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Thriving amid uncertainty: 3 lessons from my journey as a founder at the height of COVID-19

Starting a business is never easy, but building a leadership development company from the ground up has been one of the most challenging—and rewarding—experiences of my life, especially since I incorporated in May 2020, at the height of COVID-19.

From navigating uncharted waters as a first-time founder to weathering economic shifts, market changes, and personal hurdles, I’ve learned that resilience isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a survival skill! The biggest hurdle I faced was going from old school founder to new age digital creator.

My journey has been filled with uncertainty, but it’s also been a powerful teacher, shaping my approach to business and life in ways I never expected.

The early days: A leap of faith

When I first decided to launch my leadership development company, I knew I was stepping into the unknown. I came from humble beginnings, with no family background in business or entrepreneurship to guide me.

My decision to start this journey wasn’t rooted in a perfect plan but in a deep belief that I could make a difference in the lives of leaders who, like me, often struggled with feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. From my days in consulting and working with highly competitive industries, I always knew I wanted to make a difference to rid the world of corporate toxicity. (Cue the Horrible Bosses movie).

The early days were tough. I was learning as I went, often making mistakes that left me questioning my path. There were moments when the pressure felt insurmountable, especially as I juggled the responsibilities of a caregiver alongside building my business. Yet, every setback became an opportunity to learn and grow, pushing me to become more resourceful, adaptable, and focused.

The failure I went through lasted 19 months, and here are the top three lessons I learned:

Lesson one: Embrace uncertainty as a catalyst for growth

The first major lesson I learned was that uncertainty is not the enemy. In fact, it’s often the best catalyst for growth. There were countless times when I faced decisions without clear answers—pivoting business models, managing cash flow in lean months, or adapting to shifting client needs. Instead of resisting the unknown, I started to see it as an invitation to innovate.

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One of the most pivotal moments came when I realised that my approach to uncertainty was shaping my company culture. By embracing challenges with a mindset of curiosity rather than fear, I created a space where my team and I could experiment, take calculated risks, and find new solutions.

They taught me and I guided them. Same as what we guide leadership through, connected leadership for peak performance. This adaptability became a cornerstone of our success, allowing us to navigate the ups and downs with resilience and creativity. Knowing we are united as a team.

Lesson two: Resilience is built through self-compassion, not just grit

Resilience is often portrayed as a relentless drive to keep pushing forward, but I’ve learned that it’s just as much about knowing when to pause, reflect, and take care of yourself. A heartfelt resilience instead of a “not listening to your intuition” resilience. As a leader, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constant hustle—believing that you have to be “on” all the time. However during periods of high stress, I found that the key to maintaining resilience was actually self-compassion.

I started setting boundaries, prioritising my well-being, and allowing myself the grace to make mistakes. This shift not only helped me avoid burnout but also made me a more empathetic and effective leader. When I showed up as my best self, I was better equipped to guide my team through challenges and inspire them to stay resilient, too.

Lesson three: The power of connection and community

In times of uncertainty, connection becomes a lifeline. I learned early on that I couldn’t do this alone—I needed the support, wisdom, and encouragement of others. Whether it was leaning on mentors, engaging with fellow entrepreneurs, or simply being vulnerable with my team, these connections helped me stay grounded.

Building a community around my business also became a strategic advantage. By fostering authentic relationships with clients, partners, and industry peers, I created a network of support that amplified our impact. It reminded me that even in the face of uncertainty, we are never truly alone; there’s always a collective strength to draw upon.

Shaping my long-term strategy: Resilience as a business imperative

The lessons I’ve learned are not just personal—they’re actively shaping the long-term strategy of my business. I’m focused on creating a company that thrives amid change, not just survives it. This means investing in ongoing learning and development, embracing flexibility in our offerings, and maintaining a culture that values well-being as much as performance.

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One of my key priorities moving forward is to embed resilience into our leadership programs, teaching others the skills and mindset shifts that have been so transformative for me. By helping leaders build resilience, I believe we can create ripple effects that extend beyond individual success, positively impacting organisations and communities alike.

As I look ahead, I’m committed to leading with intention, compassion, and a willingness to adapt. The road may be unpredictable, but I’ve learned that uncertainty is not something to fear—it’s a powerful force that, when harnessed, can lead to profound growth and transformation.

A final boost

If there’s one thing I want to leave you with, it’s this: resilience is not about having all the answers. It’s about showing up, learning, and adapting—day after day, even when things feel uncertain. Knowing that growth is led by you but also as a team, a collective, an ecosystem rising.

As I continue on this journey as a founder, I’m grateful for every lesson, every challenge, and every moment of growth. They’ve not only shaped me but have also laid the foundation for a business that I’m proud to lead into the future. Always appreciate your connections and stand strong for your purpose and why you built your idea. This in itself will get you through the rough seas and into calm waters.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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