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Bio Farma x MIT Hacking Medicine 2023 champions healthcare innovation

Bio Farma

In an era characterised by rapidly advancing technology, the intersection of healthcare and tech is undeniably a crucible for progress. With this ethos in mind, Bio Farma, Indonesia’s state-owned pharmaceutical company, partnered with MIT Hacking Medicine to host a transformative Hackathon from August 24 to 27, 2023, in Bali, Indonesia. This four-day event witnessed the convergence of 200 exceptional participants representing 11 countries, carefully selected from a pool of over 1,000 applicants hailing from G20 nations and ASEAN member states.

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Bio Farma’s collaboration with MIT Hacking Medicine underscores the imperative of leveraging technological innovation to bridge gaps in healthcare delivery, ensuring accessibility, quality, and efficiency for all. The theme, “Real Problems, Real Solutions: Innovating for Healthcare” set the stage for a series of profound discussions on pivotal healthcare issues, showcasing the magnitude of challenges faced and the potential for groundbreaking solutions through innovation and tech.

A series of panel discussions on key healthcare issues

Apart from the hackathon proper, the project also featured a series of panel discussions on some of the most pressing issues surrounding healthcare today. These topics include the following:

Innovation Gap in Healthcare: End-to-End Healthcare Ecosystem: The inaugural panel discussion delved into the critical issue of innovation gaps in the healthcare ecosystem. Eminent figures including Tedi Bharata, Deputy for Human Resources, Technology and Information Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises; Zen Chu, Senior Lecturer at MIT Entrepreneurship; David Utama, CEO of PT Kimia Farma Tbk; and Christine Hutabarat, CEO of Hotel Indonesia Natour shed light on the challenges and opportunities in propelling innovation across the healthcare landscape.

The Digitalization of Healthcare: The second panel explored the digital transformation sweeping through healthcare. Experts like Agus Rachmanto, Deputy Chief of DTO Kemenkes; Anang Efendy, Country Manager of Google Cloud Indonesia; and Paul Soegianto, Chief Group Digital Strategy of PT Astra International Tbk, highlighted the seismic shifts brought about by technology in revolutionising healthcare delivery, from telemedicine to data-driven diagnostics.

Navigating Disruption in Healthcare: Balancing Policy, Ethics, and Regulation: Navigating the complex landscape of healthcare disruption was the focus of the third panel. Industry stalwarts including Mohan Belani, Co-Founder and CEO of e27, Bayu Wibisono, Director of Production Supervision of Drugs, Narcotics, Psychotropics and BPOM Precursor R1; Ahmad Gamal, Director of Innovation & Science Techno Park at the University of Indonesia; and Doddy Lukito, Co-Founder and CIO of Halodoc, offered insights into striking the delicate balance between policy, ethics, and regulation in an evolving healthcare landscape.

The Future of Medicine: The concluding panel examined the future trajectory of medicine. Visionaries like Sudesh Kumar, Chief Digital Officer of Hello Health; Prof. Benjamin C.K. Tee, Associate Vice President of NUS Enterprise; Jasmin Wong, CEO of Nextkidney SG; and Ardhy Wokas, President and Director of Kimia Farma Diagnostics, envisioned a healthcare landscape propelled by cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches to treatment and prevention.

Bio Farma’s vision: Fostering innovation and talent

The Hackathon witnessed the participation of luminaries in healthcare and technology, including Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Indonesia’s Minister of Health, who emphasised the need for more entrepreneurs and innovators in the healthcare sector. The event’s international appeal was evident, with a diverse cohort of participants bringing their unique perspectives to the table.

“Indonesia needs more entrepreneurs and innovators. I hope such events become more common given healthcare’s significant growth potential due to priority and government support,” stated Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Indonesia’s Minister of Health.

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CEO Shadiq Akasya articulated Bio Farma’s mission to nurture the next generation of healthcare innovators. He highlighted the dual purpose of the event — not only as a platform for innovative solutions but also as a networking ground for identifying talents for state-owned enterprises. “Bio Farma facilitates young generations to observe real problems and provide innovative solutions,” said Shadiq Akasya, CEO of Bio Farma. “This event serves not only as a solution-finding effort but also as a platform for identifying talents for state-owned enterprises networking,” added Soleh Udin Al Ayubi, Deputy CEO of Bio Farma

The birth of Mediverse: A revolutionary super-app

A significant milestone emerged from the Hackathon: the launch of Mediverse, a healthcare super-app by Bio Farma. Designed to offer promotive, curative, and preventive healthcare services, Mediverse envisions a modern, healthy lifestyle for users.

In a nutshell, Mediverse is a super app in the health service sector that includes services such as prevention, healing, and health promotion. Mediverse was developed by the BUMN Pharmacy Holding in collaboration with pharmacies and health facilities spread throughout Indonesia.

The winning teams: Championing healthcare innovation

The culmination of the event saw the victory of three teams from the upstream category (1st: Colony.jpeg, 2nd: RPs, and 3rd: Sunset Team) and three from the downstream category (1st: CEXME, 2nd: AQut, and 3rd: 1ClickAI). These teams demonstrated exceptional ingenuity and problem-solving prowess, earning them a total of 10,000 USD Google Cloud Voucher and 6,000 USD cash.

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In addition to the winning teams, participants Anggit Wignya Adi Prasati and Anis Rohmasari were acknowledged for their outstanding contributions. They were awarded golden tickets to join the MIT GrandHack 2024 in Boston, further solidifying their position as future leaders in healthcare innovation not only in Indonesia but across the globe.

The Bio Farma x MIT Hacking Medicine 2023 Hackathon stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and technology in redefining healthcare for all. By bringing together global minds, fostering talent, and championing innovative solutions, this event has set a new standard for healthcare innovation, paving the way for a future where accessible, high-quality healthcare is a reality for every individual.

To learn more about the Hackathon, visit

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This article is produced by the e27 team, sponsored by Bio Farma

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