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How to use Gen AI enabled chatbots for workplace safety?

Workplace safety is a rising concern in the present times due to the intensity of work going on around the world and the number of human lives dependent on it. It is a much higher concern in labor intensive sectors such as construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and mining. These industries are known for being involved in demanding physical tasks where the application of heavy machinery creates a high-risk environment.

Ensuring the well-being of workers in these sectors is not only mandatory compliance with the regulation but also a moral imperative of every stakeholder. Effective safety protocols, advanced technologies, and a culture of vigilance are essential to mitigate risks and prevent accidents.

According to the International Labour Organisation, the per year count of men and women losing their lives to workplace fatalities and diseases stands at 2.6 million. Making it simpler, this leads to around 6000 deaths per day. Whether it is accidents occurring at the work sites or the occupational diseases that they incur, the rate coming out of it is very concerning.

What is the modern-day solution to ensure safety?

Technology! The answer is simple. With the growing scope of technology, it has extended its solutions to make the workplace safer. Generative AI is a tool that is working towards deriving workplace safety, most importantly in high-risk and labour-intensivesector such as construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and even mining. By using advanced technological solutions based on AI algorithms and models there can be a better solution expected.

One of the applications of Gen AI that has managed to create a significant influence on workplace safety is the development of Chatbots. It has altered the approach of companies to secure their employee well-being and risk management practices.

Five ways to use Gen AI-enabled chatbots for workplace safety

According to Hugo Cheuk, COO, viAct,  “Generative AI can analyse complex datasets from various sources, including historical incident reports and real-time sensor data, to identify and predict risks. This capability enables construction managers to implement timely interventions, thereby preventing accidents and enhancing worker safety.”

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As rightly pointed out, whether it is a safety officer trying to ensure construction safety or managing an automated incident analysis and reporting in a manufacturing unit, the use of Gen AI can be of good use. The use of AI-powered video analytics in Gen AI-enabled chatbots makes the usage optimum.

Here are five ways where the use of Gen AI-enabled chatbots can be the most effective:

Real-time safety guidance

The best part of Gen AI chatbots is their 24/7 working ability. In contrast to the traditional human monitoring capabilities, these chatbots can provide instant, on-site safety instructions and guidance, ensuring workers have access to accurate safety protocols at all times.

Let’s consider a situation — A worker who is new to a manufacturing unit experiences an equipment malfunction. This can cause hindrance to others at work and there is no time to get back to his supervisor. At this critical point of time, he can ask the chatbot for the correct procedure to handle the malfunction, and receive immediate, precise instructions.

Incident reporting and documentation

The chatbots can be easily integrated with the surveillance system of the worksites. This allows it to take the information from the recorded shreds of evidence and store it in its database. As it is based on large language models (LLMs), these chatbots can hold a much larger quantity of data as compared to a traditional system.

With its storage capabilities, the streamlining of the reporting process for any accidents and even near-misses in the sites becomes easier and more accurate. This process allows the workers to quickly log incidents through conversational interfaces and record them for future requirements.

Personalised safety training

The training sessions provided to the workers are often limited based on the time period and frequency. With AI-driven chatbots, the facility to receive safety briefings as and when desired by the worker gives a good edge. With a Gen AI-enabled chatbot, the training on safety can now be received:

  • Customised based on the situation enquired
  • Personalised based on the profile of the worker
  • Curated in relevance with the previous training performance
  • On the Job training facility
  • Levelled based on the urgency of the situation
  • Obtain Digital Permit-to-Work (PTW)

Example: New employees can receive personalised onboarding safety training through interactive chatbot sessions, ensuring they understand and retain critical information.

Proactive risk assessment

It is one of the main features of having a Gen AI-enabledChatbot. It can retain enough information to detect patterns and present a forecasting scenario. It can analyse data from various sources to predict potential hazards and advise workers on preventive measures.

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For instance, the chatbot can alert workers about specific risks based on recent incident trends or environmental conditions along with suggesting the best pre-emptive action to be undertaken. The necessity of PPE compliance in the situation or being aware of vehicle/machinery collisions.

This can be highly effective especially in detecting environmental hazards in crucial working conditions like confined spaces or ensuring drilling rig safety further accurately.

Enhanced communication and support

The role of supervisors can be taken forward by Gen AI chatbots due to their information generating feature. Itensures continuous support by providing answers to safety-related questions, thus reducing the burden on human supervisors and safety officers.

The unavoidable situations that a safety officer needs to undergo can now be managed effectively by using these bots. Workers can ask the chatbot about safety regulations or emergency procedures and receive accurate information instantly, even during off-hours. It can be easily communicated using smart wearables such as smart helmets and vests which can closely monitor the signs shown by the workers.


As we embrace these technologies, the goal is clear: to reduce workplace accidents, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and ultimately, save lives. It is mentioned in a report by McKinsey, that using AI-powered safety monitoring in a sector such as construction can also help to increase productivity levels by 50 per cent.

We envision the future of construction safety, the seamless integration of generative AI and cutting-edge video analytics, combined with the power of large language models, will redefine the landscape, fostering an environment where innovation aligns with safety, setting new standards for industries.

The deployment of AI-driven solutions like chatbots extends the potential of technology to create safer, more efficient, and more productive work environments. By using the power of Gen AI, industries can not only meet but exceed current safety standards, setting a new benchmark for the future.

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Image credit: Canva

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