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Proptech startup RealVantage introduces co-investment platform, will allow cross-border real estate deals

Singapore-based online real estate co-investment platform RealVantage has been officially launched. The platform was founded by a team with institutional investment experience to bring accredited investors offshore to be able to acquire, manage, and optimise offshore real estate portfolios.

It seeks to provide access to investment opportunities across various real estate classes and investment strategies that were previously limited to larger, institutional investors. It targets accredited investors and high net worth individuals (HNWIs) to let them get their hands on real estate opportunities in different countries, sectors, and investment spectrums.

Using the platform, investors will be able to select amongst multiple options, such as a stable income-producing office in the UK, a townhouse development project in Australia, or a multifamily asset repositioning project in the USA.

RealVantage was founded by Keith Ong and Mao Ching Foo. Both saw the synergies in bringing together their complementary expertise in real estate and technology as they are veterans in real estate fund management, technology, and data science. Ong and Foo technology to aggregate investors to access larger deals, and deliver investment decision making via data-driven insights.

Keith Ong, CEO, and Co-Founder of RealVantage, said, “We’ve always felt there was a gap in offshore real estate investment opportunities for individual investors; most investors will just buy residential units when they venture overseas. There is actually a myriad of investment opportunities that provide good risk-adjusted returns in different property sectors and investment modes.”

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“With RealVantage, investors are allowed to customise their own portfolio of properties according to their individual risk appetites. Our goal is to ultimately unlock a world of institutional real estate investing for individual investors,” Ong added.

Ong has over 20 years in real estate fund management and has spent the bulk of his career at ARA Asset Management, one of the largest Private Equity Real Estate firms in the Asia Pacific, Foo, Co-Founder and CTO of RealVantage, was previously the CTO of Funding Societies, one of the largest P2P crowdfunding lending platforms in the region.

RealVantage said it offers “well-qualified and experienced real estate asset managers quantitative trading and private equity understanding” to maximise investment returns by actively managing cross-border property investments exceeding US$10 billion and has managed assets in excess of US$20 billion across different geographies.

The team applies international practices across the entire investment process, ranging from research, deal sourcing and assessment, as well as asset management, screening and identifying opportunities that fit investment criteria by employing proprietary AI engines to complement their deal origination and evaluation processes.

The deals are subsequently vetted by its internal investment committee made up of industry veterans comprising Anthony Ang, CEO of Sasseur REIT and the former CEO of Fortune REIT, and Richard Tan, an independent real estate advisor and former CFO of Suntec REIT.

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Approved deals then are put together into an investment memorandum detailing investment strategy, financial analysis, investment period, and deal terms. These are uploaded onto the platform and made available for investors in guaranteed transparency and disclosure, keeping investors fully appraised of their investments through regular updates on RealVantage’s digital platform, from co-investment until divestment.

RealVantage closed a funding round with angel investors last year. The company also claims to have a presence in Indonesia, with 30 per cent of their total number of investors coming from the country, while the other 70 per cent of investors concentrated in Singapore.

In 2020, RealVantage plans to widen its investor base in Singapore and Indonesia. The platform is also looking to expand its investment opportunities beyond the UK and Australia markets.

Image Credit: Lily Banse on Unsplash

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