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The importance of Google AMPs for website promotion

A layman’s guide to utilising AMP for your website


AMP stands for “Accelerated Mobile Page,” an innovation that was developed specifically for viewing web pages on mobile devices. AMPs were first introduced by Google in 2016 and provoked much buzz.

They removed tracking codes and third-party ads, shifting attention to the most important elements of website functionality, Thanks to AMPs, Google’s experts have given us easy, fast, and user-friendly mobile web pages.

The progress of AMPs

Initially, after the technology’s announcement, AMPs were mainly utilized by writers who were supplying relevant, real-time materials with a short life cycle, and wanted their articles to be indexed in Google News.  

Later, the application of AMPs was extended beyond news publishing, and websites with various purposes and subject areas were creating their own AMPs, marked with a special icon in organic search results.

This icon notified web users that they would be able to view a certain page very quickly, and it would upload as fast or faster than a desktop page. 

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Over time, as more people shifted to mobile phones, AMPs completely overshadowed desktop-oriented pages, and Google’s team decided to tailor their ranking algorithm to this technology.

New solutions began to be approved based on how they looked on smartphone screens. This revolution, known as “mobile-first” indexing, turned the online space upside down and forced entrepreneurs to revise their web presence. 

Desktop versions of websites ceased to be the primary promotional platforms and quickly turned into addons for mobile versions.

This change was inevitable since modern web users often search for information and solve important issues on the go. Tech-savvy Millennials and other avid users often work, play, and even sleep with gadgets in their hands. The use of tablets and smartphones has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. 

Any entrepreneur who wants to reach their target audience and hit high sales should think mobile-first and place information about their brand on accelerated mobile pages. Below, we provide some weighty reasons to utilize AMPs. 

Why is utilising AMPs important?

Immediately after the transition to mobile-first indexing, the use of AMPs seemed optional to many uninformed entrepreneurs. They believed it would be possible to continue doing business without gadget-optimized content. But this was a fatal mistake.

Even though there are no obvious SEO benefits, the use of AMPs can change the way potential clients perceive your brand. People are impatient today, and they quickly become irritated with slow loading speeds.

They will not hesitate to discard your pages due to long page loading times. In today’s dynamic world of rapid changes, multitasking, and universal informatization, no one has time to wait, so it is crucial to satisfy their needs as quickly as possible. 

You want your company’s web image to be associated with convenience and responsiveness rather than delays and awkwardness, so it is up to you to make sure potential customers enjoy great user experience.

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Speed up your website, create a user-friendly layout and high-quality content, and watch your online platform rise to the top in search rankings. 

Without making these transformations, it will be impossible to remain competitive in today’s overcrowded market. A positive first impression plays a critical role in building strong and lasting relationships with clients, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty.

If people visit your website and find it awkward to navigate, they will quickly abandon your site and shift to your competitors, never to return. 

AMPs provide an easy, natural, and affordable solution for improving your website’s user experience. Do not limit the potential power of your brand.

The largest online platforms like Facebook and others have adopted AMPs because they understand that users want to access their sites on any and all devices. If you want to become an online leader, you would be wise to learn from the best. 

AMP technology will continue to evolve

Google’s representatives admit that their current AMP strategy has not yet reached its ideal state, and they continue to expand its functionality and eliminate flaws.

This active work is a clear indication that AMPs are not a temporary trend that will fade away over the coming years. AMPs are the future of the Internet, so it is in your best interest to utilize this technology as early as possible and track all innovations made by Google. 

Many entrepreneurs are reluctant to change their marketing strategies and embrace AMPs. They fear they will face multiple risks in replacing desktop-focused websites that have successfully brought in profits in the past.

Lack of experience often leads to faulty AMP development and improper syncing with existing non-AMP pages. It is quite understandable that businesses have concerns about ruining their previously efficient web presence and losing their high positions in search rankings. 

However, if you fail to act, your site will go down in rankings anyway. It is just a matter of time. So you can take a risk and win, or wait until you have no choice.

The benefits AMPs will far outweigh potential losses. Business owners who welcome innovations, think outside the box, and are willing to let go of obsolete approaches can expect their brands to occupy leadership positions.

There is no other way to stay competitive. Google sets its rules and we have to respect them if we want to get ahead. 

One more popular trend is the creation of special mobile applications for improving business processes. Of course, it may be challenging to transform your standard workflow and get rid of old habits.

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But more and more companies revolutionize their web platforms. Keep up with the times and leverage the latest technologies in order not to let competitors overshadow you. Best of luck!

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