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Former head of int’l expansion at Slack on how to avoid being a “launch-and-leave”

In this episode, we are excited to welcome Kathryn Hymes, former Head of International Product Expansion for Slack. Prior, Hymes held product leadership roles at Nextdoor and Facebook and currently runs Thorny Games, a company that builds games at the intersection of language and cryptography.

In our conversation, Hymes offers some awesome insights into a vast number of topics: from how to be successful entering new markets (a hint being not to launch and leave, but to build for sustainability and scalability), the importance of curiosity, energy, passion and understanding a functional cross-section of the business in being an effective product leader; and the need for leaders to meet both customers and employees where they are at and to ask the right questions in order to be successful localizing your business for new markets.

Also Read: Caffeinated expansion: How Kopi Kenangan achieves its goal of opening one new store per day

This episode is sponsored by our partner, ZEDRA. Learn more about how the ZEDRA team can support you in expanding to new markets.

Find our entire podcast episode library here and learn more about our forthcoming book on global business growth here.

This article was first published by Global Class.

Image Credit: Global Class

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