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Why does cybersecurity training for employees in Malaysia matter and how to go about it?

Empowering employees with cybersecurity training is a key defence strategy for today’s businesses all over the globe. As cyber threats grow in both frequency and complexity, businesses must prioritise cybersecurity training for their employees.

The difference in how we approach cybersecurity training for employees now is defined by how rapidly the technology has advanced. Malaysian businesses’ demand for cybersecurity professionals is increasing, and 30,000 skilled employees are needed to achieve it by 2030 – further highlighting the urgency for cybersecurity awareness training.

As technology evolves, so do the methods and sophistication of cyber attacks. The most common cybersecurity threat facing businesses and individuals is phishing, making it imperative for businesses to fortify their cybersecurity defences. The frequency of cyber-attacks has escalated, reflecting both the expanding digital landscape and the increasing value of digital assets.

Factors driving prioritisation of cybersecurity training in Malaysia

One must examine and understand the driving factors behind why businesses need cybersecurity training among their employees before they take further actions to combat it.

Malaysian businesses need to prioritise cybersecurity training for their employees due to the rising frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks. In 2023, Malaysia faced numerous cyber-attacks targeting critical citizen data, impacting key public sector organisations such as Perkeso and Telekom Malaysia. Concerns about the security of Malaysia’s Central Database Hub (Padu) persist.

According to a recent report by CyberSecurity Malaysia, an alarming 842.84GB of data was exposed between January and June 2023. The government and telecommunications sectors were particularly vulnerable to these breaches. This stark statistic highlights the significant cybersecurity challenges faced by a nation that prides itself on its digital advancement.

The rise in the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks forces proactive measures to defend and detect any evolving threats that may slowly drive businesses to the ground. Protection of digital assets. Safeguarding sensitive information and intellectual property is critical and a no-brainer to maintaining daily operational continuity and customer trust.

Also Read: Protecting innovation: Cybersecurity as the backbone of tech independence

Risk management and resilience. Cybersecurity training is not only preparing businesses for evolving threats but also helping to manage risks effectively and recover swiftly from any potential threats.

It is clear that businesses need to implement and adopt cybersecurity training but it is also important to understand that a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work to each business needs specific training. For instance, a finance agency may want to focus on fraud prevention and secure daily transaction practices, while healthcare bodies prioritise their patients’ personal information and data protection.

Critical learning objectives and specialised modules

Some of the effective learning of cybersecurity courses aim to fully equip employees with the right skills and knowledge including recognising the threats. As mentioned earlier, identifying common cyber-attacks internally such as phishing, malware, and social engineering tactics is the first step in the process. Secondly, implementing best practices is key. Cybersecurity training and best practices in daily operations to safeguard digital assets help create discipline among employees.

Thirdly, responding to incidents and taking action are equally important. Developing a framework or strategies to reduce the impact of cyber-attacks and ensure quick recovery. Lastly, businesses need to consistently work on promoting a cybersecurity culture within the organisation. Fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness including organising employee engagement events such as Cybersecurity Week, or even monthly/bi-monthly announcements.

OpenAcademy ensures the relevance of its cybersecurity learning content through continuous adaptation to industry trends and technological advancements — including feedback from industry experts, updates on emerging threats, and evolving regulatory requirements. This approach enables businesses to stay updated on potential vulnerabilities and emerging cyber-attacks.

As part of the ongoing commitment to address this issue, the Malaysian government is also taking proactive measures to enhance cybersecurity awareness and skills among Malaysians. In support of this initiative, National Training Week (NTW) 2024, first introduced in 2023, offers a comprehensive week of free training events and activities across the country. This programme brings together a diverse range of organisations and individuals, providing valuable learning opportunities through various methods and platforms.

These resources are available online including interactive webinars, instructional videos, and downloadable materials as well as offline which include in-person workshops, seminars, and printed guides, provide hands-on learning experiences and direct interaction with experts, which can be accessed at any time, enabling companies to customise their training programmes to suit their specific needs and schedules.

Also Read: Cybersecurity in the AI age: How startups can stay ahead

By leveraging these diverse resources, businesses can effectively implement best practices and new skills among their employees, ensuring a more comprehensive and adaptable approach to enhancing organisational capabilities and workforce development.


All in all, as Malaysian businesses navigate the complexities of an increasingly advanced landscape, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. It is not merely a reactive measure against cyber-attacks anymore but rather a proactive measure taken by businesses and industry leaders to fortify defences and empower their employees.

OpenAcademy’s specialised cybersecurity learning content is designed to make cybersecurity accessible to everyone within your organisation. By focusing on fundamental principles, we ensure that all employees, regardless of their technical background, gain a basic understanding of cybersecurity.

This widespread knowledge helps create a more secure digital environment and empowers every team member to contribute to safeguarding the company’s digital assets. Investing in comprehensive, accessible training means that all employees can confidently navigate and respond to cybersecurity challenges, strengthening the overall resilience of your business.

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