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Kailash Madan: Unlocking growth through innovative payments

e27 has been nurturing a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurs since its inception. Our Contributor Programme offers a platform for sharing unique insights.

As part of our ‘Contributor Spotlight’ series, we shine a spotlight on an outstanding contributor and dive into the vastness of their knowledge and expertise.

This episode features Kailash Madan, Global Head of Sales at Primer, with over 10 years in payments and financial services, including roles at Stripe and Citi. Kailash leads Primer’s team in APAC, helping enterprises automate and optimise e-commerce workflows with unified global payments infrastructure.

Thoughts, goals, and journey

Madan shared that around a decade ago, he entered traditional payments while working at Citi as a Management Associate. His role in commercial and consumer banking introduced him to cross-border commerce and the broader impact of payments on the global economy. He then moved into digital payments, helping grow the internet’s GDP at Stripe before joining Primer to help merchants and partners rethink payment management.

Madan remarked, “Having been at the forefront of what you’d today call traditional payments, including export and import finance, and now igniting growth for global businesses through digital payments, I’ve learned that providing businesses with the right infrastructure to offer a best-in-class customer experience is key. I intend to continue doing so while driving greater advocacy for payments within large organisations.”

He added, “There’s a monumental shift taking place in the payments industry towards greater optionality, flexibility, and freedom in how businesses build and manage payments. Until recently, many leaders were comfortable with one Payment Service Provider (PSP) driving their business, but it’s becoming clear that this model can’t meet the needs of modern businesses operating across multiple markets. Earlier this year, Stripe made a major move by decoupling payments from the rest of its financial services, moving towards a more open and inclusive system where businesses can design their payments strategy around their needs, not the other way around. Primer has been driving this shift for some time, and our model is the catalyst for it, making it an exciting time to be working here.”

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The driving force

Madan joined the e27 Contributor Programme in 2022 and has since been an active member, regularly sharing his insights on the payments industry.

Madan said, “e27 is one of the most impactful platforms for entrepreneurs, innovators, and businesses in Southeast Asia’s tech scene, offering a wealth of thought leadership content and knowledge exchange between leaders and experts. Through this platform, I’ve been exposed to new industries and ideas, and I hope to add as much value as I’ve gained from the Contributor Programme. The payments industry continues to be somewhat of a ‘black box’ for those outside the sector, which Primer is working to change. By contributing thought leadership, I aim to show how we’re simplifying payments and how any business can use digital payments as a growth lever.”

Advice for budding thought leaders

Madan advised budding thought leaders to cultivate an authentic voice, challenge existing assumptions, and pose curious questions to foster discussion. He also stressed the importance of considering the audience’s perspective and avoiding jargon to make ideas more accessible and impactful.

Juggling too many things?

Madan said, “I’m fully committed to the remote work model at Primer. While it’s not for everyone, it gives me the flexibility to pursue personal goals and routines that matter to me, while also succeeding at work. For me and my team, it’s not about presenteeism, but the quality of our output, and once you focus on that, achieving work-life balance becomes a bit easier.”

He added, “Working at a fast-growing startup isn’t for everyone, but for those willing to put in the hard yards, it’s an opportunity to advance quickly. With my global role based in Singapore, managing time zones can be tough, so I make sure to block certain times to recharge.”

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Staying in the loop

Madan says he learns the most from daily conversations with business leaders and his team, who are attuned to global market shifts. Primer’s remote model, with teams in over 35 countries, enables seamless collaboration, allowing him to connect with leaders worldwide for insights and on-ground perspectives. He also highlights that staying updated through news outlets and platforms like LinkedIn remains essential.

Madan recommends subscribing to newsletters like TechCrunch, Tech In Asia, Benedict Evans, The Ken, e27, and Sifted to stay updated on industry trends. He also follows LinkedIn authors like Linas Beliunas and Dwayne Jefferie, whose posts offer valuable insights into current discussions in the space.

“Although digital payments seem complicated and mature, we’re only at 10 per cent of global commerce today. The runway to grow is massive and with it are the opportunities to innovate, evolve and re-invent existing processes. Learning every day is something I live with and I’d encourage everyone to consider,” he concluded.

Take a look at his articles here for more information and perspectives on his expertise.

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