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Tech career switch: A woman’s guide to upskilling and advancement

With the recent trends of ‘Women in STEM’ booming on social media platforms, it is time to take a peek into the gender disparities of the tech sector in Singapore. With 60,000 coding professionals needed in Singapore over the next three years and a heavily documented tech-talent crunch, there is still a lack of women in this industry. 

Shockingly, women make up less than 50 per cent of the tech workforce in Singapore. This gender disparity underscores the need for change in the tech industry, with a call for initiatives that empower women to pursue careers in tech. Moreover, the reasons for this disparity lie in the lack of female mentors and role models, alongside other personal and familial responsibilities that are handed to women.

The importance of diversity in tech

Diversity is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental driver of innovation and progress in the tech industry. Research consistently shows that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones, with gender-diverse teams being 15 per cent more likely to excel.

In Singapore, fostering gender diversity in tech is not only a matter of equity but also a strategic imperative for companies looking to remain competitive. Companies with more women in decision-making roles experience higher financial returns, demonstrating the tangible benefits of gender diversity in driving business success.

Also Read: The climate change and gender equality connection: How to support underfunded women-owned business

Trends and future of women’s participation in tech

The future of women in Singapore’s tech industry is promising, driven by a global movement towards greater gender inclusivity. As Singapore continues to position itself as a regional tech hub, there is increasing recognition of the importance of diversity in driving innovation and competitiveness.

Initiatives aimed at empowering women in tech, such as mentorship programs, networking events, and advocacy campaigns, are gaining traction. These efforts not only encourage more women to pursue careers in tech but also foster a supportive ecosystem where women can thrive and succeed.

While the tech industry is difficult to navigate, there are ample learning and networking opportunities for women who are now inspired to take a step towards tech. Some traditional tech roles, such as software engineering, stay ever-green and as lucrative as ever, with a starting salary of no less than SGD 40,000 for newcomers.

Ultimately, proactive outreach, networking, acquiring new skills through tech courses, and interacting with experts in the field is a great way to familiarise yourself with the industry, and the successful women that make a big part of it. 

An advice for women diving into the tech industry in the middle of their careers is to upskill in some of the growing tech departments, such as data analytics, web development, cybersecurity and python programming. Experts have shown that these four fields promise the best career opportunities in the upcoming years.

Advantages of upskilling in tech for women

Upskilling presents a transformative opportunity for women seeking to enter or advance in the tech industry. Nowadays, training programs in tech provide not only technical skills but also valuable mentorship, networking, and career support.

Through hands-on training and practical projects, women gain real-world experience that prepares them for success in tech roles. Furthermore, by acquiring in-demand skills such as data analytics, web development, cybersecurity, and Python programming, women can position themselves for diverse and rewarding career opportunities in Singapore’s thriving tech industry.

Also Read: Women and AI: How startups can prevent gender bias and promote responsible use of the tech

Beyond immediate career prospects, upskilling in tech empowers women to shape their own futures and contribute meaningfully to society. By investing in their education and professional development, women can break free from traditional gender roles, challenge systemic barriers, and inspire future generations of women in tech. Ultimately, the benefits of upskilling extend far beyond individual success, driving positive change and innovation throughout the tech industry and beyond.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, despite the gender disparities that persist within Singapore’s tech sector, there is cause for optimism. With continued efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, Singapore is poised to build a more vibrant, resilient, and innovative tech ecosystem that benefits everyone.

By supporting initiatives that empower women to upskill, pursue rewarding tech careers, and contribute to the industry’s growth, we can create a future where women are equally represented and celebrated in Singapore’s tech sector. Together, let’s seize the opportunities ahead and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

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Image credit: Canva

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