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Understanding angel investors with Mysty Rusk

Mysty Rusk is the Executive Director of the Free Enterprise Institute at the University of San Diego School of Business, and the founder of the San Diego Angel Conference, which seeks to activate new angel investors at a local level while committing to investing a specific amount within a specific time frame to ensure great startups get the money they need to move to the next level.

What you will learn in this episode:
– What is angel investing?
– What made you interested in becoming an angel investor?
– How do you identify the right person to become an angel investor?
– What should potential angel investors be learning to become successful?
– What are angel investors looking for when reviewing a pitch deck?
– What are angel investors listening for during a live pitch?
– Why you should tell a story with a path to success?
– What you should prepare for the due diligence process?
– Why you should never ask investors to sign an NDA at first sight?
– Why the terms of the deal can make or break the investment?
– What can stop the investment at this point?

Also Read: Hacking your way into angel impact investing with just US$10K

Talk with other entrepreneurs here.

The content was first published by We Live To Build.

Image Credit: inspirestock, 123RF Free Images

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