000 customers with its suite of 11 SaaS products. BowNow, launched in Vietnam and Thailand in 2021, streamlines lead tracking and marketing activities, enabling businesses to nurture customer relationships and drive sales without the need for extensive resources. With BowNow, users have reported impressive results, including up to a 4.5x increase in business negotiations, a 47% boost in order value, and a 33% reduction in marketing costs. It’s the perfect solution for businesses looking to accelerate their digital transformation journey and see tangible returns on investment quickly.

Learn more: 

  • EM&AI: The comprehensive AI SELF-SERVICE solution aiming to Enhance the Vietnamese customer experience.

Discover the hidden technologies driving efficiency, personalisation, and exceptional customer experiences of many top enterprises in Vietnam. From AI-powered voice-enabled chatbots to advanced analytics, uncover the secrets behind successful contact centres and explore how they are reshaping the future of customer service. Join us on a journey to unveil EM&AI – the startup is transforming the way businesses engage with their customers in the digital age.

Learn more: 

  • ENOSTA GROUP: Innovative IT solutions driving business growth and community advancement. 

With a focus on two key brands, Smartos and Enosta, the group delivers cutting-edge solutions tailored to modern business needs. Smartos revolutionises rental real estate management through a blend of PropTech and FinTech, offering SaaS solutions, bespoke technology, and Enouvo Space, transforming idle real estate into profitable rental spaces, with deployments across 150+ locations managing nearly 4,000 rental apartments nationwide. Meanwhile, Enosta serves as a purpose-driven product acceleration company, guiding tech-driven products from concept to market launch and beyond. Offering a comprehensive suite of services including product design, development, branding, and marketing, Enosta empowers businesses to realise their digital visions. 

Learn more:  and 

  • Filum: Harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions.

Founded by a team of Silicon Valley and Vietnam-based entrepreneurs, the company harnesses the power of cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions to revolutionise the way businesses operate in the digital age. With a focus on sustainability and efficiency, Filum specialises in providing bespoke software solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of clients across various industries. The team of seasoned experts combines expertise in software development, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to deliver scalable and reliable solutions that drive growth and streamline operations. Committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, Filum empowers businesses to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Learn more: 

  • OLLI: Transforming Toys into Interactive Learning Companions

Olli is committed to democratising advanced digital companionship by offering affordable technology solutions to individuals and organisations. In the past six years, we’ve spearheaded AI development with successes like the Smart Speaker, dominating Vietnam’s smart home market. Recognising the growing issue of speech delays in children due to excessive screen time, we introduced BuddyOS—a cost-effective solution for toy manufacturers. BuddyOS transforms traditional toys into interactive companions, fostering language development and turning playtime into learning experiences, bridging the gap between classic toy craftsmanship and cutting-edge AI technology.

  • OPLA CRM: Innovative and user-friendly sales solutions for B2B companies

OplaCRM is an innovative sales CRM that offers specialised sales solutions for B2B companies, established by Mr. Stephen, who has more than 10 years of experience advising multinational corporations on CRM solutions. Developed based on the criteria “innovative – easy”, OplaCRM is appropriate to all B2B businesses required to organise sales activities professionally and effectively.

Learn more: 

Evolving ecosystems need the right experts to accelerate growth

A robust innovation ecosystem hinges on providing startups with essential support and resources to navigate the complexities of launching and scaling a business. Successful venture catalysts leverage their expertise and international connections to offer critical assistance, fostering innovation, creating job opportunities, and driving economic growth within their communities. By mitigating early-stage risks and increasing the likelihood of success, these catalysts propel founders toward disruptive growth.

Also read: Discover promising early-stage startups across Southeast Asia with A2D Ventures

Organizing the Vietnam Pavilion at Echelon X presents an exhilarating opportunity for the delegation of innovative tech companies from Vietnam. As Venture Catalysts, JDI is eager to leverage on this partnership with e27 to enhance the visibility and facilitate impactful collaborations. JDI anticipates fostering rich cross-pollination between the vibrant innovation ecosystems of Vietnam and Singapore, driving mutual growth and innovation across the ASEAN region.

About JUMPSTART DISRUPTIVE INNOVATIONS (JDI): A venture catalyst driving forward the future of innovation.

JDI does this through its five (5) business units: Launch JDI, Talent JDI, Tech JDI, Venture JDI, and Capital JDI. Launch JDI focuses on Vietnam market expansion, corporate services, as well as community building and partnerships; Talent JDI provides HR-based services for hiring talent & EOR; Tech JDI supports businesses with developing great tech solutions; Venture JDI is dedicated to building new ventures, and Capital JDI focuses on fundraising advisory and deploying venture capital.

With strategic partners across the globe, JDI combines global expertise with local knowledge to empower businesses to build, grow, and scale across Southeast Asia.

Join us at Echelon 2024, where innovation knows no limits, and the possibilities are endless!

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Binance founder sentenced to four months in prison by US court

Changpeng Zhao

Changpeng Zhao, once hailed as a titan of the cryptocurrency world and former CEO of Binance, was sentenced to four months in prison by a US court, according to a Reuters report.

The verdict came after Zhao pleaded guilty to breaching US anti-money laundering laws.
Prosecutors said Binance followed a “Wild West” model, welcoming criminals and failed to report over 100,000 suspicious transactions with several terror groups.

Known as “CZ,” Zhao’s fall from grace underscores the intensifying crackdown on financial misconduct within the burgeoning cryptocurrency sector. The verdict, delivered by US District Judge Richard Jones in Seattle, notably diverged from the harsher punishment of three years in jail sought by prosecutors.

Also Read: Binance acquires Japanese crypto exchange SEBC

Zhao’s transgressions, which included prioritising Binance’s growth over adherence to US laws, were criticised by the judge during the hearing.

While Zhao expressed remorse before the court, acknowledging the gravity of his lapses in implementing robust anti-money laundering measures, the repercussions reverberate beyond his personal fate. Binance, agreeing to a staggering US$4.32 billion penalty, faces a long road to redemption as it navigates heightened regulatory scrutiny and seeks to restore investor trust.

Over a month ago, Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison by a US court for stealing US$8 billion from customers of his now-bankrupt FTX exchange.

X marks Echelon. Join us at Singapore EXPO on May 15-16 for the 10th edition of Asia’s leading tech and startup conference. Enjoy 2 days of building connections with potential investors, partners, and customers, exploring innovation, and sharing insights with 8,000+ key decision-makers of Asia’s tech ecosystem. Get your tickets here.

Want more from your Echelon experience? Be an Echelon X sponsor or exhibitor. Send enquiry here.

Image Credit: Milken Institute.

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Charting the roadmap for the era of pervasive AI

AI is the defining technology shaping the next generation of computing as a new wave of AI applications evolves at a rapid pace. From creating realistic virtual environments for gaming and entertainment to helping scientists treat and cure diseases or helping humanity better prepare for climate change, AI has the potential to solve some of the world’s most important challenges.

The explosion in generative AI and large language models (LLMs), coupled with the rapid pace of AI application innovation, is driving enormous demand for compute resources and requiring solutions that are performant, energy efficient, pervasive, and can scale from cloud to edge and endpoints.

IT leaders across the board recognise AI’s potential and are ramping up their investment, with more than two-thirds of IT leaders amassing budget for AI project implementation. There is also downward pressure where boards are pressing their CEOs to develop a strategy for incorporating AI throughout their business, even as many executives are still grappling with where to start.

However, the occasion continues to be earmarked by hesitancy and distrust. In fact, our own study finds that only half of IT leaders are confident in their companies’ ability to properly adopt AI.

As such, we can expect to see a significant majority of enterprises moving beyond the proof-of-concept stage and into the deployment phase. However, to fully realise the potential of what AI integration can bring to the organisation, it is key that leaders take measured steps and not jump in on the bandwagon without a clear vision.

To do so, leaders must first understand the immediate AI landscape and the key technologies behind it, the opportunities that lie with AI, and what can be done to tap into them, as well as the roles that individual organisations can play in advancing AI as a technology.

Demystifying AI in 2024

2023 was a banner year for GenAI. While the technology continues to offer unique opportunities and solutions, 2024 is likely to see the growing adoption of more sophisticated and personalised solutions on the enterprise front.

Also Read: India beats Singapore, US to rank highest for AI project implementation

For instance, enterprise AI customisation is on the rise, with businesses embracing tailored generative AI applications. These applications are designed to meet specific business needs by integrating proprietary data and help to ensure more accurate and relevant responses.

Proprietary models offer security-conscious organisations better oversight when it comes to the internal data used to train models. This could assuage some organisations’ worries about achieving accurate, fair and representative output using third-party models.

2024 will also witness the power of small language models. Only the very largest companies have the funds and server space to train and maintain energy-hungry models with hundreds of billions of parameters. Smaller models, meanwhile, are far less resource-intensive, but they yield better performance than training larger models on fewer data.

Multimodal AI systems will also take centre stage among IT leaders’ minds. The key strength of these systems lies in their capacity to integrate different modalities, creating a more holistic understanding of the input data. This integration goes beyond recognising individual components; it allows the AI system to interpret and respond to complex inputs that involve multiple modes of information.

What lies within the AI goldmine?

AI’s biggest impact on business stems from its ability to automate tasks and supplement employees’ abilities to further boost their productivity. The technology essentially supercharges data exploration to enable better decision-making. As a tool for future-proofing organisations, it equips them with the agility and insight to adapt to evolving markets and technologies, underpinned by its capability for continuous learning and improvement.

With these considerations in mind, it is imperative that companies starting out on their AI roadmaps pay close attention to macro industry trends for possible knock-on effects.

For instance, as larger organisations work towards bringing AI capabilities in-house, the demand for components such as the AMD Instinct™ MI300 Series accelerators, which can power even the most demanding AI and HPC workloads, are likely to skyrocket. Smaller businesses who are looking to emulate these strategies are at the risk of getting squeezed out as they might lack the financial capabilities to compete for resources.

In this regard, enterprises can also look towards alternatives such as AI-enabled PCs, especially if they are running smaller AI models right-sized to their needs. These PCs are powered by AMD Ryzen™ AI (AMD was the first to bring dedicated AI to the PC), and feature dedicated artificial intelligence hardware in their processors to not only elevate their day-to-day tasks, but also to build and deploy AI models and run them directly.

The initial conversations and experiments around AI have seen lukewarm responses from the employee populace. It is imperative that business leaders prepare their workforce by equipping them with the essential tools and resources needed to effectively engage with AI.

Building an AI-friendly environment requires comprehensive training for staff, motivating them to address daily business challenges using AI to achieve organisational goals. In the future of work, organisations must strategically navigate two essential fronts: attracting new talent while empowering the existing workforce through upskilling initiatives.

Playing the role of a proactive champion

Businesses need to recognise that AI isn’t flawless.  It comes with its own set of unique risks that many organisations are unequipped to deal with – or even recognise – due to the nature of the technology and how fast it is evolving.

Also Read: Rainy day resilience: Your guide to startup media crisis management

From lack of employee trust and unintentional biases to unethical applications and security lapses, these gaps result from the same mistakes that can sabotage any deployment of technology: inadequate planning, insufficient skill sets, lack of alignment to business goals and poor communication.

As such, business leaders should ensure that their ambitious AI strategy is informed by an equally robust governance framework that is designed to balance technological innovation with safety, ensuring AI systems do not violate human dignity or rights.

Transparent decision-making and explainability are critical for ensuring AI systems are used responsibly. AI systems make decisions all the time, from deciding which assets to generate to determining whether a certain operation process is expedited. It is essential to understand how AI systems make decisions to hold them accountable for their decisions and ensure that they make them fairly and ethically.

At the same time, another key component of a well-developed governance framework is the policies underpinning it. These approaches inform the measured and necessary approaches to achieve an open and accessible AI ecosystem, further promoting the advancement of the technology as a whole.

This means that where possible, AI teams should opt to adopt open-source tools – such as Hugging Face and PyTorch – compatible with various machine learning development platforms to benefit from the flexibility and community support. An open ecosystem promotes both competition and democratisation of the technology – key ingredients that would further accelerates the pace of innovation for the technology.

Along the same line, all enterprises should never discount partnerships with organisations to ensure each step they take is a concerted effort in the right direction. AI will be pervasive – spanning the cloud, enterprise, and end devices – and it would require two critical ingredients: a variety of compute engines optimised to deliver the right AI performance balanced with the efficiency needs of each device and an open ecosystem where developers are free to create incredible new applications that are easy to deploy.

The partner of choice should therefore be an expert with not only a comprehensive product and software portfolio, but also an active platform built off the back of open and accessible software tools to empower companies to tackle the workloads of today and the future.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva

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