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From profit to purpose: How ESG shapes the future of startups

In the current business environment, startups are increasingly expected to incorporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into their operations. The growing awareness around sustainability and social responsibility means that startups are not only evaluated by their financial performance but also by their impact on society and the environment.

As emerging companies with the potential to disrupt industries, startups have a unique opportunity—and responsibility—to set new standards for responsible business practices. This shift is not merely a trend but a necessary adaptation to a world facing significant environmental and social challenges.

The example of Quest Ventures, a venture capital firm that has integrated ESG principles into its operations, offers insights into how startups can effectively engage with these important issues and the importance of doing so.

The imperative of corporate purpose and social responsibility

At the heart of any successful startup is a well-defined and compelling corporate purpose. In today’s business landscape, startups must go beyond the pursuit of profit to define a purpose that encompasses social responsibility. This commitment to a broader mission can be a powerful catalyst for long-term success. While financial returns remain essential, startups that align their business models with societal goals often find themselves better positioned for sustainable growth.

For instance, Quest Ventures has placed a strong emphasis on initiatives that promote financial inclusion, gender equality, and access to healthcare and education. This focus on social impact extends beyond altruism—it reflects a broader understanding that businesses are part of the societies in which they operate. Startups that adopt a similar approach can reap significant benefits. First, they can attract socially conscious investors who value long-term impact over short-term gains.

Second, a strong commitment to social responsibility enhances brand reputation, making the startup more attractive to customers, employees, and partners. Finally, a well-defined social purpose can serve as a guiding principle, helping startups navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities in a rapidly changing world.

Building a sustainable business model

Incorporating ESG principles into the business model from the outset can provide startups with a competitive advantage. Quest Ventures, for example, manages a diverse portfolio that includes companies operating in e-commerce, software/AI, and fintech. By integrating ESG considerations into their investment strategy, the firm has ensured that sustainability is a core aspect of the companies they support.

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For startups, this implies that focusing on ESG can lead to better risk management and resilience. Through prioritising ESG from the outset, startups can build resilient business models that are better equipped to withstand market fluctuations and regulatory changes. In addition, startups that prioritise ESG are likely to attract investment from funds that value not just financial returns but also the broader impact of their investments. This can lead to a more stable and supportive investor base, which is crucial for long-term growth.

Responsible investment and long-term value creation

Startups can benefit from adopting responsible investment practices early on. Quest Ventures’ commitment to responsible investment, as demonstrated by their adherence to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), highlights the importance of considering ESG factors in decision-making processes. For startups, this approach can lead to more sustainable and long-term value creation.

Aside from avoiding harm, responsible investment is about actively seeking opportunities that contribute to positive societal and environmental outcomes. Startups that align with responsible investment principles are more likely to build businesses that are both profitable and resilient to future challenges.

Quest Ventures’ pragmatic approach to ESG—focusing on better risk-adjusted returns while integrating ESG factors into its operations—is a testament to how startups can achieve both financial success and positive impact. This approach can help startups build trust with investors, customers, and employees, which is essential for sustainable growth.

Environmental stewardship as a strategic priority

In an era where environmental concerns are increasingly at the forefront of public consciousness, startups must recognise the importance of environmental stewardship. Quest Ventures has developed robust criteria for evaluating the environmental impact of potential investments, ensuring that its portfolio companies align with its sustainability goals. This proactive approach to environmental stewardship is particularly relevant for startups, which often have the agility and innovation to pioneer new sustainable practices.

Adopting environmentally sustainable practices is a strategic advantage for startups. Companies that prioritise environmental sustainability are better positioned to meet evolving consumer demands, navigate regulatory changes, and mitigate risks associated with climate change.

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Quest Ventures’ ongoing engagement with its portfolio companies to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices highlights the importance of continuous improvement and adaptability in this area. Additionally, startups that prioritise environmental stewardship can contribute to the broader effort to combat climate change, which is increasingly becoming a factor in investment decisions.

Social responsibility as a cornerstone of success

Social responsibility is another critical component of a successful ESG strategy. This encompasses the commitment to uphold human rights, promote fair labor practices, and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Quest Ventures’ dedication to these areas reflects a broader trend in the business world where social responsibility is increasingly seen as essential to long-term success. These principles extend beyond ethical considerations—they are fundamental to building a strong, cohesive, and motivated team capable of propelling a startup forward.

For startups, this means that investing in social responsibility can lead to a more engaged and productive workforce, stronger relationships with customers, and a more supportive community. Startups that prioritise social responsibility also have an edge in attracting and retaining top talent, as employees increasingly seek out companies that align with their values. Furthermore, social responsibility can enhance a startup’s reputation, leading to stronger brand loyalty and customer trust. 

The role of strong governance in sustainable growth

Good governance is essential for startups, particularly as they grow and scale. Quest Ventures has established governance principles that promote accountability, transparency, and ethical behaviour across all levels of their organisation. Startups can learn from this approach by implementing strong governance practices early on, which can help them navigate the complexities of growth and scaling.

Apart from compliance, strong governance also entails creating a framework that supports sustainable business practices. Startups that prioritise governance are better equipped to build trust with investors, customers, and employees. Consequently, good governance can help startups avoid potential pitfalls and make more informed decisions, which is crucial for long-term success.

Journey forward: The role of startups in shaping the future

Startups have a pivotal role in shaping the future of business and society by integrating ESG principles into their operations. By embracing ESG, startups can achieve financial success while contributing meaningfully to a more sustainable and equitable future. As the business landscape continues to evolve, startups that prioritise ESG will be better prepared to navigate challenges, seize new opportunities, and create a lasting impact.

Quest Ventures’ commitment to driving positive change and fostering sustainable development serves as a beacon for startups aspiring to lead with purpose and responsibility. This approach sets the stage for the emergence of responsible and forward-thinking businesses that will define the future.

Read more about Quest Ventures’ ESG Progress in here.

Co-authored by Linh Ha (Senior Analyst), and Amanda Chan (Summer Analyst) and edited by Jazlynn Quek (Summer Analyst) at Quest Ventures.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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