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Grab promotes “safe driving”, initiates GrabBike pilot programme in Malaysia



Grab announced today that it has officially launched its 6 months pilot programme for motorcycle drivers in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

Singapore’s leading ride-hailing app is promoting safety by leveraging on many of its already inbuilt features which include passenger selfie verification, safety centre, and driver safety toolkits, into the GrabBike system in order to promote security. Since after dark hours from 9pm to 2am is not seen as safe in the country, the service will be blocked during then.

Apart from that Grab has also declared that it will be offering safety training lessons and practical riding assessments to its drivers, for safety being one of Grab’s prime concern.

According to the press release statement, the major objective of the pilot is also to evaluate the feasibility and cultural fit of bike-hailing in a local context.

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The programme has already been commenced since January 3rd and is collaborating with the government on “gathering data and evaluating demand for the service, while working on drafting legislation to govern bike-hailing according to Loke, Minister of Transport.

“Safety continues to be Grab’s main priority. All GrabBike motorcycles are equipped with helmets for driver-partners and passengers, as well as reflective jackets for drivers. As with all Grab rides, both drivers and passengers are covered by personal accident insurance,” quoted Sean Goh, Country Head of Grab Malaysia according to KrAsia.

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Gojek has reportedly also affirmed its plans of bringing in the same service to Klang Valley on January 2020 and has already received approval from the Malaysian Cabinet.

Image Credit: Grab

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