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Workplace safety getting a tech makeover with AI

Have you ever thought about a smart assistant dedicated to keeping your workplace safe and compliant? Imagine AI stepping in as your high-tech safety officer, analysing real-time data and spotting potential issues before they become non-compliant. It’s not science fiction — it’s happening now.

But the questions arise: Is AI genuinely changing how we manage safety and compliance, or is it just a shiny new gadget?

However, with advanced algorithms, real-time monitoring, and predictive analytics, AI is transforming regulatory requirements by changing the way safety protocols are handled in workplaces. Thus, AI cannot be stated merely as a shiny new gadget; rather, it’s a powerful tool that actively improves risk management, streamlines compliance processes, and creates safer work environments. The integration of AI into existing EHS monitoring systems is proving to be a game-changer, making a tangible impact on how safety and compliance are managed today.

A safety showdown

In the industrial landscape of contemporary times, the idea of operating safely without AI seems increasingly unrealistic. Modern environments are too complex and fast which demands a level of vigilance and precision that traditional methods struggle to provide.

AI technologies, with their advanced data analysis and real-time monitoring capabilities, offer an unprecedented edge in tracking compliances allowing EHS teams to respond swiftly to emerging issues, reducing the likelihood of accidents, and improving overall workplace safety.

Gary Ng, CEO of viAct, an AI company from Hong Kong aptly says “As industries evolve and the stakes rise, AI’s role in safeguarding operations especially in critical risk-prone workplaces becomes not just beneficial but essential, highlighting a critical shift from conventional safety practices to a more dynamic, AI-driven approach.” He further adds it by stating “92 per cent faster Risk Assessments & Safety Audits was observed in automotive manufacturing units that otherwise had a lot of non-compliance due to Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)”.

Also Read: How to use Gen AI enabled chatbots for workplace safety?

Traditional manual checks to manage safety by EHS teams through periodic inspections may cause “a safety shutdown” as these methods struggle to keep up with the rapid pace and complexity of modern operation lines. IoT sensors and cameras throughout modern facilities allow AI to continuously monitor equipment and worker behaviour in real time.

This approach is termed a proactive approach which prevents accidents by enhancing compliance with safety standards. It underscores how AI has become essential in high-stakes industrial environments like manufacturing, construction, oil & gas, mining, and logistics as it serves as not just a luxury but a vital component for maintaining a safe and efficient operation.

New face of industry-specific safety

In today’s industrial ecosystem, another revolution in the field of AI for workplace safety is brought by Generative AI. Think of a workplace where AI doesn’t just observe safety compliances through video analytics but actively participates in it by answering— that’s where generative AI is stepping in, transforming the way safety and compliance are managed.

This can be explained by the safety chatbot of viAct named “viGent” which is so powerful that has changed how the EHS team works. Instead of relying on manual checks or waiting for reports, viGent provides real-time assistance helping EHS teams in mapping issues for 85 per cent quicker safety resolutions, ensuring 90 per cent amendments in best safety practices, and contributing to 70 per cent long-term safety improvement. Thus, Generative AI is an upgrade that’s reshaping the entire approach to workplace safety, turning reactive measures into proactive, intelligent systems.

What makes generative AI solutions like viGent even more impressive is how they tap into a vast data pool, providing insights and predictions not just by reacting to incidents but by helping prevent them from happening by identifying patterns and risks early on.The chatbot seamlessly integrates data from multiple sources, such as video analytics and IoT sensors for compliance monitoring and assistance.

For EHS teams, this means a complete shift towards a focused strategy in compliance tracking. Beyond simple alerts, generative AI helps to foster a culture of safety. By integrating directly into the daily routines of workers and aligning with real-time operations, these generative AI applications anticipate, communicate, and drive compliance with a level of intelligence that traditional CCTV-based monitoring cannot guarantee.

Also Read: Why AI will be critical to brand strategy

Finding the sweet spot

As AI continues to revolutionise workplace safety, the balance between innovation and regulation becomes crucial. AI-powered tools like safety chatbots, integrate cutting-edge video analytics and IoT data which comes with regulatory responsibilities.

AI’s ability to monitor and guide workers in real time must align with existing safety standards and laws. Ensuring that AI solutions comply with local and international safety regulations is key to their widespread adoption.

viAct’s Responsible AI Approach is a very good example in this context which finds “the sweet spot” amid the regulatory bedlam. The approach helps viAct by ensuring that their AI technologies are not simply meant to enhance workplace safety but also uphold ethical and legal standards by incorporating transparent data handling practices and designing AI systems that align with regulatory frameworks at its core.

Such approaches enable industries to confidently adopt AI-driven solutions, knowing that the technology supports both operational efficiency and compliance with stringent safety regulations.

Thus, the intersection of AI innovation and safety regulation, driven by responsible AI practices, is the future of workplace safety—one that embraces progress while ensuring worker protection and regulatory alignment.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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