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A decade of evolution: AppsFlyer’s 10 years of elevating mobile marketing in APAC

Over the past decade, the Asia Pacific (APAC) region has become the epicentre of mobile app innovation.

Mobile apps have shifted from ‘nice to have’ to mission-critical pillars of corporate strategy. APAC now accounts for 33 per cent of the global app market value.  It is forecast to grow from approximately US$200 billion in 2022 to an estimated US$750 billion by 2032, representing a CAGR of nearly 14 per cent.

It’s no wonder why mobile is now an essential part of any business strategy in APAC.

APAC continues to stand at the forefront of the mobile app revolution, capturing 64 per cent of all app downloads globally. This, more than anything, proves why APAC is pivotal to the industry’s future. With smartphone penetration predicted to surpass 90 per cent by 2030, mobile apps are slated to bridge the digital divide by drawing in users across both geographical and socio-economic boundaries. However, with every great opportunity comes great challenges.

In specific the astronomic growth of this new technology has fundamentally changed user behaviour for good. The ever-increasing reliance on apps and soaring engagement in this channel reflect a paradigm shift in consumer behaviour. Marketers are now faced with the ongoing task of influencing, measuring, and addressing these rapidly changing patterns.

After a decade of navigating this dynamic landscape, AppsFlyer’s trajectory closely mirrors the region’s rapid expansion. This year marks a monumental milestone for AppsFlyer as we celebrate our tenth anniversary on the ground in APAC, steadfast in our mission to “make marketers in Asia successful.” This special occasion stands as a poignant time of reflection and a chance to consider the invaluable lessons we’ve learned on this monumental journey.

Reflecting on 10 years of growth and innovation 

As the mobile ecosystem flourished, it reshaped the context within which app developers and marketers operate. Success now hinges on delivering apps that are not only functional, but sustain user engagement through fresh content, intuitive experiences, and intelligent personalisation.

Over this time, AppsFlyer emerged as the market leader in marketing measurement in the fast-paced app economy. With the increased complexity of data, we have been at the forefront of the ecosystem—working to eliminate data blind spots and equipping marketers with the insights needed to not only succeed but excel in their business.

Also Read: What AppsFlyer recommends to keep customers coming back to your e-commerce site

Our customers hail from almost every corner of APAC, operating in industry verticals that have had to evolve rapidly in this era of mobile and digital transformation, including gaming, e-commerce, and finance, to name but a few. Likewise, we have had to continuously innovate to provide a product that can meet the incredible demands of such a dynamic market. This is only possible if you stay close to the market, and we do so thanks to a culture of customer obsession.

Privacy and trust — The non-negotiables

The last decade has been defined by significant changes in policies and regulations relating to data and consumer privacy. They have dramatically reshaped the mobile marketing landscape. Picture the uncertainty of collaborating with a marketing measurement provider that may sell or misuse the data of its own customers, maintain conflicts of interest, or operate its own app business themselves. For brands and marketing teams, the importance of choosing highly objective and impartial vendors for their marketing technology cannot be overstated. This choice gives businesses the assurance and vital competitive advantage that is key in maximising the value of their data.

Fundamentally, gaining customer trust is what fuels any business’s success. At AppsFlyer our primary focus is to ensure strict adherence to data privacy principles, increasing consumer trust in the ecosystem and our customer’s businesses.

People — Our biggest asset 

Sure, it may seem cliché, but the exceptional people we’ve worked with each day have truly made this decade-long journey remarkable. Through these years, we’ve nurtured a diverse, relationship-centric community that fills us with immense pride. With nine offices throughout the APAC region, we value and leverage a diverse range of viewpoints to fulfil client needs, resolve challenges, and drive innovation. Our company culture and creed are deeply rooted in respect for diversity in all forms, equity for all demographics, and respect of the individual. 

Also Read: How AppsFlyer helps brands navigate a rapidly evolving market

Looking forward

The recent landscape in marketing has been defined by ever-shifting user privacy considerations, and this is not going to change. We see this as an ‘invariable’ here at AppsFlyer, a dynamic that is here to stay. And rightly so as the ecosystem and regulators learn how to balance tightening privacy requirements with the need to provide a relevant and personalised digital user experience. 

And if privacy has been the defining reality of the last decade, Artificial Intelligence has already staked its claim to dominate the foreseeable future. Again, opportunities and challenges for marketers.

AI has already proven its ability to deliver significant efficiencies automating, improving, and accelerating numerous activities for marketers across advertising, creative production, analytics, personalisation, optimisation, and engagement. The impact of AI and the way it will shape the future of marketing are yet to become clear, but there’s no doubt that marketing as a discipline has changed for good.

Today’s mobile marketing environment is kinetic, brimming with opportunities. Yet, at the same time, substantial challenges exist; data overload, integration complexities, quality control issues, and the necessity to iterate fast, and make quick decisions, while all the time ensuring compliance with privacy and other evolving platform and regulatory policies is very real.

Our role here at AppsFlyer is to help marketers navigate these opportunities and challenges. We have embraced this mission here in APAC for ten years now, and we continue to thrive in our unwavering commitment to the region. We’re excited by the opportunity that the booming app market in APAC presents and we’re busy making the next generation of AI-infused tools to help marketers win!

As we celebrate our tenth anniversary in the APAC region, we are proud of what we have achieved. But here’s the thing (and you knew this was coming) – we’re only one per cent done! The future holds boundless opportunities as the mobile app revolution continues to unfold. We’re ready to tackle the challenges and embrace the dominance of AI. In the infamous words of Peter Drucker, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Together, we will make the coming years even more remarkable than the past decade.

Lets go! 

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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