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e27 community: 10 most-read contributor posts in January


e27 has groomed a thriving community of two million like-minded readers in the tech and startup industry. And you can engage with this community via the Contributor Programme.

It is a great place to establish thought leadership and reflect the interests of the start-up economy in Asia.  In 2020, we decided to dedicate each month to an umbrella theme to get your thinking caps on and stimulate discussion.

January was all about reflecting over the year gone by and looking for trends of the future. Here’s a curated list of the most read contributor posts in January.

How to choose a coworking space for your startup

Coworking spaces are the face of the working zones in the modern world. These places are an attempt to change the trends of how employees react to work and office spaces. Traditional office spaces are slowly getting wiped off. Find out why!

Using social media to grow your startup: What companies can do to avoid disappointment

Social networks are one of the most effective tools to promote and attract clients. It is not only big brands that achieve success in social media space.

Even small companies and startups unlock their potential, forming a target audience in their niche. But managing social media is not so easy. Make your way through this maze.

9 digital marketing trends you can no longer ignore in 2020

Digital marketing trends are very much similar to the world of fashion where newer trends rule the runway every new season. But every once in a while there comes a trend that just stays around longer than expected.

Same is the digital world.

It’s already 2020 and if you are not tightening your belts to take this year seriously, then you will definitely fall back in the race of competition. While a lot of new things are expected to welcome us in the new year, there are a few marketing trends of 2019 that are expected to rule the landscape in the following year as well.

Why working at a startup is a better way to launch your career

Millennials of today wish to find their dream jobs once they graduate from college. And they are extremely sensitive about the roles and responsibilities that are put on their shoulders once they are hired.

Lending a job in market-leading companies is an achievement in itself.

Still, startups hold their fort that lets their interns learn many things and gives benefits that no leading business can. But is this a good decision? Let’s find out.

CNY Special: How the e-ang bao and digital gold are fuelling the rise of virtual gifting in Asia

In a tradition dating back centuries, Chinese elders make gifts of money to children and unmarried relatives during the Lunar New Year, wishing wealth and prosperity for them in the coming year.

Now, traditions rooted in the past are adapting to the times, and the practice of giving and receiving red packets is changing to fit the highly digitised lifestyles of modern society.

Electronic red packets have been rising steadily in popularity over the last few years in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau after being introduced by the Chinese internet company, Tencent, a few years back in 2014.

I have a startup idea. But how do I know if it is worth it?

Ideas take birth every moment, but not each one succeeds.

There are many reasons why this could happen. Sometimes it is due to lack of resources; sometimes it is due to inadequate research. Planning and implementation are also factors that play an important role. Five things to ask yourself before getting your tech startup idea out in the market.

Lessons from a tattoo artist: What startups can do to be more creative

As creatives, we tend to be overly idealistic about what we want to create. Be ambitious but realistic— especially in the beginning. Start small by finding the simplest thing you can do now to get the idea out there for validation.

A tattoo artist and entrepreneur draws invaluable lessons from his journey.

Diversity in the workforce: Where do we go from here?

TeamSpirit Singapore has a pretty diverse workforce with seven nationalities in their Singapore office of 19 people. Diversity does not just reflect in thought and competence but also brings out kindness, humanity, and culture within a team.

This post talks about the three ways diversity in the workforce can improve your startup culture.

7 ways to build a better brand that defines you in 2020

The word brand or logo is often cast-off in the technological world and though it is one of the most important factors to work on digitally. Branding has been stated to companies for a long time, but nowadays almost every next person has its own brand.

In this digital world, your own branding ties you with the world and your online presence is the essence if you want to grow your brand. Besides, every company is based on branding like a brand is an identity for their business.

11 tips for managing the digital workforce of your startup

This world is getting digital-faster than we could imagine. Technology is taking new shapes every day, moulding according to people’s needs, bringing us new ideas in the form of innovation.

One such advancement seen in recent years is the digital workforce, estimated to become pretty popular among marketers in the coming time. Now, before we get started with any further discussion, let’s know some basics about a digital workforce.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing contributions from the community. Become a thought leader in the community and share your opinions or ideas and earn a byline by submitting a post.

Join our e27 Telegram group, or like the e27 Facebook page.

Image credit: Helena Lopes on Unsplash

The post e27 community: 10 most-read contributor posts in January appeared first on e27.