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Will hyper casual entertainment and blockchain games merge in 2023?

In a world where convenience rules, providing easy access to interactive entertainment is a growing trend. In November, the streaming giant Netflix launched Triviaverse.

After playing Triviaverse it was easy to understand the mass appeal of such a simple but entertaining format.  Players must correctly answer as many questions as possible within a time frame of three minutes using their mobile phones. 

This casual access to well-known skills games from the comfort of our living rooms could catapult the gaming market into the hands of every generation. However, this new Netflix focus is not surprising. In 2022 VP of  Gaming at Netflix Mike Perdu revealed that they were exploring Cloud Gaming at Techcrunch Disrupt. 

The global Hyper Casual Gaming market size was valued at US$15600.0 million in 2021 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.96 per cent during the forecast period, reaching US$24700.0 million by 2027. 

A look into the history

Skills games date back centuries before the screens became an intrinsic part of our everyday lives. Remember how we used our imaginations to devise games like charades, guess who, and poker to entertain each other? These are games that require some level of physical or mental skill to win the game.

Also Read: 7 trends changing the reality of immersive gaming

Solitaire, Chess, Sudoku, Wordplay and Pictionary are examples that date back to a time when people used physical coordination, balance, and physical skills to win games. Clever mobile game developers have taken this popular game type from carnivals and arcades to create captivating games that require basic skills but endless fun. 

Why do people enjoy mobile games?

Every form of game gives some sort of relief from everyday life and provides a welcome spot of entertainment. Some like a challenge, some enjoy playing against people from around the world, and some use games to pass the time or relieve stress. The fact that mobile games are easily accessible allows them to be played at any time and in any venue. Often they are free to download, and with over 7.33 billion mobile phone users worldwide, it makes gaming applications just a click away and mobile gaming attainable to a massive pool of potential gamers. 

However, are those gamers that spend a vast portion of their free time using these applications receiving any long-term benefits or revenue? This is where blockchain technology could play a crucial role in the future of gaming. 

Blockchain games offer hyper interactivity

Tiny World, Alien Worlds, Splinterlands, and Upland consistently rank in the top blockchain games in the DappRadar game rankings. These games have common traits that allow them to tap into a new world of entertainment.

From in-game object marketplaces to community DAO’s to transparent ecosystems where gamers now have a wider say in future gameplay, each of the top-ranking blockchain games makes it easy for gamers to engage with their communities.

Upland founder Dirk Leuth recently revealed Upland as the Metaverse Super-App at Davos 2023. He stresses that “the winning metaverse is going to be the platform which figures out the social-media aspect, upland has started empowering our communities with chat, and it’s only the beginning.”

Another game changer for the casual mobile gaming arena was the introduction of Sorare, the sports player NFT trading game that easily allows you to build your fantasy team. Their key to success has been to provide an easy on-ramp for new users and partner with major sports leagues like the NBA to drive fan engagement. Fandom, mobile, gaming, and the earning potential from blockchain technology make a very interesting combination of factors for gaming studios. 

Also Read: NFT gaming startup Metastrike closes US$3.3M funding round

In an interview with Gamesbeat, Michael Meltzer, Head of Business Development at Sorare said, “Our fantasy sports entertainment product leverages blockchain to bring ownership to the game. And we think that’s completely different than anything that’s been on the market, particularly with the NBA, whether in Web three or elsewhere.”

From the consumer standpoint, it is not a question of why, but why not get be incentivised for the time you invest when playing these games? If you spend two hours sitting in an airport playing multiplayer solitaire and you crush the competition every time, should you be rewarded for your level of skill? The founders of the gaming platform CoinClash believe that the key is in fun. They are taking our love for arcade games into Web3 and believe it is the most exciting new development in the mobile gaming space. 

“The beauty of skills games is that they are easily accessible in any location, any time. All you need is a mobile phone. Before you put a game into the hands of gamers, you have to be a fan of the game yourself. This is why the old school games work, and some gaming studios have lost sight of the fun five minutes you can take each day to switch off with a great game,” says Piotr Blazewicz, Co-Founder and CEO of Coinclash. 

The opportunities for blockchain technology to support interactive entertainment models will flourish in 2023. Trivia is just one of many ways that viewers can begin to participate. Sitting down to play trivia from the comfort of my very own couch without the need to switch on a console or go through a rigorous search process was both enticing and intriguing. 

Getting rewards for your level of skill or effort is already happening and has been happening for centuries. However, as more for-profit companies and gaming studios sought to develop highly complex games, the focus on the rewards moved away from the end user to the profits of a few high-level executives and the development of traditional company structures rather than remaining true to the arcade style of gaming. 

Game developers are returning to that basic idea of mixing pleasure and performance to allow participants to earn rewards. However, instead of receiving Teddy bears with your winning tickets at the funfair, you will receive utility tokens, accumulating crypto rewards over time as the player continues to engage with the platform. 

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