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How to migrate your small business to the cloud

Advancements in cloud computing have transformed the business landscape in the last few decades. More companies are kickstarting digital transformations to keep up with their tech-savvy competitors and meet the needs of their digitally-driven customers.

However, making a companywide transition to the cloud might seem intimidating, particularly for organisations that still rely on legacy systems. Before small businesses migrate to the cloud, they should consider several important factors, including cost, availability, security and availability.

Here are the benefits of migrating to the cloud and some tips to keep in mind to make the process simple and effective: 

Five benefits of cloud migration for businesses

Cloud computing for enterprises involves running cloud-based application software on various servers across the internet. More businesses are using the cloud than ever before.

Research shows that over 60 per cent of all corporate data is stored in the cloud, and that figure will rise in the coming years. One reason the cloud will become more ubiquitous in business is the widespread remote work trend. More people are working at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so companies need cloud technology to support their employees.

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Below are some primary benefits businesses can reap from migrating to the cloud:

Data accessibility

Cloud services allow users to access these applications from any location with internet access, which helps businesses with remote workers. Because the cloud transmits data over the internet, there’s no need for employees to work near physical hardware in an office. Anyone with proper credentials can access the company cloud, a centralised, web-based information hub. 


Modern businesses need digital solutions that can scale up or down, depending on needs. For example, companies using the cloud can adjust the number of users if new employees join the team or others resign. 


The most popular cloud service providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offer a pay-as-you-go model. These subscriptions allow companies to only pay for essential services, which helps reduce unnecessary expenses. 


A significant benefit of using the cloud is enhanced security. Cybersecurity must be a priority for virtually every company. Therefore, organisations should invest in solutions that will protect their sensitive data. 

However, no IT environment is completely secure in today’s cybersecurity landscape. More businesses are moving to the cloud, and it’s becoming an increasingly popular target for hackers. The cloud is highly secure, but companies must utilise other preventive security measures to protect themselves.

Business continuity

Another benefit of using the cloud is business continuity. The cloud will come in handy if an organisation experiences a disaster, such as a cyberattack or hardware failure. 

Cloud computing solutions offer suitable storage options for companies in an emergency. Their IT systems are usually accessible from remote locations to keep operations running smoothly.

While this is not an exhaustive list, it does provide a glimpse into how businesses can benefit from the cloud. 

Tips for a seamless migration to the cloud

Follow some of these helpful tips to ensure your cloud migration process is successful:

Assess company needs

Before your company moves to the cloud, it’s important to identify why the transition is necessary, who will be affected by the change, a reasonable budget and other important considerations. 

Consider using the 80/20 rule when planning the migration: 80 per cent of your data will migrate easily, and 20 per cent might pose challenges. The 20 per cent is also referred to as “anchor workloads,” which are crucial to operations, create a complex IT infrastructure and are costly. Take them into account when planning your strategy.

Consider a piecemeal transition

Some organisations are eager to leverage the cloud and, as a result, transfer all their processes there. However, this could overwhelm your employees and cause more harm than good. 

Also Read: How can businesses improve their operating margin by controlling cloud costs

Consider migrating to the cloud over time and train your employees to get a feel for the new IT landscape. A slow transition approach will help the company adjust and fix any possible issues.

Outline roles and responsibilities

Migrating to the cloud might alter some of your employee’s roles and responsibilities. Keep them updated on these changes and what your departments should expect. All workers should be aware of the cloud migration and be ready to communicate during the process.

Your company’s IT department will play a significant role in the transition. IT professionals with experience in cloud tech will make a move easier. 

Choose a migration partner

Many cloud service providers offer helpful migration services for companies. These vendors know that more clients need assistance moving to the cloud, so they offer expert support to help facilitate the transition. 

Here are some of the most popular vendors with cloud migration services:

  • Accenture
  • Cognizant
  • AWS
  • Infosys
  • IBM Managed Cloud Services
  • Google Cloud
  • Deloitte

These organisations and others simplify cloud migration to ensure the process is successful. 

Test, monitor and train

Once the company successfully migrates to the cloud, it’s important to run tests, monitor the new system and train employees on how to navigate the new environment. 

It might be challenging, particularly if seasoned employees are less tech-savvy than their younger peers. Employees must learn to leverage the cloud to fulfil their job responsibilities and contribute to the organisation.

Simplify cloud migration for your small business

The business landscape is rapidly changing. Companies must be agile, flexible and willing to adopt new technologies to align with their specific business objectives. 

Cloud technology is becoming increasingly widespread for all types and sizes of businesses. Migrating to the cloud will benefit your company, but only if the process is successful.

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