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How blockchain can revolutionise ticketing without disrupting the user experience

In today’s digital age, the ticketing industry faces numerous challenges, with scams and counterfeit tickets being among the most significant. Traditional methods, like QR codes, are increasingly vulnerable to fraud. Blockchain technology presents a promising solution, not by simply patching these vulnerabilities but by fundamentally transforming how tickets are managed and distributed.

Eliminating QR codes: A step toward security

QR codes, while convenient, have become a common target for scammers. Blockchain offers a way to remove the reliance on QR codes altogether. By leveraging decentralised ledgers, each ticket can be issued as a unique digital asset that is virtually impossible to counterfeit. Unlike a static QR code that can be duplicated, a blockchain-based ticket is a dynamic entity with a secure, traceable history.

Enhanced data for organisers: A new level of insight beyond security

Blockchain enables event organisers to gain unprecedented insight into the secondary ticket market. Each transaction, transfer, or resale of a ticket is recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and tamper-proof trail. This means organisers can monitor ticket movement, identify scalpers, and even set parameters on resale prices or conditions. The result is a more controlled and fair marketplace that benefits both the organisers and the fans.

Timing is everything: Why blockchain’s moment has finally arrived

Five years ago, the idea of using blockchain for ticketing was in its infancy. The world was just beginning to explore the potential of this technology, but it was too early for widespread adoption. At that time, there were significant barriers: no integration with mainstream payment options, a lack of user-friendly interfaces, and the high cost of minting tickets on the blockchain made it impractical for the average consumer. The infrastructure simply wasn’t ready.

Also Read: Transforming the ticketing industry: Tessera’s vision for fair access and innovation

Today, however, the landscape has changed. We now have blockchain platforms that are more efficient, cost-effective, and, crucially, better integrated with existing payment methods. This evolution allows us to harness the power of blockchain without the drawbacks that once held it back. The timing is perfect for us at Tessera to leverage blockchain in a way that enhances ticketing without disrupting the user experience.

Seamless user experience: Technology behind the scenes

While we recognise the power of blockchain, our primary focus is on the user experience. We believe that technology should work behind the scenes, enabling innovation without complicating the user’s journey. For the end customer, buying a ticket should be as simple as ever. Whether purchasing through Apple Pay or using any other familiar payment method, the process remains intuitive and straightforward. The blockchain’s complexity is abstracted away, ensuring that users are not burdened with understanding or managing the technology.

Blockchain as a tool, not the solution

It’s essential to emphasise that blockchain is a technology, not the solution itself. The solution lies in how we use this technology to address real-world problems. We view blockchain as a tool to enhance security, transparency, and data accessibility without compromising the simplicity and ease of the ticketing process. Our goal is to ensure that end users experience all the benefits of blockchain without needing to interact with it directly.

In conclusion, blockchain has the potential to revolutionise the ticketing industry by eliminating outdated methods like QR codes and providing organisers with more control and insight into the ticket market. At the same time, Tessera is committed to ensuring that this technological advancement enhances, rather than complicates, the user experience. After all, the best technology is the kind that users don’t even realise is there.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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