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A step-by-step guide in setting up instagram for your business

A layman’s guide in creating and using instagram for business

Studies show that more than 30 million companies across the globe use Instagram for business, and the platform has about 200 million visitors accessing at least one business profile daily.

Instagram is now becoming a grand platform for business and brands and engages the users more compared to Facebook or Twitter.

Instagram followers are found to be more brand-loyal, and the business promoters can achieve their goals better on this platform.

In this guide, we will discuss the simple steps involved in setting up an Instagram Business account and running it.

Step #1: Getting instagram for your business

If you already have a personal account on Instagram, which has brand-relevant content and a considerable following, you can best convert it to an Instagram business account.It will unknot many business features.

You can also create a new Instagram business account if you want to via the following steps:

  • Download Instagram app (available for Android, iOS, and Windows).
  • Sign up
  • Enter your email ID.
  • You can connect your Instagram account with Facebook Business Page by using the FB admin e-mail ID or just by choosing log-in with Facebook option.
  • Choose a username and password. Enter profile info.
  • Done

To convert an existing personal account:

  • Log-in to the existing account.
  • Tap on the profile icon.
  • Go to settings.
  • Choose the ‘Switch to Business Profile’ option and continue.
  • Here also you can connect Instagram Business account to the Facebook Business page by choosing that option.
  • Add further contact information like email, phone, physical address, etc.

Step #2: Develop an Instagram business strategy

First, define the target audience and the ideal customer. Even before making your first post, you need to think of who is going to see it and what they expect.

There is a vast majority of users on Instagram who are of the age below 35. The United States has the largest amount of Instagram users, followed by India and Brazil.

This type of information is essential to start, but going beyond these overall demographics, you need to get relevant inputs about your target audience too

  • Determine who is buying from you already.
  • Access analytics of your presence and performance on other social media platforms and learn who follow you there.
  • Do thorough competitor analysis.
  • Form a clear value statement for your offerings.

Once you know what to accomplish, see the goals and objective.

Follow the SMART framework while setting goals, i.e.,

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant, and

T- Timely

Once the SMART goals are set, next:

  • Focus on performance metrics
  • Prepare a regular posting schedule and stick to it
  • Make use of Instagram analytics for business

Also Read: Achieve your social media marketing goals with these 4 strategies

Step #3: Optimize your business profile

Having a basic profile info like the personal account is not enough for Instagram Business. Optimize your profile information for the best results. Follow the below steps.

  • Optimize the bio. Bio is 150 characters long, but it can make a real difference. Mention what your brand is all about, and you can also include a link in the bio.
  • Try to convey your personality as casual, professional, or cheeky based on your business values
  • Try to include some hashtags
  • You can also try emojis at this limited-charters space to reflect your thoughts.
  • Use line breaks and appropriate spacing to make the bio easily readable.

Optimize the profile picture, probably your logo

Ensure that your profile is complete and easily understandable.

Step #4: Share only top-quality content

You can create a visual aesthetic for the brand with quality content. As we know, Instagram is about visuals, so it is crucial to reflect on your visual identity here.

Plan as to what you have to showcase in your posts. In many cases, you can see that the content is obvious as fashion stores showcase their clothes and a restaurant post images of their dishes.

However, when you offer some services, you may showcase real customer stories, or some behind the scenes sneak peek to highlight the work culture, office life, etc. You may introduce your followers and fans to other people as well.

Maintain a consistent visual look on Instagram to get you easily recognized. Instagram works only if you post work good quality photos.

So, always ensure that you get the best quality photographs, which are custom edited by using proper filters for Instagram use. Try to keep it natural, but as stunning as possible.

Also Read: Content in local languages could lead to 24% rise in internet users

Step #5: Engage the audience and grow the following base

As we know, the success of social media promotions depends on the count of followers and their level of engagement with your posts. Social networking is all about community building.

In fact, a community which his relevant to any brand already exists on Instagram, and you have to simply find them and build. The best way is to engage with those who already follow the brands of your competition.

For this, you can keep track of the industry hashtags and then start commenting on the most appropriate Instagram posts.

Simply follow the people who participate in the discussions. This is the simplest way to make others notice your presence and generate their interest in your content.

As you start getting more involved in communities, you can start getting a sense of the right hashtags and gain insight on the right moves to make.

Once you reach up to this level, follow some consistent measures to keep in among the top.

  • Use appropriate hashtags to make your content easy to find.
  • Respond to all the user comments and mentions about your brand
  • Try to work closely with Instagram influencers
  • Try to promote your account on other media channels
  • Make use of Instagram premium ads option to present yourself to a larger audience
  • Run some Instagram-specific contests or campaigns

Most importantly, always keep track of the performance of your Instagram Business account with the use of the analytics tool.

You need to make ongoing adjustments in order to optimize your return on investment at Instagram.

Also Read: 10 Instagram tools to supercharge your marketing


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Image Credit: Jakob Owens

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