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Navigating dyslexia: My journey from linguistic challenges to the liberation of coding

As I take a moment to reflect on my career, I find myself looking back at a journey filled with both challenges and achievements. Despite holding three master’s degrees—in archaeology, law, and history—my path took a turn I never anticipated, largely due to the obstacles I encountered with dyslexia.

In a society like France, where language is revered and excellence in linguistic expression is not just appreciated but expected, I found myself grappling with a unique set of challenges that went beyond academics.

The unseen barrier: Dyslexia in a linguistic society

In France, the ability to write flawlessly is not merely a skill but a gateway to professional success. Professions like law, for example, require passing written exams that demand a mastery of language, with every accent and comma placed perfectly. This cultural emphasis on linguistic precision meant that my dyslexia posed not just a personal challenge but a professional blockade. My love for language, something that I share with many of my countrymen, was overshadowed by the fear of making a mistake—a fear that was often realised in a society where even the slightest error is openly corrected.

For someone like me, who struggled with the intricacies of French grammar and syntax, the pressure was immense. It wasn’t just about succeeding academically; it was about proving my worth in a culture that held language in such high esteem. Despite my best efforts, dyslexia remained a formidable opponent, one that steered me away from the very fields I had spent years studying.

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A parallel journey: Discovering computers

My journey with computers began at a young age. I received my first computer when I was just 8 years old, around the same time I began to discover the world of reading. While reading presented its own set of challenges due to my dyslexia, computers quickly became a source of fascination and comfort. I found that the logical structure of computers made sense to me in a way that language did not. By the age of 15, I was already delving into the world of coding, a passion that would only grow stronger as I navigated the complexities of language and learning.

Coding offered a refuge, a place where my dyslexia did not define me but rather empowered me. It was through coding that I was able to reclaim my confidence, finding a voice that had been stifled by the challenges of traditional language learning. The logic of programming languages was a revelation, a form of communication that was accessible and empowering in a way that written language had never been.

The liberation of generative AI

Now, as we stand on the brink of a new era in technology, I find myself reflecting on how far we have come. Tools like ChatGPT represent a revolution in written expression, democratising the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas in ways that were once unimaginable for someone like me. Generative AI is not just a tool; it’s a lifeline, offering a level of accessibility and empowerment that has the potential to change lives.

Also Read: Is generative AI the game-changer for productivity?

For individuals with dyslexia, the ability to communicate effectively has often been a challenge, one that can lead to frustration and self-doubt. But with the advent of generative AI, those barriers are beginning to crumble. It’s a testament to the evolving landscape of communication and a powerful reminder that innovation can indeed make the world a more inclusive place.

A new era of communication

As I continue my journey in the world of coding and technology, I carry with me the lessons learned from my experiences with dyslexia. I am reminded that challenges, while difficult, can also lead to unexpected opportunities. Coding has given me a new language, one that I can wield with confidence and pride. And now, with tools like ChatGPT, I am able to express myself in the written word in ways I never thought possible.

This reflection is not just about my journey, but about the liberating potential of technology for those who navigate the world a bit differently. It’s a celebration of how far we have come, and a hopeful look towards the future, where everyone has the tools to communicate their ideas, no matter the challenges they face.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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