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Driving innovation and growth in Southeast Asia with Employment Hero

Employment Hero

In today’s dynamic business landscape, adaptability and innovation are paramount for success and growth. Employment Hero is at the forefront of this evolution, providing comprehensive HR and payroll solutions tailored to the unique needs of Southeast Asian businesses. As the Head of Sales & Partnerships for Southeast Asia at Employment Hero, I am thrilled to share our initiatives that are set to revolutionise the HR and payroll landscape in the region.

Empowering SMEs with the PSG Grant

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of our economy. Their success is critical to the overall economic health and growth of Southeast Asia. Recognising this, various governments across the region have introduced initiatives to support SMEs. One such initiative is the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) in Singapore, designed to help businesses enhance their productivity through technology adoption.

The PSG grant not only provides financial support but also encourages SMEs to embrace digital transformation. This transformation is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment, where staying competitive requires leveraging technology to its fullest potential.

Employment Hero is proud to be a PSG-approved vendor. This endorsement signifies our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that streamline HR processes, enhance efficiency, and drive productivity. With our platform, SMEs can manage their HR tasks more efficiently, from recruitment and onboarding to payroll and compliance. By automating routine tasks, we enable business owners and HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth.

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As a PSG-approved vendor, companies are eligible for up to 50% through the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) that supports the digital adoption of Employment Hero’s platform which has been demonstrated to be the all-in-one employment solution for businesses with big ambitions.

By leveraging the PSG grant, SMEs can save up to 50% on their HR and payroll solutions today. This substantial cost saving translates to more value for everyday operations, allowing business owners to reinvest in their growth without worrying about budget constraints. 

Moreover, our customers have consistently demonstrated at least a 15% increase in productivity in the last 6 months after adopting Employment Hero’s solutions. This boost translates to 1.2 hours saved each day and significant cost savings. These efficiencies mean more resources can be allocated to other critical areas of the business.

The future of work

The future of work is flexible. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), highlighting the importance of adaptability in the workplace. At Employment Hero, we believe that flexibility is not just a benefit but a necessity for attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive market.

Singapore’s recent initiative to implement new FWA guidelines, which includes options such as flexi-time and flexi-place, aligns perfectly with our vision. These guidelines, effective from December 1, 2024 onward, require employers to fairly process formal FWA requests from employees, promoting a more flexible and supportive work environment.

Employment Hero’s approach to flexible work is built on three key pillars: Location Flexibility, Time Flexibility, and Role Flexibility.

  1. Flexi Place: Empowering employees to work from wherever they are most productive. This could be from home, a co-working space, or even a different city. By offering location flexibility, businesses can access a broader talent pool and improve employee satisfaction. In fact, 82% of our Singapore Heroes have reported that reduced commuting time and the associated stress significantly impact their personal lives and well-being.
  2. Flexi Time: Allowing employees to choose their working hours to better align with their personal lives and peak productivity times. Flexible hours can reduce stress and burnout, leading to higher overall productivity and job satisfaction. With flexible and remote working arrangements, 68% of our Singapore team has experienced enhanced mental well-being, and improved productivity and focus.
  3. Flexi Load: Encouraging a fluid approach to job roles and responsibilities. This can include job sharing, part-time roles, or the ability to switch between different projects and tasks based on skills and interests. Role flexibility can enhance employee engagement and career development.

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Flexible Work Arrangements offer numerous benefits for both employers and employees. For employees, FWAs provide a better work-life balance, reduce commute times, and increase job satisfaction. For employers, FWAs can lead to higher productivity, lower absenteeism, and greater employee retention resulting in the incubation of local Singaporean talent.

Employment Hero strongly advocates for FWA and provides the tools and support needed to implement them effectively. Our platform enables businesses to manage remote work, flexible hours, and other FWA options seamlessly. By promoting a flexible work culture, we help businesses create a more adaptable and resilient workforce fit for the future of work.

A comprehensive suite of HR and payroll solutions

Managing HR and payroll can be complex, especially for businesses operating in multiple countries with diverse regulations. Employment Hero’s all-in-one HR and payroll platform is designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses in Southeast Asia. Our solutions cover every aspect of HR management, from recruitment and onboarding to payroll and compliance.

One of the key benefits of our platform is its ability to automate routine HR tasks. Automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that HR processes run smoothly and efficiently. This allows HR teams to focus on more strategic activities, such as employee engagement, talent development, and organisational planning.

Compliance is another critical area where Employment Hero excels. Our platform is designed to ensure compliance with local labour laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and fines. We stay up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes, so our clients don’t have to. This peace of mind allows businesses to focus on growth and innovation without worrying about compliance issues.

SmartMatch: The future of recruitment

We are excited to share a sneak preview of Employment Hero’s SmartMatch, our innovative recruitment solution designed to tackle the challenges of today’s competitive job market. SmartMatch leverages advanced algorithms and AI to match the right candidates with the right roles, eliminating traditional recruitment stages and ending the ‘Pay and Pray’ model.

Built into Employment Hero’s HRIS platform and powered by Swag, SmartMatch facilitates proactive and predictive hiring, providing a seamless experience for both employers and job seekers.

The beta release is set for the end of June, with continuous optimisation and testing leading to a full launch in the second half of the year. The more you use it and the more feedback you provide, the better we can make it for you.

Supporting the future of work in Southeast Asia

At Employment Hero, we are committed to driving innovation and supporting businesses in Southeast Asia. Our comprehensive HR and payroll solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses in the region, helping them navigate the complexities of HR management and stay ahead of the competition.

We believe that the key to success lies in embracing change and leveraging technology to drive growth. Through initiatives like the PSG grant, we are helping SMEs embark on their digital transformation journeys. By advocating for Flexible Work Arrangements, we are promoting a more adaptable and resilient workforce. And with the launch of SmartMatch, we are revolutionising the recruitment process, making it easier for businesses to find and hire the right talent.

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This is the ethos that ultimately drives Employment Hero, coupled with our dedication to empowering businesses in Southeast Asia with the tools and support they need to succeed. Whether through our PSG-approved HR and payroll solutions, our advocacy for Flexible Work Arrangements, or our innovative SmartMatch recruitment solution, we are committed to driving growth and innovation in the region.

As the Head of Sales & Partnerships for Southeast Asia, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. We look forward to continuing our journey with our clients, partners, and the wider business community, working together to shape the future of work in Southeast Asia.

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to innovate, support, and empower businesses across the region. Together, we can achieve great things and create a brighter future for all.

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This article is produced by Employment Hero, published by e27

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