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Fundraising? Here are 3 reasons why joining 2020 TOP100 APAC is great for your startup

You may have read various articles on e27 about fundraising for your startup –from creating the perfect pitch deck to stepping up your communication game.

But have you ever wondered when you are going to implement the skills and knowledge that you have learned? You know that VC firms are always on the lookout for potential investments, but does that mean you can simply walk into Mordor—oops—their office and start pitching?

This is why we believe joining the 2020 TOP100 APAC is great for your startup in its fundraising journey.

As part of the annual Echelon Asia Summit, TOP100 is a curated programme designed to discover, showcase, and accelerate the next generation of up-and-coming startups.

The programme consists of qualifying rounds that are set to be held in six Southeast Asian cities in early 2020, followed by the Echelon Roadshow events.

Also Read: Measure up to the region’s best and brightest at the 2020 TOP100 APAC

Joining TOP100 is a great opportunity for you to meet leading investors in the Southeast Asian startup ecosystem. Here are the three reasons why:

You will be judged by partners at leading VC firms in the region

For the qualifying rounds, the e27 team curated a team of judges consisting of leading names in the regional VC scene. Apart from deciding who makes it to the next stage, this year we make sure that the judges will spend extra time to give you feedback on how to improve your presentation skills. You will walk out of the room feeling more prepared for your fundraising journey.

You will meet your match on Echelon Connect

Designed specifically to match startup to a meeting with potential investors, Echelon Connect is the platform that is meant to help your startup grow. Investors themselves can expect a factsheet of companies and facilitated business meetings to accelerate deal flow.

You will get to meet and rub shoulders with them during Echelon Roadshows

After every TOP100 qualifying rounds, you will get to take part in Echelon Roadshows, where you got to see exciting talks on stage and network with fellow participants and potential investors on the side. Who knows? A single light conversation can lead to many things …

So make sure that TOP100 is part of your fundraising journey. Register now.

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