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Motivating startup employees? There is a good reason why these 6 tips are a classic


Motivated employees can do a lot for a business. For example, employees are often more engaged with their workplace when motivated, and that can result in better productivity.

On the other hand, unmotivated employees can result in lost productivity, which may impact profits. Therefore, increasing employee engagement has been a target for many companies looking to boost profits –a move that has become even more relevant in Southeast Asian startup ecosystem today. Thankfully, there are some things companies can do to increase motivation through employee engagement.

Check out these six tips to get started. 


Bringing in a speaker can be a great way to improve employee morale. Many people like when their employers bring in keynote speakers that help them learn a new skill, provide entertainment or supply motivation.

Speakers can be easily integrated into company gatherings such as product launches, company update events, and annual conferences. Plus, they provide a new perspective that may help employees refresh their perspective. When an employee returns to work refreshed, they may see an uptick in their productivity. 

Also Read: Want insanely motivated employees? Get rid of these 3 common myths

Encourage employee communication 

Improving communication between employees can result in a more pleasant workplace. Efficient communication helps employee operations run more smoothly, which can have a positive impact on productivity levels.

When things run smoothly in the workplace, there is less conflict, so everyone can focus better on the tasks at hand. Then, if a conflict does arise, employees may be better equipped to handle the problem because there are used to talking with each other to solve problems.  

Establish an open-door policy

Developing trust between managers and employees can create a motivating environment. Maintaining an open-door policy is often used to build that trust.

An open-door policy basically states that the manager’s door is open to any employee who wants to talk. Sometimes, the policy is used as a substitute for a grievance system, but it can be much more than that. It can help solve problems and create bonds that prevent employee turnover.

There may even be fewer grievances to report because overall communication is more frequent and honest. 

Positive vibes

Managers who recognise when employees are successful can result in better production in the workplace. It is common for employees to receive evaluations about their work, but performance feedback that is only centred around what can be improved may be perceived as negative by some employees.

However, if they are also recognised for excelling, it can help frame the constructive criticism in a more positive way. Also, try to learn whether an employee prefers to receive positive feedback one-on-one or in a team meeting. 

Also Read: 7 effective ways to motivate employees

Consider work-life balance

Most employees don’t live to work, they work to live. Employers should understand that work-life balance is important to their employees because it has a role in the overall quality of life.

How much time they spend at work, travelling to work or working off the clock can impact things such as how much time they can spend with family, their sleep habits or their immune system. Offering flexible scheduling may be a good way to help employees create a balance for themselves. 

Create incentives

Another thing employers might consider is creating incentives for their employees. Wages are a good place to start, but incentives like upward mobility, stock options or retirement plans can motivate employees to stay with the company longer and be more productive on the job.

Additional incentives can include sales percentages, continuing education or wage bonuses. Many of these incentives are the ways some of the world’s top companies maintain productivity and profits. 

When boiled down to the basics, motivating employees means it is possible to improve productivity. What is more, better production can result in more revenue. It is important to note, though, that employees must be in a positive work environment to be motivated in the first place.

Communication, compassion, and incentives go a long way in building a good company culture where employees and management can grow together. Using these tips may help create that environment. 

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Image credit: Ian Schneider on Unsplash

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