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Hiring matters: growing beyond 75 employees with Michael Podolsky


Starting a company is hard enough, but hiring and retaining talent is much harder.

Our guest today is Michael Podolsky, the founder and CEO of Wiser Brand, which helps brands with their marketing efforts. His company has over 80 employees, and today we learn how he has built his team to last.

Specifically, we talk about:

– What were the most important first hires?
– The importance of hiring in-house?
– When should you recruit an HR Manager?
– How does your company change after hiring an HR Manager?
– How does having an HR Manager help with the recruitment process?
– How often should you communicate with your department heads?
– What can you do to retain your employees?
– How have you changed over this entire process?

Also Read: How to simplify the overcomplicated hiring process

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The article was first published on We Live To Build.

Image Credit: rawpixel

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