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Startup anecdotes: 3 stories that graced our platform in 2019

A year-end throwback featuring three of our startup partners in 2019

2019 proved to be a great year for startups. Funding news upon funding news upon funding news dotted our newsfeed so much that exclusive monthly roundups were drafted for them. The fundings traversed from early stage to late stage and moved across verticals. Will 2020 be as bountiful? We can only wait.

Meanwhile, on the partnership side of things, exclusive startup coverage has also increased this year. Each partnership had their stories to tell that’s uniquely their own, and tell it they did, on a tech and media platform that operates within the same spectrum — e27.

Whether they were created to cater for businesses or for consumers, they leveraged on the power of storytelling to engage potential partners, clients, or investors in the region.

Also read: The power of storytelling: how to engage your audience 

So, as we wrap up another year, allow us to walk you through three startup stories that graced our platform this year, and anecdotes about them that will linger long after the year is over.

Pocket Money — improving access to credit while enhancing ROI with a social repayment system

Pocket Money is already a win in my book, serving the underbanked at the heart of this startup’s mission. In this exclusive article, CEO Stefano Virgilli detailed several facets that differentiated Pocket Money from other micro-lending platforms. In particular, we found their ‘social repayment’ system to be quite the stand out.

How this works is that borrowers are given the option to earn payment credits by accomplishing certain tasks, ensuring the lender that they will have other means to get back their money should the borrower default on payment.

In talking about the inclusion of this unique concept within a familiar space, Virgilli emphasised that he would rather introduce small innovations that actually work, rather than radically disrupt the microlending industry in ways that may not work.

Clean on Demand — a one-stop-shop for cleaning and household repair services

“We clean everything except money,” quipped CEO Ben Xavier, serving as our introduction to this Echelon 2019 alumni. Clean on Demand tapped e27 to craft the article during their participation at the Echelon Asia Summit.

The article showcased a cleaning business that goes beyond cleaning — one that leverages on tech and automation. They also adjust with the market’s demands. This is a company that understands their strengths and innovates continuously from there.

Speaking about how Clean on Demand pursues innovation, Xavier has this nugget of wisdom to share: “Never ever procrastinate. It’s just suicide on installment plan.”

SalesCandy and their LMS platform that lets you close more sales

It’s one thing to start a business out of a perceived need, and another out of personal experience. SalesCandy founders Stanley Chee and Jeffry Chan belong to the latter category. The duo both ran performance marketing agencies in the past and had witnessed firsthand how potential leads were lost as a result of inefficient sales process management.

Stanley and Jeffry eventually created an Uber-style lead routing system to bridge the sales gap and leverage data analytics to measure and improve their clients’ future advertising efforts.

As they prepared for regional expansion, SalesCandy tapped e27 to tell its story, highlighting its wins, and putting into detail its future expansion plans.

With the aim to help clients close as many sales as they possibly can, SalesCandy continues to innovate all the way with their regional expansion.

Help is out there — your startup story is worth sharing

These are just three of the many startup stories we’ve shared this year. Anecdotes aside, it’s always a pleasure to see these pieces come to fruition — from ideation to publishing. Not only because it means work is done, but also because we believe that opportunities multiply when you put your story out there.

Your prospective clients, potential investors or partners, and even future rockstar employees could be reading about you!

We’d love to give every startup a chance to tell their story, highlight their wins, elaborate on their products or services, and get connected to the rest of the ecosystem.

To explore possible collaborations, drop us an email at or visit us at Our best consultants are here to connect with you!

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