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Modernising your venture’s marketing tactics by understanding how to communicate effectively

The history of communication has a profound impact on the way we function as a society today

All businesses market themselves in one way or another because they want their target audiences to choose their products or services over a competitor’s.

Marketing is more than just that in the modern world, though. Not only do customers and clients want to purchase business’ products or services – they want to align with the business’s journey, mission and vision.

Marketing mindsets have not always been this way. So, how did we go from accepting services from nearby vendors to choosing from a vast amount of service providers?

And when did we decide that a business’ journey, mission and vision were essential aspects in the decision-making process?

Well, there’s a history of marketing for businesses, and it starts with word of mouth communication.

History of marketing communications

Word of mouth communication

Before printing supplies were utilised for marketing purposes, word of mouth reigned as the supreme marketing tool. The factors that made a business unique or credible had to be relayed verbally.

People couldn’t go on Yelp or Google to review a business or worker. They heard about a business – and peoples’ experiences with that business – by communicating face to face with friends, family and colleagues.

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When word of mouth communication was the primary way of delivering information, it was likely only a handful of people in the area were skilled to complete a task.

So, there wasn’t an extreme demand for people to prove their worth to a vast amount of people because the business was already theirs.

Word of mouth communication is advantageous for directly receiving messages, understanding who the message is intended to reach, clarifying information on the spot, as well as free marketing for the business.

On the flip side, the cons of word of mouth communication concern the possible inaccuracy of information etc., difficulty reaching a wide amount of people, coming to a standstill of interest and engagement and it’s not easy to measure.

At this period in time, business owners and merchants needed tangible ways to market themselves for a profit. In response, print communication was utilised for marketing.

Print communication

Years ago, print resources were more popular than digital platforms.

By this time, there was a reason to purchase a place in the newspaper for your business ad, there were grounds for posting flyers around town, and there was justification for handing out business cards for people to retain your contact information.

It’s all because there was competition, and proximity was no longer the biggest factor when choosing a business to buy from.

Although, newspapers, flyers and business cards were posted and handed out among audiences that weren’t quite targeted to the highest potential.

With numerous corporations competing for the same peoples’ business, business owners had to give those audiences a reason to choose them.

Businesses had to come up with ways to showcase the offerings of the business in a 2D format. Without someone there to explain the benefits of choosing one company over another, it was left to the consumer to analyse information and make a choice on their own.

Positive aspects of print communication include the ability to take marketing materials with you, targeted marketing with strategically placed advertisements and a loyal readership of publications.

Conversely, the negative aspects of print communication are that printouts can be easily ignored, tossed to the side or thrown away, there is limited readership of print communication channels and print quality is not as high as digital displays.

So, our marketing tactics could be improved. Thankfully, the internet was created, and social media platforms were developed for digital social interactions.

Digital communication

Now that we live in a digital world, businesses are discovering how critical it is to involve itself in a variety of digital platforms, including social media.

Social media isn’t only for business, though. The reason businesses started creating profiles on social media was to reach their audiences.

Not only are the online platforms showcases for your business, but they entice audiences with visual and audio content.

Today’s competitive market requires businesses to uniquely position themselves to attract people to give them their business.

Digital communication is excellent for reaching a lot of people in your target market, cost-effective marketing, and measuring the success of your marketing efforts.

Unfortunately, involvement on the web can put users at risk of privacy and security of the technology being used. Public feedback can be negative and there is a high amount of competition.

Today, digital marketing is arguably the most accessible forms of marketing. Millions of people communicate digitally across types of social media platforms.

Present-day implications

Word of mouth communication

You can’t control what every customer says about your business, but you can give them a reason to speak positively on your behalf.

Word of mouth, while not a form of marketing to solely rely on, is still an important aspect of marketing. People trust their friends and family members to give them an honest account of their experiences.

Drive conversations by bringing up relevant company achievements and recent projects.

Print communication

Print communication is a form of visual communication, and the purpose of marketing through visuals should be to turn the reader into your customer.

Some print materials are handed to people. Others sit on tables or other platforms where interested consumers can grab them on their own.

No one is there to explain what your text means, so you have to relay your message in an understandable, two-dimensional way.

Additionally, your business’ message should be represented consistently across all print forms.

Interpretation is up to the viewer, but it’s your responsibility to direct and capture their attention using thoughtful marketing strategies.

Also read: Effective communication is key to startup growth

Some business owners grab viewers’ attention by including eye-catching visuals. Others exquisitely describe their offerings with text.

Combining the two is a sure way to grab the attention of your target audience. Just make sure to remain consistent across your marketing materials.

Digital communication

Your business’ interaction online plays a big role in the overall success of the company. These platforms are too critical for businesses to engage on to skip signing up for them.

The target audiences you’re trying to reach is accessible. They’re looking for the best in the business. Show them why you’re the right business to choose!

Your commitment means increased publicity, increased engagement and increased wealth. What business owner doesn’t want that for themselves and their company?

Journey, mission and vision


From word-of-mouth-only times to the world’s digital transformation period, marketing one’s business has changed tremendously.

There are positive aspects and drawbacks to all communication forms, but using them interchangeably can have an impact on your digital marketing success.

Your business’ marketing tactics should be modernised to fulfil the needs of your consumer and ultimately boost revenue.

While your mode of communication may differ, your message should be consistent. What is it you want your consumer to know, and why should they choose you instead of the competition?

Also read: Beyond managing PR disasters, effective communications strategy ensures all stakeholders are united in achieving organisational goals

Drive your customers online, where they can interact with your company digitally. Encourage them to engage with your business on social media, and they will learn more about your business’ journey, mission and vision in the process.

Use your understanding of effective communication when marketing your business and persuade your audience to engage with your business in a modern way.

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Image Credit: Louis Hansel

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