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Travel made easy with azgo: Making your journeys smarter


The evolution of travel tech has dramatically transformed the way we explore the world. To give us an in-depth look at today’s most exciting developments in travel tech, we recently spoke to Yan Yuan Sng, Singapore Country Head of azgo, a new travel tech innovator that is changing consumer behaviours and redefining the travel landscape as we know it. With azgo, travel planning is not just about bookings, it’s about unlocking a world where every journey is made smarter.

Born from the minds of a group of seasoned industry globe-trotters, the team at azgo is on a mission to become a trusted travel companion to tech-savvy travellers. Here’s what they want you to know!

Travel tech innovator tells it to us straight

e27: Tell us more about azgo and the brains behind it. What is your mission?

azgo: azgo is a one-stop app for smarter travel planning, on a mission to unlock a world where every journey is made smarter. We are taking a new approach to being a trusted travel companion to tech-savvy travellers.

Behind the scenes, we have a dream team of developers and travel experts who are working hard to create an AI-powered platform that makes travel planning effortless, affordable, and rewarding. 

azgo was founded on the principle of shifting power back to consumers when planning their travels, which includes excellent customer service. We aim for our platform to become a trusted travel companion that users can always rely on when booking their trips.

e27: With the growing influence of technology in today’s world, how will digital solutions revolutionise the travel industry?

azgo: The travel industry is ripe for tech revolution, and digital solutions like azgo are transforming the way we work and play. Increasingly, the industry is putting the power of AI and technology in the users’ hands, allowing them to create personalised travel companions to curate itineraries, hunt the best deals, and monitor price fluctuations. 

By streamlining everything in the booking process, users can access all their travel plans in one convenient app such as azgo, making the experience effortless and stress-free.

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e27: The travel app space is crowded. What makes azgo stand out to tech-savvy travellers? 

azgo: The travel app market might be crowded but our use of AI to create a frictionless experience is what sets us apart. We do that by going the extra mile to ensure our users get the best value and experience. 

Our trust-based redemption process for cashback empowers travellers to enjoy rewards at their convenience. By challenging the traditional merchant-led approval processes, azgo aims to push the boundaries of customer satisfaction and empowerment in the travel ecosystem with the use of AI. 

e27: Walk us through a user’s experience on the azgo app. How does AI assist in making smarter travel decisions?

azgo: When a user downloads our application, they have numerous options to choose from across hotels, flights, and experiences. We use data-rich insights from our market studies and data collection to offer the best deals from trustworthy merchants that align with users’ interests.

After making their choice and placing their booking, all they need to do is submit a screenshot of the receipt to our system. Our AI processes the screenshot and approves the cashback quickly, usually within 48 hours. Users will receive cashback confirmation after approval. The entire process is seamless and stress-free, allowing travellers to enjoy their savings and rewards at their convenience.

e27: How does azgo compare to traditional travel booking methods and how much can users expect to save from using azgo? 

azgo: Traditionally, users turn to an online marketplace or platform to scroll through a plethora of merchants. Some travellers will also go straight to their trusted airlines or hotel sites directly to make their booking. For others, it may also be calling or going down to a travel agent in person to book their next flight out of Singapore. 

Today, azgo is in the market to break up this traditional flow, so users can save more and travel smarter. Through azgo, users can tap into our price comparison features to find the best deals across sites and online travel agents. At the same time, users can also tap through azgo into the merchant of their choice to earn cashback rates of up to 20% at times. This can potentially translate into saving hundreds of dollars per trip.

e27: Customer service is a huge pain point when it comes to travel services. How does Azgo support me if I have questions or issues?

azgo: Here at azgo, we are firm believers in customer-centricity. Even as we are driven by technologies such as AI, we believe that customer service should be rendered with heart and humanity. We understand that travel bookings and planning can be a stressful process. Hence, azgo offers personal and tailored customer service with a team of dedicated customer service experts who aim to respond to any queries in 30 seconds during operational hours and as soon as possible otherwise. Users can also reach out to use across all channels, from social media to email and it is our promise to respond accordingly with the best viable solution. 

e27: So, Azgo was at Echelon X. What do you think were some highlights from your exhibition booth?

azgo: EchelonX was a significant success for azgo. We had the opportunity to engage with numerous venture partners who exhibited a high level of interest in our innovative cashback business model. The enthusiasm we received validates our approach and underscores the potential impact we can have on the travel industry.

Additionally, we formed several promising B2B partnerships that are poised to accelerate our internal processes and enhance our service delivery. We’re excited about the opportunities ahead and remain committed to delivering exceptional value to our customers.

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e27: Looking ahead, what exciting new features are brewing at Azgo? Any updates you’re particularly excited about that will benefit travellers?

azgo: One of the most exciting updates is guaranteeing cashback through our customer-first approach. As we scale our business, we are incorporating advanced AI technology to make this process faster and more reliable.

We are also significantly reducing the time it takes for cashback to be confirmed. As soon as we confirm the travel booking, we aim to validate and provide cashback almost immediately. This innovation underscores our commitment to delivering a seamless, efficient, and rewarding experience for all travellers.

e27: Does Azgo dream of global expansion? Are there new markets on the horizon? 

Absolutely. azgo’s infrastructure is designed to scale globally. We are currently perfecting our playbook in key markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. Once we validate our business model, we plan to expand throughout Asia, followed by the Middle East and beyond. Our vision is to bring azgo’s innovative travel solutions to travellers worldwide, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience no matter where they go.

Revolutionising the travel tech landscape

The evolution of travel tech, as exemplified by azgo, is revolutionising the travel industry by putting advanced technology and AI at the forefront of travel planning. Yan Yuan Sng, emphasises that azgo is more than just a booking platform—it’s a comprehensive travel companion aimed at simplifying and enriching the travel experience.

By leveraging AI to offer personalised itineraries, hunt for the best deals, and ensure seamless cashback processes, azgo stands out in a stacked market, ensuring users enjoy a stress-free and rewarding travel planning experience.

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The company’s commitment to customer service and innovative cashback model underscores its mission to shift the power back to consumers. With ambitious plans for global expansion, azgo aims to transform the travel landscape on a larger scale, making smart and efficient travel accessible to all.

As azgo continues to grow, it remains dedicated to enhancing the value and experience for tech-savvy travellers worldwide. To learn more about azgo, visit their official website today.

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This article is produced by the e27 team, sponsored by azgo

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