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Decoding PR: The essential tool for tech startup success

As a PR professional in the heart of Vietnam and Southeast Asia, I’ve witnessed countless tech startups struggle to be heard. As an entrepreneur myself, I saw this frustration firsthand, and I understand that in the ever-evolving realm of tech startups, capturing attention and earning the trust of your audience can make or break your ventures.

Beyond press releases: Unveiling the power of PR

But how can this official definition apply to tech startups? Quite simply, it means crafting a narrative that resonates with your target customers, investors, employees, the media, and the public using various PR tactics to tell the story behind your brand and your products.

PR is more than just issuing press releases or holding press conferences. PR itself is about building a message, spreading it out to the public, and connecting the relationships with your target audience. In the day-to-day running of my own company, Ivy+Partners, I endeavour to showcase that PR encompasses a broad spectrum of activities.

From media interviews and influencer collaborations to launch events and community engagement initiatives, Ivy+Partners encompasses a diverse array of strategic endeavours aimed at fostering meaningful connections and communication.

I’ve heard many startup founders say that they want to “invest in building up the product first and spend money on PR and Marketing later” or “prioritise Marketing over PR because PR can not convert to sales.” But is this right?

Investing in PR shouldn’t be optional; it’s a necessity to carve a niche in the market. PR is a powerful tool that drives growth by enhancing brand visibility and fostering customer trust, which is essential for converting interest into loyal customers.

A positive and resilient brand image, cultivated through consistent PR efforts, acts as a buffer during crises, helping you manage setbacks effectively. Additionally, PR builds strong relationships with media and influencers, amplifying your reach and influence within relevant circles.

Also Read: PR’s unchanging essence: Human connections amidst AI and automation

PR myths debunked

Despite the undeniable advantages of engaging in PR activities, PR often falls prey to misconceptions that can deter tech startups from utilizing their full potential. Here are some of these myths, along with the truths behind them:

PR is only for big businesses and celebrities?

In fact, PR can be beneficial for startups at all stages, from pre-launch, launch, funding round, maturity — it can help you to:

  • Build the right communication strategy for your product that can set you apart from competitors
  • Connect, build, and manage your reputation as well as the relationship with key players such as investors, stakeholders, and partners.
  • Build your employer branding that showcases your company culture and values, attracting top talent and fostering employee loyalty.
  • Reach your community your target audience, and connect with them on an emotional level, creating a sense of brand loyalty and positive brand sentiment.
  • Build brand awareness and a positive public image that increases recognition and trust over time.
  • Prevent and solve the crisis.

By implementing a well-rounded PR and communications strategy, startups can achieve significant benefits in fundraising, recruiting, sales, and overall marketing efforts. It’s a strategic investment that pays off in the long run.

PR is the same as Marketing?

While PR and Marketing are different, they both support each other. Siloed PR and marketing efforts are a thing of the past. PR helps to build brand awareness and foster positive relationships, while marketing focuses on driving sales and lead generation. However, true success lies in the synergy between these two disciplines. This collaborative approach forms the foundation of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).

PR is expensive?

Budget is important, but it is not the deciding factor in the success of a PR campaign. Building the right story and choosing the right channels will help you do that. If you wanna do a budget-wise PR campaign, you can focus on leveraging all your own and earned media channels before thinking of paying media.

Your own and earned channels could be your company website and social media, your employees’ word of mouth or their social media channels, your partners, investors and stakeholder’s network, your media friends, and even your customers…

In conclusion, every startup needs PR at some point. The earlier you start, the better it is. Cause PR is a marathon, not a sprint run. You should be ready before you need it or it will be too late. And at the end of the day, PR thrives on a two-way street. Sometimes, you might not have complete control over the final public message, but you should know that’s the beauty of organic and authentic communication.

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Image credit: Ivy+Partners

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