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How Patsnap aims to lead the way in AI innovation with its in-house model development

Guan Dian, Co-Founder and APAC General Manager, Patsnap

On Wednesday, May 15, Guan Dian, Co-Founder and APAC General Manager at Patsnap, will speak on stage at Echelon X about the company’s journey in implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Before becoming a global market leader in its field, Patsnap had already become one of the earliest to include this technology in its DNA, and the company is ready to share its story.

Patsnap sets itself apart in the AI era through its pioneering adoption of AI technologies, from previous iterations of NLP and computer vision to the latest advancements in Generative AI. Unlike many others in the field, Patsnap develops its own models rather than relying on partnerships with external organisations such as OpenAI.

According to Guan Dian, this approach “allows us to continue building trust with our customers because, as you can imagine, our customers are also at the forefront of innovation in various industries, whether it is in automotive, semiconductor, or new drug discovery.”

Furthermore, Patsnap’s dedication to data quality is evident in its meticulous curation of sources over the past 15-16 years, forging partnerships with top-tier data suppliers globally. This rigorous approach guarantees that whether utilising AI models or traditional search engine methods, the outputs generated maintain a high-quality standard, cementing Patsnap’s reputation as a leader in innovation intelligence.

Also Read: Unlock growth and scalability by leveraging data with PatSnap

Patsnap operates within the realm of innovation intelligence, a novel category it helped define. This domain encompasses any information, insights, or intelligence stakeholders utilise in the technology innovation ecosystem. The key players in research and development (R&D) are at the forefront of this ecosystem. This includes innovators, researchers, developers, and supporting entities such as IP lawyers and universities.

Patsnap aids these users by offering an extensive collection of data from diverse sources, notably the global patents database. Additionally, it provides access to rich technical repositories such as journals, papers, and technology news articles. In specific domains such as pharmaceuticals, Patsnap boasts a comprehensive database covering globally available drugs, drug development pipelines, and disease-related experimental data.

Their approach involves gathering this data and leveraging AI for processing, classification, labelling, and annotation. Subsequently, they offer user-friendly interfaces to facilitate easy access to relevant information for product development or research purposes.

Furthermore, Patsnap assists users in comprehending the gathered information swiftly, aiding in making informed decisions based on insights gleaned from journal papers or patent analyses.

“We first started developing AI capabilities as early as 2015, even though we didn’t call it AI. We called it data mining or extraction.”

Also Read: Koh Boon Hwee, Patsnap CEO, iGlobe invest in MindFi’s US$750K round as it makes it into Y Combinator

Moving further ahead with AI

Since the middle of last year, Patsnap has established an internal team dedicated to advancing their internal language model capabilities. Embracing an “AI first” mentality, the company has shifted its focus from the CEO downwards, ensuring that every product feature and workflow is viewed through the technology.

This shift in mindset prompts Patsnap to reconsider and constantly enhance existing features and capabilities. By reimagining aspects such as pattern search, they aim to infuse elements of Generative AI into their R&D and intelligence search processes, thus bringing about distinctive improvements. Through this approach, the company identifies opportunities for reuse and innovation, leading to heightened efficiency and intelligence in its user services.

Patsnap’s concentrated efforts in reimagining search within AI and Generative AI have yielded multiple capabilities.

“These range from enhancing pattern and paper reviewing processes to aiding in the invention writing process. With a continuous influx of new features in the pipeline, we ensure regular updates, guaranteeing that users benefit from the latest advancements every month, with each button and feature promising new enhancements,” Guan Dian closes.

Catch her at the Future Stage of Echelon X at the Singapore Expo on May 15 at 02.05 PM.

Image Credit: Patsnap

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