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How Plixstar eases digital transformation for plastic manufacturers in Malaysia

The Plixstar team

In April, Malaysia-based Plixstar was named one of the top three startups from Alpha Startups for Women’s Demo Day, hosted by 1337 Ventures.

The company aims to revolutionise the plastic industry by creating an online platform for small and medium plastic manufacturers. It helps them undergo digital transformation, grow their business, and embrace plastic recycling with just one platform.

“Traditional businesses often resist change, with stakeholders wary of embracing new technologies due to concerns about disruption or unfamiliarity. To address this, we offer a guided journey to demonstrate our platform’s seamless solutions, reassuring stakeholders of the ease of tapping into its benefits,” explains Abby Teoh, Founder of Plixstar, in an email interview with e27.

“Another challenge is the perceived high initial costs of digital solutions. However, through our platform, businesses can establish their presence at a fraction of the cost of hosting their digital platform. We only charge a small transaction fee, making it financially viable for them to join.”

To support small and medium-sized plastics manufacturers in their digital transformation, Plixstar offers the following features:

Extensive Supplier Network
Plixstar offers access to a vast network of suppliers, enabling manufacturers to find the best deals and materials tailored to their requirements.

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Market Insights
The platform provides regular updates and insights, keeping manufacturers informed about the latest trends and pricing fluctuations in the plastics industry. This empowers them to make well-informed decisions.

Deals of the Day
On the 15th of each month, Plixstar presents exclusive deals on plastic resins, offering manufacturers cost-effective options for procuring materials.

Online Sales Platform
Plixstar assists small and medium manufacturers in selling and promoting their products directly on the platform. This helps them establish an online presence and reach a wider audience, with Plixstar also supporting marketing efforts to enhance visibility.

“Businesses can advertise their products within our platform for increased exposure and visibility among industry peers. This additional service incurs a small fee but provides valuable access to the ecosystem that Plixstar hosts in the digital space,” Teoh says.

“Concerns about data security and privacy are also prevalent. To address this, our platform gives manufacturers full control over the data and information they choose to share, ensuring their sensitive information remains protected.”

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Collaboration to support plastic manufacturers

Plixstar has established strategic partnerships and collaborations across various sectors to support plastic manufacturers’ objectives.

These alliances include government agencies such as Matrade and the Penang Green Council and esteemed industry associations such as the Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA) and mid-tier consortia. Additionally, partnerships with leading petrochemical companies such as Lotte Chemical Titan, TPC, Idemitsu, Teijin, and Miliken provide pivotal platforms for introducing innovative products.

Regarding supporting plastic manufacturers with information and knowledge, Plixstar’s collaboration with Commoplast, a reputable plastic news agency, ensures manufacturers are well-informed about the latest industry trends and pricing insights. It also set up alliance with Fuller Academy, known for its comprehensive online courses on sustainability and ESG principles.

The company also has a key partnership with Nuplas Solutions, a Circular Economy implementation partner and consultant, which exemplifies this commitment by promoting material circularity practices across the industry.

In the future, Plixstar aims to be the leading B2B platform in plastic circularity, connecting all stages of the supply chain from raw materials to waste management.

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“We prioritise transparency in pricing, materials, and market insights, making it easier for stakeholders to make informed decisions,” Teoh closes.

From its base in Penang, the company is run by a team of eight and is currently bootstrapped.

Image Credit: Plixstar

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