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Why your business should consider a multicultural cybersecurity team

In this technology-evolved world, businesses are realising the benefits of managing multicultural workplaces. While more companies are hiring underrepresented groups, there is still a need for diversity in work environments, including the cybersecurity sector.

Research has shown multicultural teams bring many advantages to an organisation’s workflow and productivity. Here’s why your enterprise should hire a diverse and multicultural cybersecurity team.

Current issues facing the cyber sector

Cyberattacks pose a massive risk to many businesses globally. Cynet surveyed the implications of stress on chief information security officers (CISOs) and the results highlighted what many already knew — the cybersecurity sector is stressful. The study states that 94 per cent of CISOs are stressed at work, 64 per cent of them struggle to do their job due to this and 77 per cent said it affects their mental health.

Alongside those statistics, 74 per cent of CISOs quit their job in 2022 due to the pressure they were under. Many professionals feel stressed due to the possibility that a successful cyberattack can occur at any time, and the associated costs of such a ransomware attack can be extremely high — as much as US$11 million.

Couple the amount of stress with the long hours cybersecurity staff work, and it’s unsurprising why many experience burnout. Partly because of these struggles, the cybersecurity sector faces a worker shortage.

In the first quarter of 2023, more than six million data records were compromised due to data breaches. The issue is there are not enough professionals with the necessary skills to do the job. While there are multiple reasons why there aren’t enough professionals in the field, companies should consider looking for ways to close the skill gap in the sector.

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Alongside all these issues, the cyber sector also lacks diversity. Aspen Institute released a study in 2021 that looked at the industry’s underrepresented groups, and the results were surprising. That year, the industry consisted of nine per cent of Black, eight per cent of Asian and four per cent of Hispanic people.

Also, the sector primarily consists of males — 76 per cent of the workforcewith females making up only 24 per cent. While diversity has grown in the industry, these groups still need better representation. A multicultural workforce has much to offer an organisation, especially in the cybersecurity sector.

Benefits of managing a multicultural workforce in cybersecurity

There are many advantages diversity brings to an organisation. People from different walks of life and experiences add unique insights to daily operations. Here are a few benefits you can expect:

  • Increased productivity and creativity: A multicultural workforce brings minds that look at situations differently together. If people have the same experiences, it can limit their imagination and cause them to struggle when solving certain problems. In a workspace where diversity is celebrated and everyone is treated with the respect they deserve, productivity starts to increase.
  • Less turnover: Multicultural teams also decrease turnover. Employee retention is a major issue in the cybersecurity sector, but increased diversity can help. When staff feel respected and valued at their organisation, they are more inclined to stay.
  • Better decision-making: While most know some of the benefits a team can provide, research has shown diverse groups can even perform better regarding decision-making. According to a Cloverpop study, teams make better decisions 66 per cent of the time than individuals. However, this is even better with diverse groups — according to the study, they make better decisions 87 per cent of the time.
  • Increased profitability: According to a 2020 study by McKinsey & Company, enterprises that employ diverse teams have increased profitability. The report looked at gender, ethnic and cultural diversity. They found businesses in the top quartile of gender-diverse groups were 25 per cent more inclined to have above-average profitability than organisations in the fourth quartile.

Why is a multicultural workforce important?

A diverse and multicultural workforce brings people from all walks of life together, providing organisations with unique perspectives on solving complex problems. Such a workspace appreciates the uniqueness everyone has in terms of their race, age, gender, experiences, religion and many more.

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It also helps remove bias from the recruitment process. Diverse hiring practices foster a workspace where everyone feels valued, appreciated and respected for their cultural differences.

Four ways to build a multicultural workforce in cybersecurity

While creating a diverse and multicultural team can take time, it’s well worth the effort. Here are four ways to build a multicultural cybersecurity team.

Remove bias from the hiring process

While many people might not realise it, human bias is something everyone shares. If a multicultural workforce is something you seek, it’s essential to eliminate bias as much as possible in the hiring step. One great way to do this is to evaluate resumes blindly, with all personal or demographic information about the candidates removed.

Have a diverse interview panel

While blind resumes provide an excellent way to remove human bias from the hiring step, you should also consider having a diverse panel of people conducting the interview. This allows a much higher chance of hiring multicultural candidates than when the meeting is led by one person, where bias can still appear.

Generate a diverse candidate pool

The best way to have a multicultural candidate pool is to post your listing on job boards that target minorities. Ensure your listings are published on various platforms to offer you the highest possibility of candidates from diverse backgrounds.

Develop a brand that emphasises the company’s diversity

Another great way to build a multicultural team for cybersecurity is to create a brand that showcases how the company values diversity. A strong image emphasising respect for people from all walks of life helps attract people from many backgrounds. Consider implementing policies that appeal to diversity, such as observing religious holidays.

Working with a diverse cybersecurity team

With all the associated benefits a multicultural workforce provides, it’s easy to understand why many organisations are trying to hire diverse candidates. Consider adapting your hiring process to attract and employ people from different backgrounds. With a few adjustments and a holistic approach, your company can experience all the advantages a multicultural cybersecurity team offers.

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Image credit: Canva

This article was first published on September 11, 2023

The post Why your business should consider a multicultural cybersecurity team appeared first on e27.

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