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AI infrastructure: The unsung hero of technological innovation

As the Chairman and CEO of GreaterHeat, I am strategically positioned at the forefront, witnessing firsthand the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) across various sectors of our economy and society.

At a time when AI’s applications and ethical concerns are most discussed, it is crucial to recognise that the underlying infrastructure serves as both a fundamental necessity and a strategic asset for technological advancements, presenting prime investment opportunities.

AI infrastructure: The key to future technological innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has revolutionised various industries in recent years, from healthcare and automotive to finance and retail. AI is reshaping every aspect of our work and lives. However, while people eagerly discuss AI applications and ethics, the infrastructure supporting AI development is often overlooked. In fact, without a solid infrastructure, even the most advanced AI technology cannot truly play its role.

The urgency of investing in AI infrastructure

The demand for AI is growing rapidly among enterprises. According to Mordor Intelligence, the global AI market will reach US$170 billion by 2029. This means enterprises must deploy AI infrastructure as soon as possible to keep pace with technological developments and seize this wave of opportunities.

Also Read: Embracing AI’s promise: Navigating the future of marketing

Conversely, the lag in infrastructure construction will lead to the loss of opportunities. This is a strategic investment concerning future competitiveness, which cannot be delayed.

From expansion to innovation: Reshaping computing and data management models

AI is challenging traditional IT infrastructure. Simply increasing capacity is no longer sufficient; we need to fundamentally reshape IT architecture, shifting from focusing on data management to focusing on AI empowerment.

AI computing prioritises performance and scale, requiring high-performance, high-bandwidth storage and networking. It often monopolises physical machine resources, and many offline computing tasks do not demand high availability, complex scheduling, or disaster recovery mechanisms, making virtualisation unnecessary.

These differences are driving a transformation in IT infrastructure. We must explore more flexible and efficient new infrastructures to unleash AI’s potential fully. This is a revolution from quantitative to qualitative change, which will profoundly affect the future of IT infrastructure.

Embracing blockchain, welcoming a secure, decentralised new era of AI

The rise of Web3 and blockchain technology has ushered in a new era for secure and decentralised AI. These technologies provide AI applications with data security and integrity, which are particularly suitable for sensitive data scenarios.

This forward-thinking new approach safeguards current AI applications and paves the way for future technological innovations. As a responsible technology company, we must embrace these new technologies and proactively lead industry transformation.

Sustainable development: A new consideration for technology investment

While pursuing technological progress, we must also consider the importance of sustainable development. This means that when building AI infrastructure, we should prioritise energy efficiency, actively use renewable energy, and strive to reduce the carbon footprint of digital operations.

This is our responsibility as corporate citizens and an important way to attract environmentally conscious investors. Sustainable development has become a new dimension for measuring the value of technology investments.

Managing risks, choosing the right strategic partners

Investing in AI infrastructure is not without risks. Technological iteration, policy changes, and large project management can all bring challenges. The key is to remain sensitive to risks, focus on flexibility in technology selection, and strictly follow international standards.

Also Read: Human-AI collaboration: The key to unlocking Gen AI’s potential

Choosing the right strategic partners is also crucial. We should seek partners who are not only technologically advanced but also share common values in business ethics and sustainable development. Quality cooperation can bring twice the result with half the effort.

Infrastructure, the foundation of innovation

AI infrastructure serves the present and lays the strategic foundation for future innovation. At GreaterHeat, we are building a robust and flexible new generation of infrastructure to support the long-term development of AI technology.

This requires a forward-looking vision and courage, and we must always keep our vision in mind when making investment decisions and strategic partnerships. We can always stay at the forefront of innovation by keeping our eyes on the future and our feet on the ground.

Driving tomorrow requires today’s cornerstone

Looking to the future, artificial intelligence is bound to set off a profound wave of technological change. And all of this requires a solid infrastructure as the cornerstone. At GreaterHeat, we are trying to build a rigorous and responsible AI infrastructure to match a sustainable technological future.

This is an investment field full of opportunities, an indispensable part of the global technology landscape, and the necessary path to a highly connected, efficient, and sustainable society. Let us join hands and work together to create a new intelligence era.

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Image credit: GreaterHeat

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