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Why your startup needs a good insurance program

A thorough insurance plan is the only protection against unexpected accidents for your startup

A startup needs to be handled with care. While in the middle of the opening, or even working on current concepts, one small mistake can lead to a total meltdown.

Accidents occur, and preventing them is essential, but there is no way to stop some occurrences. You must cover the business property and even go beyond when it comes to liability for your customers.

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Most startups that fall because of an unsatisfactory insurance policy are surprised when the moment arrives that there is a sum they have to cover themselves.

Do not be that startup.

Every business has certain risks

Startups in any field will have risks which need covering. Depending on the type of business, large machinery will need covered, or protecting customers from accidents on the business’ property. It is entirely dependent on the startup.

Be sure to know the risks in your business, no matter how unlikely they are to occur. Know what is working for one business may not help with the needs of your company.

Anyone who steps on the property, especially visiting clients have the potential to suffer an injury, and the company will be held accountable.

The responsibility a business has to its employees is also essential when it comes to what aspects need to be covered if the company has them.

Your company becomes liable for the employees as soon as they are hired. So, be sure to have your policy in place before adding employees, since the premiums will change drastically.

Liability does not only extend to bodily harm but breaching private data is a risk in most businesses. When you hold client information, their data is protected under the law, so the startup is liable for any web hacks.

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This was not such a big issue in the past, but now since most businesses have an online presence, it is becoming an insurable aspect of a business.

There is more than one type of insurance

Having thorough coverage of the startup reflects your knowledge of the different types of small business insurance. Specific insurances will only cover certain circumstances, and the number of people or vehicles are variant, as well.

There is a general liability and professional liability. These two insurances are not interchangeable.

General liability will cover losses from theft, damage, and be a broad coverage amount for bodily injury. Professional liability is the company’s protection against being sued or servicing people because of errors and omissions.

It is always smart to protect the business you run, even if you do not think of the option of ever being sued.

Policy and claims loopholes are everywhere

Claim amounts do not always align with what is covered in your policy. Always look for the small details, so no price gap will come from the pockets of the startup.

There is gap insurance, which is an extra precaution covering any amount after your liability coverage.

Some insurances have specific items they cover. Even if you think something is covered, always double-check within the policy.

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This is true for every aspect of happenstance that could occur. For example, if the company’s area has large amounts of hurricanes, water damage needs special insurance care.

Any coverage dispute is a hassle

Even if you have a good case, and you are sure your startup will win the dispute with the insurance process, it is still long and tedious.

Avoid even getting to this point by having a perfect amount of insurance for your scaling business. The dispute will take a lot of time to be settled and will be an added hassle for running a business.

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Image Credit:  yupiramos

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