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Six Singapore-based IoT companies sign deal with Thailand’s depa

Thailand’s Digital Economy Promotion Agency or depa signs MoU with the companies to receive know-how and technology

Back in February 2019, Thailand’s Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) has signed agreements with six regional Internet of Things (IoT) companies from Singapore as a symbolic partnership. It will see the six companies provide know-how and technology to Thai government, as well as boosting the agency’s Digital Park Thailand and IoT Institute Initiative.

The six companies involved are Willowmore, UnaBiz, Gobi Partners, Ascent Solutions, Unity, and Spotwerkz, as reported by FutureIoT.

The MoU covers opportunities like the opening of a training center within the Thailand EEC digital park, looking to explore the development of IoT solutions for Thailand’s small medium enterprises and large companies.

The agreement is also a nod to Thailand 4.0 policy, the government’s 20-year strategy to make Thailand a more tech-centric and value-based economy.

“These partnerships will strengthen and enhance Thailand’s resources and help us gain a competitive position in the IoT industry within the ASEAN market,” said Dr. Passakon Prathombutr, Senior Executive Vice President of depa.

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Signed in Singapore, the companies involved are expected to provide technologies based on their expertises.

Gaming platform Unity provides professional 3D automotive design, industrial, and architectural services as well as film and animation services. depa will utilise Unity’s capability to support the digital transformation efforts for SMEs and manufacturing as well as Thailand’s creative industries in film and animation.

Spotwerkz, as a big data analytics company, will play a role as the licensee of Unity in Thailand.

With UnaBiz, that claimed to be Asia’s first IoT dedicated network operator in Singapore and Taiwan, depa will develop digital capabilities in the area of industrial automation, agriculture, tourism, education, and healthcare, as told by Henri Bong, CEO and founder of UnaBiz.

As the provider of enterprise-grade smart padlock, smart cabinet locks, and portable Sigfox-Bluetooth gateway SigWAV, Willowmore will work with depa in developing access control, security systems technology, and IoT gateways.

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Gobi Partners, on the other hand, will be providing depa and the Thai government with expertise on funding startups.

Ascent Solutions, the company that provides services in various industries such as warehouses, logistics, freight forwarding, intelligent transportation, and e-passport tools will help Thai government to develop technologies and provide its solutions to the Digital Park Thailand and IoT Institute in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).

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