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Top 5 skills needed to carve a niche in big data

Here are some of the top skills needed to become a big data professional

The IT sector just cannot stop talking about the marvellous branch of science that Big Data has become today. Data is everywhere we look. In simpler terms, there isn’t any shortage of data around us.

In present times, the world is producing more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily.

Organisations are occupied in finding ways to receive the most significant return of investment over the facts and figures extracted out of data.

There is a deep requirement for people who can help businesses flourish in this data-driven world by drawing out meaningful insights out of puzzling data sets.

But wistfully, there is a shortage in the supply of Big Data Professionals in the job market.

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This is an indication that the market is hot for any and everyone with big data skills.

On that account, employers are ready to pay almost US$150k per annum to competent big data white-collars holding pertinent big data certifications.

Ways to Earn a Big Data Job

Though, the big data space is wide open for people to enter, attaining a job in this area is still no cakewalk.

Since, there is a broad array of skills that employers want big data employees to possess and in the absence of those skills, the goal of becoming a big data expert seems far-fetched.

Without taking too much of your time, here are five skills that are critical for a big data professional –

1. Learn SQL

There is a list of things that you must have in your huge bag of skills and SQL has to be on the top if you want to enter the big data zone swiftly.

Structured Query Language is a popular language that enables you to get handy over your organisation’s database technology. It shall help you attain expertise in Big data technologies like Hadoop Scala & NoSQL.

2.Attain the art of mining data and solving problems

Corporations have large pools of data that you will be expected to take insights out of once you begin to work in this area of work.

So, it is advisable to obtain prowess in data mining technologies like KNIME and Mahout.

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Fortunately, there is a large bunch of Big Data Certifications in the market that will help you do so.

3.Gain knowledge of apache hadoop and apache spark

If you ask employers what they look for in big data professionals. Knowing how to use Apache Hadoop will be on the top of their heads since it is a helpful skill in resolving computing issue and assisting networking.

The Hadoop components that will make your job easier are Hive, HBase, Pig, MapReduce, and so on.

You can pursue a relevant Big Data Hadoop Certification program to become an expert in this dominion.

4. Be well-versed with data visualisation and quantitative analysis

These are the interwoven skills you must get your hand on.

If you talk about quantitative analysis, it is a technique that can help you get a grip over statistical tools. This can be critical in finding your place in the big data domain.

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In a nutshell, owning profound knowledge in statistics is considered to be a substantial factor that can shape your big data career.

5.Become an efficient coder

Assessing a data pool can be carried out through readymade tools in the markets. However, these tools cannot help you with finding solutions to every kind of issue in big data analysis.

Gathering knowledge in programming languages, such as Python, Scala, Java, R will enable you to evaluate big data problems and boost your career.

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