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Leveraging cultural roots: The path to competitive advantage

As someone who has built a business with big influence on my own cultural roots as an Australian-born Chinese entrepreneur, I can tell you firsthand that embracing heritage is one of the most effective ways to set your company apart from the competition.

You might be thinking, “What does culture have to do with business?” or “I don’t want to alienate potential customers by focusing too much on my background.” But I’m here to tell you that these concerns are misguided. In fact, I believe that cultural differentiation is one of the keys to long-term success in the business world.

Define your culture from day one

So, why is culture so important? For one thing, it’s what makes your company unique. No matter what industry you’re in, there are likely to be dozens (if not hundreds) of other businesses that are offering similar products or services. But by infusing your company with the values and traditions of your cultural heritage, you create a brand identity that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Momoguro, an upcoming Web3 project by 9x Emmy-winner Baobab Studios, was founded by Maureen Fan, Nico Casavecchia and Martín Allais, coming from Asian, Argentinian and Venezuelan backgrounds, respectively.

And they have used their diverse cultural roots to create designs that are truly unique in their captivating blend of colors, flavors and dialects. Their work often incorporates traditional patterns and designs from their home countries, but they also use modern technology and cutting-edge design techniques to create work that is ahead of the curve.

The team has brought onboard an experienced group of Web3 and game developers, including game designers who have worked on some of the biggest titles in the industry, such as Marvel, Disney, and Pokémon.

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This diverse and talented group brings a range of experiences and perspectives that are being leveraged to create an innovative and exciting digital collectible storytelling RPG. With a team that brings together expertise from different industries and games, Momoguro is setting itself up for success, creating a culture that is driven by excellence, innovation, and sustainability.

Achieve competitive differentiation

If you’re a restaurant owner, there are likely dozens of other restaurants in your city that serve the same type of cuisine as you do. So how do you stand out from the crowd?

By emphasising the unique flavors and cooking techniques that are specific to your culture. This not only sets you apart from your competitors but it also creates a sense of authenticity and depth that customers will be drawn to.

START Inc. was founded by native-Japanese, Philippines-based entrepreneur KOUSEI. He’s used his knowledge of these cultures and languages to create a platform that is accessible to a wider range of people.

By offering multilingual support and creating a user experience that is tailored to the needs of non-native English speakers, START Inc has been able to reach a market that is often overlooked by other NFT platforms.

And it’s not just me saying this: START Inc. has already gained over 20,000 loyal followers in the NFT space across the Chinese, Japanese and Filipino community.

The project has already partnered with several high-profile artists and has recently launched their 2nd collection, CryptoNinja World, which sold out in less than 6 hours. The founding team has leveraged their diverse cultural roots to create a platform that is truly inclusive, and that has the potential to carve out a defensible piece of the wider ecosystem.

Align your values internally and externally

But cultural differentiation isn’t just about marketing. It’s also about creating a company culture that reflects your values and beliefs. As a leader, you have the opportunity to shape the way that your employees work together and interact with customers. By prioritising the values that are important to your cultural background (such as respect, hospitality, or hard work), you can create a workplace that is both productive and fulfilling.

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Supernormal Zipcy is a digital art project that is focused on creating beautiful and immersive artwork that reflects the values and beliefs of its creators. And what’s really impressive is that this project has been able to create a strong culture that is centered around these values. The founder Andrew Choi, and the wider team is committed to excellence, innovation, and collaboration, and this has allowed them to create artwork that is truly unique.

The numbers speak for themselves. Supernormal Zipcy has already sold over 10,000 NFTs, and it has generated more than US$40 million in sales. And the project has gained recognition from some of the top players in the industry, including Forbes, which named Supernormal Zipcy as one of the “Top 10 NFT Artists to Watch” in 2021. These creators have leveraged their cultural background to create a project that is a market differentiator and is already gaining recognition beyond Web3 into the beauty and luxury industry.

Creating loyalty with less

And let’s not forget about the financial benefits of cultural differentiation. By focusing on a specific niche that is related to your cultural heritage, you can tap into a market that might otherwise be overlooked.

For example, Uniqlo’s success can be attributed to its ability to leverage its roots in creating clothing that is functional, timeless, and versatile. By combining Japanese aesthetics with modern technology and innovation, they’ve built a loyal following around the world.

Of course, embracing your cultural roots isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to balance your heritage with the demands of the business world. Believe that this is a challenge that is worth taking on. By being true to yourself and your cultural background, entrepreneurs will be able to build a business that is not only successful, but also meaningful and fulfilling.

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