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Event reflections: Women leading the future of tech, health, and digital transformation

Women in leadership roles are breaking barriers and driving positive change across industries. These trailblazers are not only excelling in their careers but also empowering others to pursue leadership, especially in traditionally male-dominated fields.

By leveraging their unique insights and lived experiences, these leaders are fostering environments ripe for innovation, diversity, and inclusion, ultimately enhancing corporate culture and outcomes in significant sectors.

DEI-led leadership, as showcased by women leaders in technology

In sectors like technology and healthcare, women are spearheading substantial innovation and inclusivity initiatives. The recent SEA Blockchain Week saw Katashe Solutions making waves with a successful regional launch, celebrating diversity and innovation. A highlight was our Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity (DEI) panel in collaboration with DeGate and FILLiquid, which emphasized DeFi’s role in creating inclusive technology ecosystems.

Katashe Solutions demonstrated its unwavering commitment to seeking out and highlighting local ecosystem builders in Thailand who are women leaders in tech to foster a strong network of leaders that believe in DEI, aligning with a Web3 ethos of diversity and inclusion and promoting equal access to technology.

Palmy Veerapat Keerati shared how Bitkub Group is working toward balanced gender representation and cautioned against creating reverse inequality. Proud Limpongpan of Ennovie highlighted the Web3 era’s potential to regard merit over gender, signalling a shift in how we view contribution and capability in the tech space.

Wayne Tang of FILLiquid led the discussion as the moderator, acknowledging that mentorship has been pivotal in his career, where the majority of his direct managers or leaders were women, offering guidance and opportunities for him to grow. These insights underline the importance of an inclusive digital asset landscape and the regulatory frameworks that support or hinder progress.

Furthermore, Katashe Solutions has recently been appointed as the Official Venture Builder for the upcoming Malaysia Blockchain Week happening from 31st July – 1st August 2024, a testament to women-led leadership and commitment to driving digital transformation on a national level.

Also Read: Women and AI: How startups can prevent gender bias and promote responsible use of the tech

This role enables Katashe to spotlight and support women-led companies, showcasing their potential to lead and innovate within the blockchain ecosystem. By championing these trailblazing women, Katashe aims to catalyse significant advancements in technology and inclusivity, proving that gender diversity can be a powerful driver of national digital transformation.

Women’s health and its economic impact

I’d like to thank Wai Mun, a fellow alumnus from Melbourne University, for inviting me to the Saving Women’s Lives Gala, hosted in partnership with NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Institut Santé des Femmes.

The Gala underscored the critical intersection of health and leadership. As leaders, women must prioritise their health to maintain their ability to innovate and lead effectively. This event highlighted the distinct and traditionally underfunded needs of women’s health in R&D, underscoring the urgent necessity for targeted investment and research.

According to a World Economic Forum study, women live longer but spend a significant portion of their lives in poor health. Addressing this health gap is not just a matter of equity; it has profound economic implications. Improving women’s health could potentially boost the global economy by at least $1 trillion annually by 2040.

Investing in women’s health is, therefore, essential, helping to expand workforce participation and enhance the quality of life for women globally. The collaboration at events like these serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritising women’s health in our broader societal and economic discourse.

Connection and integration

While leadership forums and health galas might seem distinct, they are profoundly interconnected. Effective leadership in any arena requires foundational well-being, underscoring the need for advancements in women’s healthcare to support their roles as innovators and leaders. This holistic approach to women’s roles in society illustrates why it is essential to drive more focused R&D into women’s health.

Also Read: The climate change and gender equality connection: How to support underfunded women-owned business

By bridging the gap between these traditionally siloed industries, we have witnessed a surge of female-led innovations that empower women to take charge of their health and well-being. The synergy between tech and health networks underscores the importance of fostering diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystems.

Women’s voices and perspectives are pivotal in driving femtech innovation, showcasing the value of leveraging cross-disciplinary connections to propel open innovation networks forward. By investing in health, we empower women to excel and lead across all areas of life, further enhancing their ability to innovate and effect change.

Final thoughts

The role of women in leadership extends beyond individual success; it influences broader societal transformations by promoting inclusivity and equity. These leaders are not just achieving; they are setting the stage for future generations of women in tech, health, and beyond.

As we champion women in leadership, we must also advocate for and advance research and development in women’s health, recognising it as the foundation upon which women can build their capacity to lead and innovate.

By embracing new technologies and frameworks like Web3, which prioritises capability over gender, we create more equitable opportunities for all, pushing the boundaries of innovation and societal progress. Let us continue to support women in leadership and celebrate their impact on shaping a better world.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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