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The importance of one on one meetings with your employees


Meetings with your employees aren’t an uncommon occurrence. You might call everyone together to discuss important aspects of your business, go over plans, or assign jobs. When was the last time you spent time with your employees one on one, though?

However, it is just as important to have on – on one meeting too and make it a point to have it regularly. Here’s why.

Build better relationships with your employees

Meeting with your employees one on one aids in building a stronger relationship with your team. During your meetings, you get the opportunity to know each of your employees as individuals. While work is an important topic during your meetings, you don’t have to be so formal. You can learn what they’re good at, what they like to do, and what they might not like to do.

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A good leader cares about more than just the project at hand. By expressing a genuine interest in each of your employees, you let them know that you truly care. You let them know that you value them and what they have to say.

Improve office productivity

It’s a common misconception that taking the time out of your day to meet with your employees individually is detrimental to your productivity. After all, you have to take each person away from their tasks to speak with them.

The truth, however, is that regular one on one meetings can help to improve the productivity of your team.

By holding these meetings, you don’t have to take the time to hunt down your employees during the workday or send out several emails to get important information. These tasks usually take more time out of your day than having a regular meeting with each of your employees.

Create a routine with your employees

One on one meetings helps to create a routine with your employees where you take the time to discuss updates, employee concerns, updates, obstacles, and more. For the best results, they should be made a regular part of your work routine.

Whether you hold them once a week or once a month, if you hold them in your office or you reserve Los Angeles meeting rooms, regular meetings can boost productivity, morale, and accountability.

Provide and receive feedback

During group meetings, you can give your employees some feedback. However, it’s difficult to address each employee individually during these types of meetings.

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At the same time, your employees may not feel comfortable bringing up their concerns in front of others. One on one meetings provides the perfect opportunity for you to talk to each employee.

You can talk about their strengths and weaknesses and provide them with tips on how to improve. It also gives your employees a chance to freely express their concerns. They may also be more likely to share ideas that they might not have felt comfortable sharing in a group meeting.

Reduce employee turnover

There are several reasons why employees leave jobs. Some of these reasons include poor management and a lack of communication. One on one meetings can greatly improve communication between you and your employees.

These meetings also allow you to get to know your employees and allow them to get to know you. As a result, you can help to increase employee engagement and boost morale. You also help to reduce employee turnover. When your employees are loyal, they are much less likely to leave.

Regularly scheduled one on one meetings with your employees is crucial for the success of your business. Choose a frequency that works best for your office. Get yourself in the right mindset.

It can be helpful to keep the meetings informal. When you meet with your employees regularly, you can help to boost morale and improve the productivity of your business. This can make you and your employees happier people.

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Image Credit: The Coach Space


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