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How to deal with startup stress?

Researchers have found that millennials are more inclined towards starting their own business rather than doing a 9 to 5 job. The reason behind this could be that there is a growing trend of people wanting to build things from scratch. This gives them a sense of ownership and creativity.

Product designing, marketing, investment, and profit calculations, etc.; require hard work, but these can easily lead to stress and depression.

In this article, we have discussed some of the ways using which you can deal with your startup stress.

Work on the causes of stress

It’s not the whole process that leads to stress, rather certain areas in a startup that are responsible for it.

What you need to do is adopt a positive attitude and find out the reasons which lead to stress. Once you have figured out the causes of stress, you can easily work on them; eradicate them or mould them.

Also Read: 5 research-backed stress-busters that can help you improve work-life balance

For instance, if fewer sales are a reason why you are having stress then you can certainly work on the ways with which you can increase your sales; introducing new marketing tactics or investing in PR. Therefore it is important to figure out the main cause of stress in your startup and work on it.

Increase your reading habits

Most of the successful businessmen you see on the esteemed cover of Forbes magazine are all avid readers; Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, etc.

There are two main reasons why you need to read while engaging in a startup; the first one is that it draws your attention from the tensions your daily routine and helps you relax, whereas the other reason is that it gives you the ideas and inspirations which you can apply to your problems.

For example, if you are reading about a successful business that faced issues at the start of his entrepreneurship journey then you can certainly find some reference to your problems in his story and apply the remedies which he used back in time. So, read the biographies of successful people regularly to keep you inspired.

Exercise and meditation

A healthy body keeps a healthy mind.

Mental stress is automatically dealt with if you engage yourself in exercise and meditation.

A simple exercise like running helps you to focus on yourself which is extremely helpful when it comes to dealing with stress. Moreover, when you break a sweat in a gym or a jogging track, vision and dedication are increased which helps you fighting with work-related stress too. 

Secondly, meditation is also found to be fruitful in mitigating startup related stress. With meditation, you attain an inner peace that helps with self-evaluation. This process of introspection and self-evaluation helps deals with startup stress.

Get yourself a Mentor

No matter where you are on the success ladder and whatever you do, you always need someone to show you the right direction and tell you that everything is going to be alright. Get yourself a mentor and seek his help when you find yourself in a startup bottleneck. 

Talk about your problems, seek advice and implement. But remember, this is a never-ending process. Your mentor would show you light from his personal experience.

Also Read: Stressed at work? Here are 11 best meditation apps to help you relax

So, if one piece of advice doesn’t work out, do not lose hope. Rather, discuss again and seek new advice. This will not only remove the startup related stress but give you the ideas using which you can ensure tremendous growth for your business.

Focus on activity and not the outcome

There is no denying the fact that profit maximization is the ultimate aim of every startup. But you need to show patience with such outcomes.

In a startup, your main focus should be the activity and the process whereas the outcome and the profit should be given secondary importance. This will help you reduce a great deal of startup related stress.

Keeping these simple things in mind, you can get rid of the stress that hinders the growth of a startup.

These steps will not only minimize your stress but it will ensure your grooming and mental development as well which is important to become a successful businessman.


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Image Credit:  José Martín Ramírez C

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