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Acing in hackathons: What every tech enthusiast needs to consider

This article was first published on May 26, 2023. 

The exhilarating journey of entrepreneurship is one filled with equal parts excitement and uncertainty. I have long been fascinated with emerging technologies to transform our world. When the groundbreaking concepts of blockchain and Web3 first began to emerge, I knew instinctively that I wanted to be involved in this exciting new frontier.

Upon realising the vast potential of these technologies to transform problem-solving, I became excited to delve deeper into their possibilities. Like many other tech enthusiasts, I dove headfirst into the world of hackathons.

My passion for the field ignited during my first hackathon participation in 2016, serving as a launchpad for my hackathon journey and, later on, entrepreneurship. Over eight years, I joined a plethora of local and international competitions.

Through these experiences, I understood the importance of hackathons as an arena for honing skills, refining ideas, networking with people who matter and fostering innovation. However, the road to success wasn’t a straight one; it was riddled with bumps, twists, and turns, as is the case with most journeys.

The secret winning ingredients

Hackathons are more than just coding marathons; they are crucibles for creativity and problem-solving. Each event can present unique challenges that require out-of-the-box thinking, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of novel solutions.

Participating in multiple hackathons allowed me to develop a winning formula – one that is predicated on passion, a continuous learning attitude, and the courage to venture into uncharted territories.

At hacksingapore 2022, a pilot last year organised by AngelHack, my team and I designed a groundbreaking social-to-earn metaverse concept that catapulted us to the finalist spot. Based on one of the hackathon pillars surrounding the future of gaming, we created a metaverse gaming platform on a social index, enhancing engagements between players on a social level while earning rewards for interacting with one another.

Also Read: How the metaverse and blockchain accelerates economic development

Unlike hackathons spanning just a day or 48 hours, hacksingapore gave us a good amount of time to find people with the right fit and bond, which I then realised is the most crucial ingredient if your product is great.

Another aspect is to keep learning and gaining from such experiences since, for me, the exposure was certainly the stepping stone to fuel MetaPals, a blockchain startup focused on creating a companion in the metaverse for non-crypto users afterwards.

While triumphs are gratifying, they did not come without their fair share of failures. I would term these as learnings as these were just as instrumental in shaping my journey in hackathons as the successes.

Another ingredient is the team – like-minded individuals who share a common vision and can work in harmony to bring that vision to fruition. For those participating in a hackathon, it is crucial to begin with building a team of individuals with similar values who can collaborate seamlessly towards a common goal.

Solving a real-world problem

Look at hackathons as not merely technology-focused events but as platforms to address compelling real-world problems through innovative solutions. As a participant, consider it your task to create solutions that have practical implications and can truly make a difference.

In its pilot edition last year, hacksingapore presented us with opportunities to employ cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, no-code, and gaming to tackle community-centric issues. Our efforts were assessed on aspects like design, creativity, technical complexity, and practical feasibility, ensuring the development of solutions that were both innovative and applicable.

As a participant, I made sure I derived learnings from the workshops and collaboration with our IMDA team mentor and networking opportunities with experts, which is crucial to ensure solutions are industry relevant and viable.

This year I have gone back to hacksingapore 2023, the nation’s flagship hackathon, as a mentor. My goal is to share my experiences and insights with participants, assisting them in their hacking journey, which is centred on digital empowerment, sustainability, and financial inclusion. These areas are essential for societal progress, and there is a significant need for innovative solutions in these fields.

Let me dive deep into the ‘why’. Digital empowerment is about harnessing technology to improve information access, education, and resources, thereby enhancing individuals’ and communities’ digital capacities.

Sustainable solutions aim to combat climate change and environmental degradation through digital innovation, promoting eco-friendly practices and reducing environmental impact. Financial inclusion involves employing technology to make financial systems more equitable and inclusive, directly affecting millions worldwide.

I’m eager to see the transformative solutions that will emerge at hacksingapore2023. As a participant, think of yourself as a change-maker using technology as a tool for societal betterment.

As a finalist of hacksingapore 2023, you can present your projects at ATxSG, a major tech event in Asia organised by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Informa Tech. This is part of the hacksingapore’s Grand Finale in June.

Also Read: Pure ideas with no executions to prove do not attract savvy investors: Shao-Ning Huang of AngelCentral

The art and science of collaboration

Having participated in over 80 hackathons and competitions within a span of eight years, hacksingapore is one of my most memorable ones. Undoubtedly, it has played a substantial role in shaping my growth trajectory.

Supported by IMDA and partners with tech giants like Meta, Alibaba Cloud and HEINEKEN, hacksingapore 2023 is distinctively a neutral platform allowing for unimaginable collaborations of talents from different corners of the island, and the intersection of technologies and platforms, thereby proving to be an innovation playground.

Even beyond this hackathon, collaboration and co-creation are key as you build solutions to any hackathon problem. A deep-knit working equation within the team is indispensable, and so are the learnings and insights you can drive from mentors and industry experts. These life skills transcend hackathons’ boundaries and are essential in the entrepreneurial landscape.

Secondly, keep improving your skills through continuous learning. Communities are a great way to update skills and stay abreast with the latest developments in technologies, and participation in hackathons may give you an opportunity to engage with such communities. Leverage those interaction opportunities to take up your learning curve.

A hackathon is a microcosm of the startup journey – it requires ideation, teamwork, execution, and the ability to pivot when faced with challenges. Platforms like hacksingapore 2023 are an opportunity for tech talents to test their skills, challenge themselves, and bring their visions to life while being guided by industry experts.

In this rapidly changing world, it can help hone skills, knowledge, and mindset and fuel the spirit of innovation, collaboration, and resilience. I look forward to the incredible ideas, groundbreaking solutions, and inspiring journeys that will undoubtedly emerge from hacksingapore 2023.

Here’s to dreaming, creating, and innovating – together, we can shape a better future through impactful technology solutions.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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