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Accendo signs MOU with Welliba for global expansion, AI innovation

A photo from the MoU signing ceremony

Malaysia-based Accendo Technologies, a company operating in the area of talent intelligence, selection, development and upskilling, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Dublin-headquartered employee experience and activation technology firm Welliba to expand its global footprint.

This MoU also positions Accendo to “significantly” enhance its AI models with globally sourced, verified, and secure data. The AI capabilities will enable Accendo to offer “superior” talent intelligence solutions, facilitating its expansion into new markets.

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“Access to our combined globally anonymised yet highly rich data will significantly enhance our AI models, enabling us to offer more precise and effective talent intelligence and talent experience solutions. This is a critical step in our global expansion strategy,” Sharma Lachu, CEO of Accendo Technologies, said.

The MOU outlines several key areas of collaboration:

Collaborative research: Engaging in joint research initiatives to explore cutting-edge approaches to talent intelligence and employee experience.

Knowledge sharing: Facilitating regular knowledge exchange sessions, workshops, and seminars to disseminate research findings and best practices.

Development of advanced solutions: Co-developing AI-driven solutions and tools to refine and improve talent selection, development, and upskilling processes.

Driving innovation: Encouraging collaborative projects that drive the creation of new technologies and methodologies in talent management.

David Barrett, CEO of Welliba, added, “We have known Accendo Technologies for over 15 years now and our combined efforts have already yielded significant innovations in talent and people experiences across ASEAN and globally, contributing to the global digital economy and professional export revenue from both our countries.”

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Achim Preuss, CIO of Welliba, added, “By leveraging our combined data sets, we will be able to further enhance our AI models, offering superior talent intelligence and talent experience solutions that promote sustainable workforce development and employee well-being.”

Image Credit: Accendo.

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