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Jejakin raises US$2.7M to help organisations achieve net zero targets

The Jejakin founding team

Jejakin, an Indonesian-based carbon management platform, has secured US$2.7 million in a funding round from Bhinneka Power, Indogen Capital, SMDV, and East Ventures.

The capital will be mainly invested in R&D, technological improvement, and market growth.

Jejakin was founded in 2018 by Arfan Arlanda, Sudono Salim (CGO), Andreas Djingga (COO), and Haris Iskandar (Chief of Sustainability and Climate Change) with a mission to make a positive impact on the environment.

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The startup offers AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (internet of things)-based solutions that help companies achieve zero emissions targets. The integrated Jejakin platform allows companies to carry out emission calculations from operational activities. It makes it easier to determine, execute, and report their sustainability plans, including nature-based and carbon-related projects, thus helping companies reduce their emissions.

The climate tech venture provides three main products: CarbonIQ, CarbonAtlas, and CarbonSpace.

CarbonIQ, the carbon accounting platform, assists businesses in calculating their operational emission footprint of all scopes (Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3).

At the same time, CarbonAtlas is the monitoring platform that utilizes a remote sensing technology stack of satellites, IoT sensors, and mobile apps to verify the credibility of climate programs engaged by businesses through on-ground checks. It monitors more than 1 million trees that have been planted together with Jejakin’s clients and partners across Indonesia, allowing users to get visibility on the positive impacts the project has brought to the area, such as carbon sequestration, soil & air quality, and biodiversity index.

CarbonSpace, on the other hand, is Jejakin’s integration app connected to CarbonIQ and CarbonAtlas, allowing businesses and their stakeholders to contribute directly to climate actions.

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Currently, Jejakin has over 30 clients across diverse sectors, such as Gojek, BCA, Telkomsel, and Indosat OoredoHutchison.

Climate change is one of the most critical challenges facing our planet today, impacting all nations, including Indonesia. Asian Development Bank (ADB) ‘s report identifies Indonesia as one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, experiencing rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and disruptions to agricultural production.

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