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On embracing digital transformation: key takeaways from today’s startup founders and experts

PointStar, in collaboration with e27, spearheaded the event to help contribute to the conversation on the importance of going digital

On 5 November 2019, startup founders, SME owners, and business leaders in Malaysia gathered at WeWork Equatorial Plaza in Kuala Lumpur for a panel briefing co-organised by ecosystem builders: e27 and PointStar.

The discussion dwelt on the underlying issues and challenges faced by an organization in its day-to-day operations and processes in terms of data flow, and how digitalisation can help improve efficiency across these business functions.

Among the esteemed panelists of this event were Wing Lee (CEO of YTL Communications), Aaron Sarma (General Partner of ScaleUp Malaysia), and Sara Lua (Regional Sales Director – Malaysia and Philippines, Oracle NetSuite). The issues tackled were relevant and salient: from an outlook on Malaysia’s entrepreneurship scene, to the rapidly shifting tech ecosystem, to eventually on digitalisation. It is also interesting to note that despite casting their different perspectives on transformation, all agree that implementing one or all of the 3As – automation, analytics, and AI – in their businesses has played a big role in thriving, growing, and taking their businesses to the next level.

ERP, an indispensable solution to haphazard data and workflow

A cross-functional information system undeniably provides organisation-wide coordination and integration of the critical business processes holds an integral part of a business to thrive and grow. This naturally points to ERP Systems (Enterprise Resource Planning), a software that helps manage business processes and organisational data and workflow. 

The advantage of organised business units through ERP system is having different functions within an organisation maintain smooth and conducive communication that helps get the job done more swiftly and efficiently.

These software modules aid the primary business processes within various functional areas, and all the data collected is stored in a data form that feeds the information to the other applications aiding that particular process.

Also read: Solving common business problems through the power of digitalisation

Embracing digitalisation and its challenges

As businesses and organizations try to cope with the clamour of embracing digitalisation, artificial intelligence, and automation, ERP makes this a lot easier by making real-time information sharing more smoothly and thus, helping the employees and the business itself process information quicker and make more accurate decisions, eliminating repetitive jobs and so employees can focus more tasks that are of value and will require more attention, time, and critical thinking.

To such degree, small and medium businesses that are scaling should look for opportunities to digitalise and automate to increase company’s productivity that results to business owners to focus on scaling the company. 

Some of the challenges faced by business owners to automate their business can be overcome by having the right guidance on tools to use, grants to help with the cost of digitalisation, and education to the younger generation for the future.

Established in 2008, PointStar is a leading cloud technology consultant in the Asia Pacific with a strong track record in moving thousands of organisations and institutions to the Cloud by transforming businesses with automation, analytics, and artificial intelligence to help create a smart workplace.

PointStar, Oracle NetSuite’s partner in Singapore has partnered with e27 for this event, in line with the official launch of their 4th regional office located in Kuala Lumpur. This move is a response to the increasing number of Malaysian tech companies collaborating with PointStar to help businesses understand the benefits of embracing digitalisation for their organisation.

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